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NCT ID: NCT06464575 Enrolling by invitation - Depression/Anxiety Clinical Trials

Comparison of Vocal Biomarkers for Depression and Anxiety to Formal Clinical Assessments

Start date: January 12, 2024
Study type: Observational

Participants will be recruited to complete self reported surveys normally used as standards of care for screening and monitoring depression and anxiety symptom severity, provide a voice sample composed of an answer to open ended questions and then be assessed by a mental health professional using structured and clinically validated assessment tools for depression and anxiety. Their voice will be analyzed by machine learning models that predict the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms. The models' performance will be compared to the clinician assessments and how that correlation compares to a similar comparison between the clinician assessments with the self reported surveys. It is hypothesized that the performance of the machine learning models in assessing the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms is no worse than the self reported surveys when both are compared to clinician assessments. It is also hypothesized that presence or absence of the diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be predicted better than chance by the analysis of the participant's voice sample using machine learning models.

NCT ID: NCT06389175 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Depressive Disorder, Major

Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Tool to Modulate Stomach-Brain Coupling in Depression

Start date: May 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The overarching goal of the project is to determine whether differences in stomach-brain coupling contribute to key symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD) and whether transcutaneous non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) may serve as a non-invasive intervention to improve aberrant interoceptive signaling in participants suffering from MDD.

NCT ID: NCT06377891 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

The Effect of Emotional Resilience Training on Fear of Birth and Depression in Primiparous Pregnant Women

Start date: April 16, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Although birth has a great place in a woman's life, factors such as the woman's education level, personal experiences, social support status, whether the pregnancy is planned or not, the family's attitude towards pregnancy, and socioeconomic status increase the burden of pregnancy and can create a stressful situation for the woman. While the pain that may be experienced during birth, thoughts about the baby's health and postpartum baby care further increase this fear, primiparous women who will give birth for the first time experience many emotions that they cannot define and cannot predict the situations they will encounter during birth. The most important situation that will cause pain during birth is fear. So much so that fear of birth may cause women to avoid pregnancy and increase optional abortions.In particular, fear of birth may increase cesarean delivery rates and also lead to negative maternal outcomes such as poor mental health after birth. Fear experienced during the antenatal period can lead to difficult births, mother-baby attachment problems, and depression. While fear of birth causes depression and anxiety disorders in the postpartum period, it is stated that depression experienced during pregnancy may increase the fear of birth, or fear of birth may be a hidden symptom of depression. It is noted that emotional regulation skills and resilience in pregnant women can be effective strategies in minimizing and managing fear, anxiety, stress, and anxiety. Emotional resilience is defined as the style of coping with stress, the ability to repair oneself, the ability to recover from adverse events quickly, and the state of adapting to a new environment. In particular, individuals with high emotional resilience can protect their physical and mental health and increase their life satisfaction by reducing the negative consequences they experience. With the emotional resilience training given during pregnancy, pregnant women's stress, fear, and anxiety will be reduced, and they will be able to cope better with the difficulties they experience. This research will be conducted to examine the effect of emotional resilience training given to primiparous pregnant women on fear of childbirth and depression.

NCT ID: NCT06285474 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

Investigating LIFUP in Anhedonic Depression

Start date: October 27, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will observe changes in brain imaging, behavior, and symptom measures following intervention with low intensity focused ultrasound pulsation (LIFUP) targeting reward circuitry in individuals who are depressed and anhedonic.

NCT ID: NCT06281288 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy With Exercise Training in Adolescent Females With Elevated Depression Symptoms

Start date: December 25, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

PURPOSE: To Study the Effect of Cognitive-behavioral therapy combined with exercise training in adolescent females with elevated depression symptoms BACKGROUND: Teenagers are more likely than any other age group to experience psychological issues due to depression, Adolescents have gotten active attention from society for their mental health difficulties since they are a high-level reserve talent stratum in society. Adolescent depression rates have increased in recent years, and "silent killers" are preying on them. Teenagers are more likely than any other age group to experience psychological issues due to depression, Adolescents have gotten active attention from society for their mental health difficulties since they are a high-level reserve talent stratum in society. Adolescent depression rates have increased in recent years, and "silent killers" RESEARCH QUESTION: Is there is an effect of exercise on depression in adolescent girls.

NCT ID: NCT06251037 Enrolling by invitation - Depressive Symptoms Clinical Trials

"Youth Aware of Mental Health" in Galicia

Start date: January 15, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this interventional study is to assess the effectiveness of the universal suicide prevention program "Youth Aware of Mental Health" in 3rd-year secondary education students in Galicia. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Is the YAM program effective in reducing severe suicidal ideation at 12 months from baseline within the experimental group and compared to the control group? - Is the YAM program effective in preventing the incidence of new suicidal attempts, 12 months from baseline in the experimental group compared to the control group? All participants in this study will be asked to: Complete a survey at baseline and after 12 months, consisting of measures for suicidal ideation and behavior, depressive symptoms, seeking help behaviors, bullying, problematic internet use, and emotional distress. Only those allocated to the experimental group will be asked to: Undergo the YAM program, an evidence-based intervention structured into five one-hour class group sessions (45-50 min.), focused on problem-solving by peers. The program consists of interactive presentations, dilemma discussions, role-playing, and reflection, all moderated by a trained YAM instructor. Twelve months after the intervention, all participants will undergo a re-evaluation using the same protocol. The researchers will compare differences in pre- and post-measures within the experimental and control groups, as well as between both groups, to assess the impact of the YAM intervention on outcomes such as suicidal ideation and attempts. At the end of the study, those who were allocated to the control group are going to be offered the YAM intervention program.

NCT ID: NCT06238869 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

Online Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents (OMHICA)

Start date: January 26, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Mental health has become an increasing concern, especially among children and adolescents in schools. However, not all individuals in mental suboptimal states require pharmacological treatment. With the development of internet technology, internet-based psychological therapy methods are considered to have tremendous potential and are being given significant attention. Simultaneously, due to their convenience, these approaches are widely applied. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) can achieve its therapeutic effect by improving activation patterns of the brain's internal networks to promote self-regulation. Music Therapy (MT) can make peoples gradually relax via relaxing and soothing music, and regulate individual psychological emotions through the influence of music on individuals' cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and limbic system, further improve the mood of daily tension and anxiety. Health Education works to provide parents with knowledge and information about mental health, aiming to help them better understand and support their own and their children's mental health, thereby improving parent-child relationships. The study was designed as a randomized clinical trial with four groups, the CCBT group, the MT group, the Health Education group and the control group in children and adolescent .The CCBT group, the MT group, and the Health Education group all completed their interventions through online self-help therapy. The control group did not receive any intervention. Data collection was conducted by trained, certified and qualified personnel. The mental health intervention is a crucial component of the "School-based Evaluation Advancing Response for Child Health (SEARCH)" cohort study, focusing on observing changes in the population undergoing the intervention within the cohort study.

NCT ID: NCT06221280 Enrolling by invitation - Postoperative Pain Clinical Trials

Effects of Nerve Blocks on Pain After Caesarean Section and Postpartum Depression

Start date: November 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

At the end of your cesarean section surgery, which is started by applying medication to the spinal cavity from your waist, pain medication will be applied between the relevant muscle and its covering from your lower abdomen or back with the help of ultrasonography and a special block needle. Then, a patient-controlled pain device with a serum containing painkillers will be connected to your vascular access, and its use and purpose will be explained to you. You will be asked about your pain condition and the severity score of your pain, if any, at certain hourly intervals. At the end of 24 hours, a pain device will be removed, your satisfaction will be questioned and your complaints, if any, will be recorded. Immediately before surgery and 4-6 days after your surgery. An evaluation survey consisting of 10 questions will be asked to you within a 5-minute period during the weeks, at a time when you are free, and your answers will be recorded.

NCT ID: NCT06164756 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

Long Term Follow Up KET-PD

Start date: October 18, 2023
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this study is to examine a) the longer-term effects of ketamine for treating depression in Parkinson's disease (PD) and b) the effects of CBT on maintaining the effects of ketamine.

NCT ID: NCT06155838 Enrolling by invitation - Depression Clinical Trials

Reducing Depression and Anxiety Among Teens

Start date: November 27, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The objective of this clinical trial is to assess the efficacy of the Early Adolescent Skills for Emotions (EASE) program, a school-based, non-specialist psychosocial intervention developed by the WHO for LMICs, in alleviating Anxiety and Depression among teens aged 13-19. The primary inquiries it seeks to address include: Does the EASE intervention effectively reduce anxiety and depression scores 12 weeks after implementation? - Can the EASE intervention enhance quality of life, improve problem-solving skills, and increase perceived emotional support? - Is the EASE intervention beneficial for enhancing the psychological well-being of parents and fostering positive parent-teen relationships?