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NCT ID: NCT05938608 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

A Study to Assess the Availability of Oral Primaquine and Its Inert Metabolite, Carboxyprimaquine, in the Body

Start date: March 2024
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

An open-label pharmacokinetic study. This study will enroll 20 healthy adult subjects (10 males and 10 females aged 18-60 years) at the Clinical Therapeutics Unit or inpatient ward, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand. The investigator propose to conduct a definitive bioavailability and pharmacokinetic study in healthy adult volunteers, both male and female, with normal CYP2D6 genotypes to assess oral primaquine bioavailability by the administration of intravenous and oral primaquine on different days and calculate the proportion of drug converted to its inactive metabolite, carboxyprimaquine, in order to estimate the proportion of its active metabolites. The intravenous injection of the known amount of carboxyprimaquine will allow the calculation of carboxyprimaquine's volume of distribution.

NCT ID: NCT05903664 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

Retinal Deep Phenotyping.TM

Start date: November 30, 2023
Study type: Observational

This study aims to collect a baseline dataset of MHRC retinal scans that will be used for the pre-training of deep learning models from the hyperspectral retinal image phenotypic features that may form the basis for multiple future classification applications. As an exploratory study, there are no endpoints per se, however, the following sub-objective will be evaluated for determining the success of this study: - Collection and characterization of MHRC retinal images from at least 250 participants that score at least 80 on the real-time Quality Index (included in the MHRC software). - Development of at least one (1) DL model of the retina. Models may be used for the development of novel classifier tests and potential use in a clinical setting.

NCT ID: NCT05830214 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

Digital Smartwatch Measurements as Potential Biomarkers for Remote Disease Tracking in ALS

Start date: January 2024
Study type: Observational

This observational study will use new smartwatch technology to continuously and remotely monitor the health of ALS patients and healthy controls over time. This information will be used to develop digital biomarkers for ALS.

NCT ID: NCT05802472 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

Effect of an Polyphenolic Beverage in Healthy Volunteers

Start date: April 6, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Currently, there are different strategies to prevent the effect of beverages and foods on blood glucose levels after ingestion. In this sense, polyphenols are a promising field; these compounds are secondary metabolites produced by plants, vegetables, and fruits; of these compounds, gallic acid, quercetin, and kaempferol stand out for their antihyperglycemic characteristics through a) complex formation, b) enzymatic inhibition, c) affecting transport and, d) stimulation of the secretion of intestinal satiety hormones. Vachellia farnesiana (VF) is a shrub distributed in arid, semi-arid, and tropical regions of Mexico and the world. The polyphenols of the fruits of VF in pre-clinical studies by this research group have shown important antioxidant activity and antihyperglycemic effects. The present proposal aims to evaluate the effect of the polyphenolic extract of Vachellia farnesiana on glycemic response and to monitor liver and renal function tests as a safety control in healthy volunteers through developing a Phase I clinical study.

NCT ID: NCT05749523 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

The Influence of Exercise and Hydration to the Pharmacological Response to Inhaled Terbutalin and Salbutamol in Men

Start date: November 2013
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

To investigate the effects of dehydration and exercise for the urine secretion of beta2-agonists.

NCT ID: NCT05640310 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

Prospective Study to Validate the Clinical Accuracy of Norbert Device to Measure Body Temperature

Start date: March 2023
Study type: Observational

The study will evaluate the clinical bias and clinical repeatability of measuring body temperature using the Norbert Device (ND).

NCT ID: NCT05580250 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

A Study of LY3526318 in Healthy Male Japanese Participants

Start date: November 22, 2022
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

This is a study of LY3526318 in healthy male Japanese. The main purposes of this study are to: - Assess how safe and well tolerated LY3526318 is when given by mouth. - Measure how LY3526318 affects the kidney and the liver. The study will be conducted in three parts (Part A, Part B, Part C). Participants may only enroll in one part. After screening, the study will last from one to two weeks, depending on part.

NCT ID: NCT05472363 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

TMS-EEG for Cortical Excitability

Start date: July 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This research study is being done to look at the safety and diagnostic benefit of conducting an TMS(transcranial magnetic stimulation)-EEG measured before and after a brief experimental stimulation session using investigational devices repetitive TMS or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).

NCT ID: NCT05467761 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

Bioavailability Study of Psilocybin in Normal Adults

Start date: June 2023
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this research study is to compare an oral dose of psilocybin and an intravenous (IV) infusion of psilocybin to assess differences in how the drug is absorbed by the body, the psychedelic experience, and any side effects when taken by healthy adult participants. Participants can expect to be in the study for approximately 12 weeks.

NCT ID: NCT05451095 Withdrawn - Healthy Clinical Trials

A Study in Healthy Men to Test Whether BI 474121 Can Reverse the Memory Problems Caused by Ketamine

Start date: November 7, 2022
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

To investigate the effect of BI 474121 compared to placebo on ketamine-induced cognitive deficits to predict efficacy in patients with cognitive disorders.