View clinical trials related to Coronary Artery Disease.
Filter by:This cardiac registry study will collect information from patients with ischemic or non-ischemic heart failure that have been treated with adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) delivered via intramyocardial injection.
Prospective, multi-centre, randomized, open-label, parallel comparisons to evaluate - the incidence of bleedings (COSTA-Bleed) and - the incidence of ischemic and bleeding events (COSTA-Outcome) following a therapy with the abluminal sirolimus coated bio-engineered stent (COMBO stent) in association with short-term single antiplatelet therapy as compared to a guidelines-based strategy in patients with coronary artery disease with an indication for chronic oral anticoagulant therapy.
This study is a non-randomized prospective cohort study that will define the rate of index atherosclerotic plaque development in adults with a prior coronary artery calcium (CAC) score of 0 given prior CAC zero > 5 years previous. Ancillary testing of serum, whole blood, and endothelial dysfunction will be performed to investigate any detectable systemic processes that predict CAC development.
The purpose of this investigation is to compare subjects at high risk for silent myocardial ischemia in the placebo group to subjects at high risk for silent myocardial ischemia in the ranolazine group to determine if ranolazine can be used as a treatment to decrease silent myocardial ischemia (SMI). Subjects at high risk for silent myocardial ischemia are defined in this protocol as diabetics with stable ischemic heart disease. This study will look at the impact ranolazine treatment has on biomarkers that have been shown to be highly associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality in relation to SMI. If the hypothesis is correct, further studies can be conducted to determine if treatment with ranolazine has impact on long-term outcomes such as hospitalizations, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure or sudden cardiac death.
This study is designed to test the hypothesis that the Biguard stent system will lead to fewer target lesion failure compared to regular stent system in patients with coronary bifurcation lesions at one year.
The aim of the study is to test whether, in patients with angina and flow limiting epicardial coronary artery disease, pre-treatment with Ivabradine, as opposed to beta blockers, will reduce post percutaneous coronary intervention induced microvascular dysfunction.
Left Ventricular Assist Devices are commonly used to assist failing hearts as a bridge to transplantation or for long-term support. The purpose of the MESenchymal stem cell therapy and Left Ventricular Assist Device program is to improve heart function with stem cell therapy and attempt to wean patients from HeartMate Left Ventricular Assist Device.
This is a preliminary, open-label, clinical trial designed to assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of vortioxetine for the treatment of major depressive disorder in patients with coronary artery disease. In addition, the study will assess the effects of vortioxetine on heart rate variability in these patients.
Anti-anginal drugs relieve ischemia and symptoms by reducing myocardial oxygen demand by reducing heart rate and or contractility (beta-blockers, phenylalkylamine and benzothiazepineate classes of calcium antagonists) or vasodilatation of the venous system (fall in pre-load) and coronary vessels. Late sodium channels remain open for longer in the presence of myocardial ischaemia. Ranolazine, a novel anti-anginal agent, acts by inhibiting the inward late inward sodium current (INaL), reducing intracellular sodium accumulation and consequently intracellular calcium overload via the sodium/calcium exchanger. It is currently thought that this reduction in intracellular calcium reduces diastolic myocardial stiffness and therefore compression of the small coronary vessels. There is considerable animal data to support this theory. There are good theoretical reasons to postulate that patients with chronically occluded vessels may derive less benefit from conventional anti-anginal agents, particularly vasodilators. The ischemic myocardium, subtended by the occluded vessel, will already be subject to significant concentrations of paracrine vasodilators such as adenosine. Ranolazine, therefore, may on the basis of its mechanism of action, provide greater relief of ischemia in such patients than conventional anti-anginal agents.
Background: - Heart disease is the leading cause of death and disabilities in the United States. Diets high in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of heart disease. Fruits, including red tart cherries and purple aroniaberries, may be especially beneficial. Researchers want to know how tart cherry and aroniaberry extracts affect heart health. Objective: - To study the benefits of tart cherry and aroniaberry extract on vascular function and other measures. These include inflammation, oxidation, and cholesterol. Eligibility: - Men and post-menopausal women ages 55 70 in good health and with normal or slightly high blood pressure or cholesterol. Design: - Participants will be screened with a physical exam, medical history, and blood tests. - Participants will have 6 visits. They will have blood taken at every visit. - Visit 1: - Blood vessel tests. Participants will lie down. Heart rhythm will be monitored. A device will be placed on the upper arm, and pictures of blood vessels will be taken. - A blood pressure cuff will be tightened around the lower arm for 5 minutes. - Cardio-Ankle-Vascular Index (CAVI). Blood pressure cuffs will be placed on both arms and legs. They will be tightened with air at the same time for a few minutes. - Participants will be assigned to one of three groups. For 3 weeks each, in random order, they will take: aroniaberry capsules, tart cherry capsules, placebo capsules, and no capsules. - Participants will answer questions online about their eating and exercise. - Participants will be keep a record of what they eat for a few periods. They will come for a study visit every 3 weeks through week 15.