There are about 173942 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in United States. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The objective of this study is to evaluate effectiveness, usability and clinical utility of the remote patient monitoring (RPM) "fit" score when choosing patients to enter the RPM Program.
Reinforcement learning is an advanced analytic method that discovers each individual's pattern of responsiveness by observing their actions and then implements a personalized strategy to optimize individuals' behaviors using trial and error. The goal of the proposed research is to refine, adapt and perform efficacy testing of a novel reinforcement learning-based text messaging intervention to support medication adherence for patients with type 2 diabetes within a community health center setting. This study will be a parallel randomized pragmatic trial comparing medication adherence and clinical outcomes for adults in a community setting aged 18-84 with type 2 diabetes who are prescribed 1-3 daily oral medications for this disease. Participants will be randomized to one of two arms for the duration of the study period: (1) a reinforcement learning intervention arm with up to daily, tailored text messages based on time-varying treatment-response patterns; or (2) a control arm with up to daily, un-tailored text messages. Outcomes of interest will be medication adherence, as measured by electronic pill bottles, and HbA1c levels over 6 months.
This study will evaluate the efficacy of the DriGo skin protectant textile (SPT) to manage erythema, maceration, denudation, satellite lesions, pain, itching, burning, moisture, and odor associated with skin folds (henceforth together referred to as "skin fold conditions"). Participants will be patients with skin fold conditions, which will be treated with the SPT. Healthcare providers will apply the SPT to the participants' target areas. An independent licensed clinician with experience in identifying and treating skin fold conditions, will use photographs of the skin folds and other skin-on-skin contact areas (henceforth referred to as "target area[s]") to assess the status of erythema, maceration, denudation, and satellite lesions in the target areas when the SPT is first applied (Day 0), and on Days 1, 3, and 5, during SPT changes. The Principal Investigator (PI) or qualified designee will take photographs of the target areas and assess moisture and odor in these areas. Participants will provide their impressions of pain, itching and burning in the target area(s) on the same days as the skin fold condition photography. In addition, the study will include feedback from the Health Care Providers (HCPs) about the SPT and overall experience of the participants with the SPT.
The goal of this clinical trial is to study if an investigational study drug called Dapagliflozin could prevent heart failure from getting worse in adults with Fontan circulation. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Does Dapagliflozin decrease Fontan pressure? 2. Does Dapagliflozin improve exercise capacity and heart failure symptoms? Participants will have 4 study visits and 2 follow-up phone calls. The total duration of participation in the study will be up to 5 weeks from the time of screening to the completion of the final safety evaluation. Study procedures include the collection of study-related health information and blood samples, physical examination, exercise testing, total body water assessment, blood laboratory testing, health status survey, safety evaluation phone calls, and home blood pressure monitoring.
An Extension study to a clinical study that will continue to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of SEP-363856 in people with schizophrenia that switch to SEP-363856 from their from their current antipsychotic medication. This study will accept both male and female participants that have completed study SEP361-308. This study will be held in approximately 24 study sites in North America. Participation in the study will be approximately up to 25 weeks.
This is a basket trial of neoantigen synthetic long peptide vaccines in patients with advanced malignancy. Up to 20 subjects will be treated with the neoantigen synthetic long peptide vaccines.
The HEALEY ALS Platform Trial is a perpetual multi-center, multi-regimen clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational products for the treatment of ALS. Regimen F will evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single study drug, ABBV-CLS-7262, in participants with ALS.
Individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) develop neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO), resulting in urinary incontinence, decreased bladder capacity, and reduced quality of life. Current treatments incompletely address the problem and have unwanted side effects. Therefore, an alternative approach is needed. Electrical stimulation of the genital nerves (GNS) can inhibit NDO, improving bladder capacity and urinary continence. However, an automated closed-loop bladder feedback system, which currently does not exist, is necessary for individuals with SCI and NDO to utilize this therapy. The researchers have developed a custom algorithm to detect bladder contractions in real time, which requires only a bladder pressure signal. Our collaborators have developed a wireless, catheter-free bladder pressure sensor, called the UroMonitor, that was recently approved for testing in human participants. The goal of this project is to evaluate the potential feasibility and effectiveness of automated closed-loop GNS to inhibit unwanted bladder contractions using our custom algorithm and the wireless UroMonitor sensor. This project represents the next logical step toward improving or restoring bladder control using existing or emerging approaches to meet an important need for individuals with SCI. Successful completion of this project will motivate advancing a closed-loop approach using our custom algorithm and wireless bladder pressure sensor.
This trial will compare two ways to improve communication about HPV vaccination in primary care. The research team will work with primary care clinics. Some clinics will receive communication training from an outside expert. Other clinics will receive the same training from a vaccine champion from their healthcare system.
The objective of this study is to test the feasibility of using behavioral economic interventions (gamification with social incentives) to increase physical activity after hospital discharge to reduce incident mobility disability among older adults.