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NCT ID: NCT06459531 Active, not recruiting - Chronic Stroke Clinical Trials

Effect of VR VS Conservative Treatment in Sensorimotor Function of Upper Extremity in Chronic Stroke Patients

Start date: November 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Virtual reality (VR) therapy has shown promising results in improving sensorimotor function of the upper extremity in chronic stroke patients compared to conservative treatments. VR offers immersive, interactive environments that can enhance motivation and engagement in rehabilitation exercises. Studies have indicated that VR can lead to significant improvements in motor function, coordination, and strength of the affected upper limb.

NCT ID: NCT06454279 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Cognitive Motor Dual Task Versus Task Specific Training on Cognition and Motor Functioning in Stroke Patients

Start date: May 30, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study focuses on Dual Task Training as daily living involves many dual task conditions, in which a person requires to do two or more tasks at same time. without the ability to carry out these types of Dual movements. This study aims to improve the ability to do two tasks at same time, targeted to decrease the risk of fall in stroke patients. This study helps in understanding how multiple tasks simultaneously affects patients' abilities and creating effectiveness programs.

NCT ID: NCT06451965 Active, not recruiting - Clinical trials for Post-stroke Depression

SCED - Wisdom Enhancement for Post-Stroke Depression

Start date: September 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

One-third of stroke survivors experience post-stroke depression, but there are currently no official guidelines for supporting them. Researchers aim to investigate whether the wisdom enhancement timeline technique can reduce depression in stroke survivors. The investigators also want to understand how this technique positively impacts mood, identity, self-esteem, and wisdom. The study will involve nine stroke survivors from the National Health Service (NHS) to gain insights into effective ways to support those with post-stroke depression.

NCT ID: NCT06450054 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Effects of Aerobic Training in Diabetic vs Non-Diabetic Post-Stroke Patients

Start date: November 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study aims to investigate the effects of aerobic training in post-stroke patients, both diabetic and non-diabetic, in terms of their metabolic response to exercise and psychosocial well-being. It is crucial to understand the metabolic changes that occur due to stroke and diabetes, including glucose and lipid profiles.

NCT ID: NCT06401655 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Financial Coaching for Adults Living With Acquired Brain Injury

Start date: February 21, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This pilot study will utilize a longitudinal concurrent mixed-methods research design that gathers and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data overtime about a new 10-session financial coaching program the investigators have developed. The data collected will be used to inform improvements to future related studies and programs for people living with acquired brain injury (ABI). These mixed-methods data from each method will be integrated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intervention (i.e., the financial coaching program). Each individualized intervention per ABI-survivor participant will be completed over 3-4 months (i.e., 12-14 weeks).

NCT ID: NCT06367543 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Guideline-recommended Basic Parameter Adherence in Neurocritical Care Patients

Start date: November 30, 2022
Study type: Observational

The aim of the planned study project is to assess the current situation regarding the treatment of patients with severe stroke at the neuro-critical care unit. Specifically, determination of whether the target parameters recommended in the guidelines for temperature, systolic blood pressure, mean arterial blood pressure, blood glucose, arterial oxygen partial pressure and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure had to be maintained. From the planned data analysis, the need for the introduction of cerebrovascular bundles can be derived and planned.

NCT ID: NCT06365931 Active, not recruiting - Stroke/Brain Attack Clinical Trials

Physiological and Functional Effects of Percutaneous Neuromodulation vs Transcutaneous Neuromodulation

Start date: February 16, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

INTRODUCTION: Clubfoot, drop foot or clubfoot, is a disorder that prevents reaching 100º of dorsiflexion actively. Its etiology is varied, and may be due to congenital problems, direct alteration of the bone structure, spasticity or shortening of the posterior musculature (triceps suralis), a neurological factor or a combination of several. Thus, we can differentiate between congenital clubfoot and acquired clubfoot. Stroke is one of the main causes of acquired clubfoot, which is due to paralysis of the dorsiflexor musculature and/or spasticity of the plantar flexor musculature. Electrical stimulation is able to increase muscle activation by depolarization of the motor plate and modulation of nerve conduction. This can be done transcutaneously, through surface electrodes or percutaneously through needles, so neuromodulation is presented as a tool applicable to the pathology of the equine foot, if we take into account the increased activation of the dorsiflexors of the foot. OBJECTIVE: The main objective is to evaluate which of the techniques, percutaneous or transcutaneous, is more effective for the approach of clubfoot in post-stroke patients. METHODOLOGY: a clinical trial with randomized probabilistic assignment in four groups is proposed: G1 (percutaneous neuromodulation): patients will receive a needle circuit approaching the deep peroneal nerve in an ultrasound-guided manner. They will receive a 20-30Hz symmetrical biphasic current; G2 (transcutaneous neuromodulation): patients will have a superficial electrode circuit placed over the belly of the tibialis anterior muscle. They will receive a symmetrical biphasic current of 20-30Hz; G3 (placebo-percutaneous group): in which the patients will receive the neuromodulation circuit with needles at 0 intensity; G2 (placebo-transcutaneous group): the patients will receive the electrodes at 0 intensity over the belly of the tibialis anterior muscle. The variables to be analyzed are: anthropometric variables (age, weight, height, BMI), muscle oxygenation (SatO2, O2Hb, HHb and THb), muscle strength of the foot dorsiflexors measured with dynamometer, muscle activation by surface electromyography, active and passive joint balance with goniometry or inclinometer, assessment of gait and balance, assessment of load distribution by static and dynamic pressure platform, spasticity and questionnaire on quality of life and functionality. The acute effects after one intervention session (pre-post intervention of one session) and the effects after a 10-session program will be analyzed.

NCT ID: NCT06344312 Active, not recruiting - Clinical trials for Stroke, Acute Ischemic

Effectiveness of Yangxue Qingnao Granules in Preventing Post Thrombolytic Hemorrhage Transformation in Patients With Acute Cerebral Infarction

Start date: January 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Evaluate the effectiveness of Yangxue Qingnao Granules in preventing post thrombolytic hemorrhage transformation in patients with acute cerebral infarction, and explore its possible mechanism

NCT ID: NCT06315153 Active, not recruiting - Ischemic Stroke Clinical Trials

Comprehensive Assessment of Atherosclerotic Ischemic Stroke Risk and Development of a Prediction Model

Start date: January 3, 2022
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

This observational study was designed for the assessment of plaque vulnerability in patients with carotid atherosclerotic stenosis and the development of predictive models for the occurrence and recurrence of atherosclerotic ischemic stroke. The objectives of the study were as follows: first, to integrate the degree of carotid stenosis and plaque characteristics assessed by vascular ultrasound for a comprehensive assessment of plaque vulnerability; second, to develop an assessment tool for the risk of future ischemic stroke in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis by combining vascular risk factors, serologic markers, carotid ultrasound characteristics, and contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic parameters; and third, to incorporate vascular ultrasound parameters into existing predictive models of ischemic stroke recurrence risk to develop a risk assessment tool for atherosclerotic ischemic stroke. The main questions it aims to answer are: - How to screen high-risk patients and those eligible for revascularization from asymptomatic carotid stenosis patients for primary prevention of stroke. - How to improve the prediction accuracy of atherosclerotic ischemic stroke based on existing prediction models for secondary prevention of stroke.

NCT ID: NCT06297044 Active, not recruiting - Healthy Clinical Trials

Neural and Cognitive Correlates of Pragmatic Abilities

Start date: March 29, 2018
Study type: Observational

Pragmatics of language refers to the set of abilities that allow one to use and interpret language according to context and, in general, to communicate effectively. Disorders in the pragmatics of language are prevalent in various clinical populations. They are a cause of social withdrawal and worse quality of life, both for patients directly affected and for their family members. Despite this, this type of disorder is rarely considered in neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. This study's objective is to characterize pragmatic deficits in various neurological populations, allowing for the most accurate diagnosis possible and leading to the planning of personalized and effective Rehabilitation Plans.