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Depression clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT06469476 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Depression, Postpartum

Evaluation of Access to Screening for Post-partum Depression Via the Postnatal Interview Within 8 Weeks of Birth in Women Who Have Gave Birth at the Troyes Hospital ( DEPRESSIONPP )

Start date: March 1, 2024
Study type: Observational

Post-partum depression is defined as a depressive disorder with onset of symptoms in the year following childbirth. Several international studies have reported a prevalence of this condition of around pathology of around 15%. Santé publique France's 2021 national perinatal survey corroborated these figures, finding a prevalence of post-partum depression in France of in France of 16.7%. It is therefore a frequent pathology that can cause complications for both mother and child. The complications both for the mother and for the mother-child bond. Indeed, post-partum depression can lead to an increased risk of infanticide, weaker mother-child attachment, and altered parental behaviour. post-partum depression can lead to maternal suicide (the second leading cause cause of maternal mortality in France). Despite the potential seriousness of severe depression and its impact on the on the mother-child bond, just under half of those suffering from severe depression suffering from severe depression consult a healthcare professional. Fear of being judged or stigmatised, linked to misperceptions about the episode, is one of the main obstacles to consultation. Of being judged or stigmatised, linked to erroneous representations of the depressive episode. Given the scale of this condition, and the difficulties young mothers face in seeking help for young mothers to seek help, it is vital to screen postpartum women as widely and post-partum women as early as possible. In view of the extent of this condition and the difficulties young mothers have in seeking help for young mothers, it is vital to screen post-partum women as widely and as post-partum. With this in mind, from July 2022, a compulsory early post-natal interview has been introduced, designed to screen for postpartum depression.

NCT ID: NCT06468020 Not yet recruiting - Gamification Clinical Trials

The Gather: Town Gaming Intervention for Depression Management

Start date: December 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Aim This study aims to explore the experience of depression among pregnant adolescents in Thailand and assess the effectiveness of the gaming intervention for relieving depressive symptoms. Methods The study will adopt an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design. It comprises two phases: a qualitative and a quantitative sub-study to answer the research questions. Phase one is a qualitative sub-study to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of pregnant adolescents with depression and their perceptions of interventions for relieving depressive symptoms. This sub-study will conduct in-depth interviews and content analysis with 20 pregnant adolescents selected through purposive sampling from an antenatal care clinic. The interview results will be used to develop the gaming intervention for depression management. Phase two is a quantitative sub-study conducted through a quasi-experimental design with 64 participants, divided into an intervention group of 32 and a control group of 32. Convenience and snowball sampling will be performed. The effect of the oGBL intervention will be evaluated on the primary outcome of depression symptoms/levels and secondary outcomes including knowledge of depression, coping skills, perceived social support, and help-seeking attitudes. Initial feedback from users on the gaming intervention will also be examined. Data will be collected using self-report questionnaires and open-ended questions. Assessments will be conducted at four time points: baseline, after the intervention, and at the 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square tests, and ANCOVA will be used for data analysis. Finally, data from the qualitative and quantitative sub-studies will be merged to interpret the effects of the gaming intervention for depression management among Thai pregnant adolescents.

NCT ID: NCT06467695 Not yet recruiting - Parkinson Disease Clinical Trials

Low Voltage Electrical Stimulation for Depression in Parkinson's Patients

Start date: August 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the relative efficacy of fMRI model guided Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (mgTDCS) in improving the depressive symptoms of patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD). The main questions it aims to answer are: 1) Can the use of mgTDCS significantly improve the self-reported level of depression and apathy in patients with PD from pre-intervention to post-intervention compared to a sham control? 2) Can the use of mgTDCS significantly normalize the cortical eeg alpha asymmetry so commonly seen in depressed patients compared to sham mgTDCS? 3) Can the use of mgTDCS significantly improve scores on neuropsychological tests of working memory?

NCT ID: NCT06467474 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD

Psychoeducational Group for Depression

Start date: March 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study aims to investigate the efficacy of a psychoeducational program as an adjunctive treatment for depression. The study will involve 338 patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) of moderate severity. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either Treatment as usual (TAU) alone or TAU plus the psychoeducational program. The program consists of six weekly group sessions covering information and techniques for coping with depression. Primary outcomes include a reduction in depressive symptoms measured by the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and increased knowledge of depression. Secondary outcomes include improvements in functionality and quality of life. The study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of psychoeducation in improving outcomes for individuals with depression

NCT ID: NCT06465680 Recruiting - Depression Clinical Trials

Intern Health Study 2024

Start date: July 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this trial is to evaluate the efficacy of an intervention (delivered through a smartphone) for improving the mood, physical activity, and sleep of medical interns.

NCT ID: NCT06464627 Completed - Depression Clinical Trials

Physical Activity Reduces Anxiety and Depression in Youth Affected by Displacement: a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Game Connect Program in Uganda

Game Connect
Start date: September 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This randomized controlled trial investigated 12 weeks of physical activity or to 12 weeks in a waiting control condition in youth aged 15 to 24 years old affected by displacement.

NCT ID: NCT06464575 Enrolling by invitation - Depression/Anxiety Clinical Trials

Comparison of Vocal Biomarkers for Depression and Anxiety to Formal Clinical Assessments

Start date: January 12, 2024
Study type: Observational

Participants will be recruited to complete self reported surveys normally used as standards of care for screening and monitoring depression and anxiety symptom severity, provide a voice sample composed of an answer to open ended questions and then be assessed by a mental health professional using structured and clinically validated assessment tools for depression and anxiety. Their voice will be analyzed by machine learning models that predict the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms. The models' performance will be compared to the clinician assessments and how that correlation compares to a similar comparison between the clinician assessments with the self reported surveys. It is hypothesized that the performance of the machine learning models in assessing the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms is no worse than the self reported surveys when both are compared to clinician assessments. It is also hypothesized that presence or absence of the diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be predicted better than chance by the analysis of the participant's voice sample using machine learning models.

NCT ID: NCT06464445 Not yet recruiting - Neuromodulation Clinical Trials

Optimization of iTBS for Depression

Start date: July 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Repetitive TMS (rTMS) is a well-established method for modulating brain activity. Through successive stimulations in the form of magnetic fields, it is possible to modify the sensitivity of neurons in the brain, also known as cortical excitability. Cortical excitability is important for the induction of brain plasticity, the ability of the brain to reorganize itself and form new connections in response to stimuli. A particular class of rTMS, intermittent theta burst TMS (iTBS), is commonly used to modulate cortical excitability and induce plasticity for therapeutic purposes, notably for treatment-resistant depression. Different iTBS stimulation parameters can be used to induce plasticity. This study will focus on two parameters, namely, the form and duration of the electromagnetic stimulation. The shape of the electromagnetic pulse refers to how the electromagnetic wave is configured over time, while the duration is simply the period during which this electromagnetic pulse remains active. These parameters are expected to influence the effectiveness of iTBS in modulating cortical activity but remain little studied. The main aim of this study will be to compare the effectiveness of different stimulation parameters in the induction of plasticity, which will then make it possible to improve the rTMS protocols used for treatment-resistant depression.

NCT ID: NCT06464328 Completed - Clinical trials for Unrecognized Condition

The Impact of Tai Chi Combined With Music Therapy Intervention on Depression and Anxiety Among College Students

Start date: February 5, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to investigate the effects of Tai Chi combined with music therapy on alleviating depression and anxiety among college students. Depression and anxiety are prevalent among college students and have a significant impact on their lives and academic performance. Therefore, exploring effective interventions is crucial for promoting the mental health of college students.

NCT ID: NCT06462638 Not yet recruiting - Preterm Birth Clinical Trials

COntact RElationship in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Start date: November 1, 2024
Study type: Observational

The present research project aims to explore the value that contact relationships between caregivers and the preterm infant may have in terms of promoting developmental and maturational processes,by attending to the neurobehavioral states of the infant in response to maternal and paternal voice. The study is aimed at furthering the still underdeveloped knowledge regarding the possible effects of the paternal voice on the neurobehavioral states of the preterm infant in the crib, comparing them with the effects of exposure to the maternal voice and the voice of a familiar but non-parental figure, such as the NICU nurse. These behavioral states will also be observed as a function of the psychological condition of the parents, investigating the presence of a possible postpartum depressive condition and/or anxiety of the mother and symptomatology attributable to perinatal affective disorders in the fathers, which are often overlooked; and again, the neurobehavioral responses of the infants will be correlated with the neurophysiological responses of the parents/nurses who interact with them through voice and touch. The research aims to have a direct impact on both parents and health care personnel: in addition to questionnaires dedicated to screening parents for perinatal psychological disorders, artificial intelligence systems will be used to intercept possible postpartum depression early by recording the maternal voice, enabling the activation of a psychological support intervention and reducing the negative impact that a postpartum depression has on the early mother-child relationship. In addition, information on parent-child interactive modalities will be able to further guide the intake of assignment and particularly the accompaniment of parents during the time of hospitalization.