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Stroke clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04404166 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Phone-based Intervention Under Nurse Guidance After Stroke 2

Start date: March 28, 2020
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The overall objective of Phone-based Intervention under Nurse Guidance after Stroke II (PINGS-2) is to deploy a hybrid study design to firstly, demonstrate the efficacy of a theoretical-model-based, mHealth technology-centered, nurse-led, multi-level integrated approach to substantially improve longer term BP control among 500 recent stroke patients encountered at 10 hospitals in Ghana. Secondly, PINGS II seeks to develop an implementation strategy for routine integration and policy adoption of mhealth for post-stroke BP control in a LMIC setting. The investigators will leverage experience gained from the NIH Global Brain Disorders funded R21 pilot study (NS094033) to test efficacy of a refined, culturally-tailored, and potentially implementable intervention aimed at addressing the premier modifiable risk for stroke & other key variables in an under-resourced system burdened by suboptimal care & outcomes.

NCT ID: NCT04394546 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

CHAMPION-AF Clinical Trial

Start date: October 15, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The primary objective of this study is to determine if left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) with the WATCHMAN FLX device is a reasonable alternative to non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.

NCT ID: NCT04382963 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Stroke Prevention in the Wisconsin Native American Population

Start date: April 14, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This project will develop a "Stroke Awareness Team" including training of Oneida Health Service Coaches working in partnership with the UW team for a population-based health awareness program. This team will develop a series of Oneida Nation Healthy Living and Stroke Awareness Events (from now on health events) to provide education as to the severity of the problem as well as our standard therapies for lifestyle change and risk factor avoidance. This will include education of the healthy members of the tribe including the children to identify signs of stroke and TIA in their elders as well as to develop healthy lifestyles at the earliest of ages to influence the elders to modify their risks.

NCT ID: NCT04380363 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Safety and Usability of the Honda Walking Assist Device (HWA) in the Home Environment

Start date: June 30, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to verify the safety and validate the usability of the Honda Walk Assist (HWA) device in the home setting versus an exercise program without the device in a gym setting for individuals diagnosed with stroke. The investigators hypothesize that the HWA exoskeleton is a safe and effective device for use by individuals diagnosed with stroke in the home environment.

NCT ID: NCT04379687 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Immersive Virtual Reality in Post Stroke

Start date: July 28, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Physiotherapy intervention programs in the post-stroke patient should develop strategies to assess functional deficit, prevent poorly adaptive plasticity and maximize functional gain. For relearning and functional training, the required activities require motor control and must comply with the following principles: movements close to normal, muscular activation, movement conduction, focused attention, repetition of desired movements, specificity of training, intensity and transfer. These principles underlie the most widely used conventional physiotherapy intervention programs in the hospital setting. Advances in technology have made it possible to start using immersive VR in the therapeutic approach to various pathologies that affect motor function.

NCT ID: NCT04373993 Active, not recruiting - Stroke, Acute Clinical Trials

Prehospital Minutes Count During a Stroke.

Start date: June 1, 2018
Study type: Observational

The ultimate objective is to improve the efficacy of prehospital procedures for patients suffering an acute stroke. Increased precision in prehospital selection and a more efficient transport chain will lead to an even more rapid start of treatment and thus benefit patients. The research project has two parts: one part collecting data from medical reports and one study with qualitative in-depth interviews. The project will gather data from various parts of Norway and from a University hospital in Switzerland for comparison between regions and countries. Data will be retrieved through intrahospital and prehospital medical records from various parts of Norway (Nordland Hospital, Akershus University Hospital and Helgeland Hospital) and from Basel University hospital in Switzerland. Knowledge of factors associated with delays will be compared for regions in the north and south of Norway, as well as abroad. The information obtained will be analysed to identify components in the chain that may be improved as concerns time saving.

NCT ID: NCT04369976 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Short Arm Human Centrifuge Therapeutic Training and Rehabilitation (GRACER1)

Start date: February 1, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study is a single blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to examine the benefit of a short arm human centrifuge intervention program (SAHC) combined with exercise, compared to a standard of care (SOC) rehabilitation program in physically impaired patients with MS, stroke, severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and elderly people with balance and gait disorders (risk of falls).

NCT ID: NCT04364854 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Speech Entrainment for Aphasia Recovery

Start date: August 21, 2020
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

After a stroke, many people experience a language impairment called aphasia. One of the most debilitating types of aphasia is non-fluent aphasia. Non-fluent aphasia is defined by significantly reduced speech production, with the speaker producing only a few words or even less. Speech entrainment therapy (SET) is a treatment that has been shown to increase fluency in people with non-fluent aphasia. The study looks to define the best dose of SET that leads to sustained improvements in spontaneous speech production. Participants who are eligible will undergo baseline language testing, an MRI, and will be randomized into one of 4 treatment groups: SET for 3 weeks, SET for 4.5 weeks, SET for 6 weeks, and no treatment (control group).

NCT ID: NCT04352790 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Multifactorial Risk Stratification in Stroke Patients With Cardiac Disease

Start date: March 1, 2012
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Prospective registry for multifactorial risk factor assessment, enrolling consecutive ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attack patients with structural, inflammatory, or arrhythmogenic cardiac disease, who are admitted to our University Hospital.

NCT ID: NCT04337697 Active, not recruiting - Stroke Clinical Trials

Neonatal Seizure Registry - Developmental Functional EValuation

Start date: March 15, 2020
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

The NSR-DEV study is a longitudinal cohort study of around 280 Neonatal Seizure Registry participants that aims to evaluate childhood outcomes after acute symptomatic neonatal seizures, as well as examine risk factors for developmental disabilities and whether these are modified by parent well-being.