View clinical trials related to Coronary Artery Disease.
Filter by:To assess the efficacy and side-effects of re-infusion of unwashed shed blood during off-pump coronary artery surgery using a novel cardiotomy circuit.
The progression of cardiac revascularization techniques, starting with standard balloon angioplasty (POBA) and progressing to the creation of drug-coated balloons (DCB) and drug-eluting stents (DES). The study's justification is presented, with a focus on the significance of comprehending the clinical and angiographic outcomes of DCB angioplasty, especially when considering the Bangladeshi population. This study's main goal is to observe the clinical and angiographic outcomes of drug-coated balloon angioplasty after native coronary lesions that have been successfully revascularized. A few specific goals are to evaluate angiographic results (like percentage diameter stenosis, vascular remodelling, restenosis, and thrombosis) after DCB angioplasty and to assess clinical outcomes (like worsening angina, target vessel MI, ischemia-driven TLR, and cardiac mortality). This observational study will take place from January to December 2024 at the Department of Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. The study population will be individuals who had successful revascularization of native coronary lesions with DCB angioplasty six months before. The study includes non-randomized purposive sampling, and the sample size will be determined by drawing on previous studies. Every patient will receive a thorough clinical assessment that includes a history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, and biochemical testing. The data will be analysed in accordance with the assessment of angiographic outcomes by follow-up angiography. The purpose of this study is to give useful insights into the clinical and angiographic results of DCB angioplasty in Bangladeshi patients with native coronary lesions, including the growing body of knowledge on the efficacy and safety of this therapeutic strategy in specific populations.
For the management of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), some guidelines recommend initial statin treatment with high-intensity statins to achieve at least a 50% reduction in LDL-C levels. High-intensity or maximally tolerated intensity can be maintained without a target goal. However, the European guideline recommends less than 55 mg/dL of LDL-C after PCI.
Despite the increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes), the prognostic impact of switching to E-cigarettes in smokers with coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains uncertain.
Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) encompass a spectrum of cardiovascular disorders characterized by the sudden onset of myocardial ischemia. They are primarily caused by atherosclerotic plaque rupture or erosion, leading to partial or complete occlusion of the coronary arteries. Among the various coronary arteries affected, left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD) is of particular concern due to its high anatomical significance and potential for adverse outcomes The left main coronary artery (LMCA) is responsible for supplying a substantial portion of the left ventricular myocardium, including the interventricular septum and the anterior and lateral walls. Any obstruction or compromise in blood flow within this critical artery can have severe consequences, including myocardial infarction, heart failure, or even sudden cardiac death. The management of LMCAD associated with ACS represents a significant clinical challenge, necessitating prompt and optimal treatment strategies Among the various coronary arteries affected by atherosclerosis, left main coronary artery disease (LMCAD) holds particular clinical significance due to its anatomical location and the vital role it plays in supplying a substantial portion of the left ventricular myocardium. The left main coronary artery (LMCA) typically bifurcates into the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and the left circumflex artery (LCX), which together provide blood supply to the majority of the left ventricle, including the interventricular septum and the anterior and lateral walls The selection of an appropriate treatment strategy for LMCAD associated with ACS is a complex decision that requires careful consideration of multiple factors, including patient characteristics, coronary anatomy, severity of ischemia, and procedural expertise. The emergence of several clinical trials and observational studies exploring the efficacy and safety of different revascularization strategies has further complicated the decision-making process
Coronary atherosclerosis is the most common cause of ischaemic heart disease. About 40-50% of patients with symptoms and documented ischaemia on non-invasive tests do not show obstructive coronary artery disease on coronary angiography. This cause of ischaemic heart disease called INOCA (Ischemic Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery), far from having a benign prognosis, is associated with an increase in major adverse cardiac events (MACE) as well as increased functional limitation. The current European Society of Cardiology clinical practice guidelines for the management of chronic coronary syndrome establish for the first time a IIa recommendation for the invasive analysis of coronary flow reserve (CFR) and microvascular resistance index (MRI) in symptomatic patients with INOCA. The acetylcholine (Ach) test, based on intracoronary (ic) administration, is established as indication IIb for the assessment of micro or macrovascular vasospasm in patients with suspected vasospastic angina (VSA) (4). A national multicentre registry would allow us to determine the prevalence of INOCA and its different endotypes in our setting.
Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the final result of cardiac arrest (CA) , defined as an abrupt and unexpected loss of cardiovascular function resulting in circulatory collapse and death. Up to 50% of cardiac deaths in Europe are due to CA. The estimated mortality of CA is approximately 90%, and significant functional and/or cognitive disabilities often persist among those who survive. The advent of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) has revolutionized the prevention of SCD in high-risk patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF<35%). However, the algorithm recommended by current guidelines based on LVEF, considered the only parameter to identify high-risk patients, cannot stratify the population and the spectrum of risk with high accuracy. Although the risk of CA is higher among patients with LVEF<35% and NYHA class>1, because of the enormity of the population size at risk (i.e., with organic heart disease and LVEF>35%), most SCD does occur in patients with LVEF>35%. Additionally, the majority of pts who receive the ICD for primary prevention of SCD will not benefit from the device (in the Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial published in 2005, the rate of appropriate ICD therapy was 21% at five years), and/or will experience some side effects of it. In the Israeli registry of patients who underwent ICD (n= 1729) or cardiac resynchronization therapy (n= 1326), the 12-year cumulative incidence of adverse events was 20% for inappropriate shock, 6% for device-related infection, and 17% for lead failure. Moreover, recent improvements in drug treatment for HF and myocardial revascularization have further reduced the incidence of SCD in pts with low LVEF. Finally, pts with advanced HF are unlikely to benefit from ICD therapy because of the high rates of non-arrhythmic deaths. Therefore, improved risk stratification approaches to guide the selection of pts for ICD implantation are needed, and only a multiparametric approach may aim to personalize the risk prediction of SCD across the broad spectrum of the phenotypes of HF patients. The RESPECT project has been designed to personalize the risk of SCD by integrating and interpreting information highly multidisciplinary: clinical and bio-humoral, genetics and electrocardiography, conventional and advanced cardiac imaging, and data science. The investigators hypothesized that machine learning models capable of dealing with non-linearities and complex interactions among predictors, including genetic, clinical, electrocardiographic, bio-humoral, echocardiographic, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), and nuclear cardiology data, would have superior accuracy in predicting the occurrence of SCD compared with the currently recommended metrics of NYHA class and LVEF by two-dimensional echocardiography and that the personalized risk prediction of SCD will translate in more cost-effective use of ICDs. In addition, the investigators will use the multiparametric predictive models to develop a cloud-computing app that will allow clinicians to predict the risk of occurrence of SCD based on specific covariate profiles of individual patients.
Post-market, prospective, observational, multicenter, non-intervention study, to demonstrate the effectiveness of drug-coated ballon (DCB)therapy in real-world patients with small native vessel coronary artery disease, and to demonstrate the safety of short dual antiplatelet therapy (7 days) in high-bleeding risk patients with native small vessel coronary artery disease treated with DCB therapy. A percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with DCB will be performed in patients with native vessel coronary artery disease based on the criterion of the treating physician.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) causes hospitalizations, premature mortality and high health care costs. This is also due to poor understanding of HFpEF pathogenesis and, thus, lack of specific therapies. Prompted by the recent demonstration that HFpEF clusters different clinical phenotypes, the investigators propose that these phenogroups are driven by distinct myocardial abnormalities. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) can help filling this gap in knowledge: on top of providing gold standard measurements for myocardial volume and cellular mass, recent technical advantages mean that this test can assess and quantify left ventricular extracellular volume, fibrosis and microvascular function accurately and non-invasively. In HFpEF patients, the investigators aim at assessing 1) the coronary microvascular function impairment; 2) the myocardial fibrotic burden; - seeking to understand the disease in order to improve care and cardiovascular outcomes for these patients.
The objective of this observational cohort study is to provide comprehensive evaluation and early warning for elderly patients with chronic diseases. The main question it aims to answer is: How to explore effective evaluation methods for diseases in elderly patients based on the coexistence of multiple diseases and high individual heterogeneity? How to explore the key indicators and influencing factors of adverse events in elderly patients.. Participants will be followed up at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to obtain adverse event information.