There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
The goal of this observational study is to gather data about surgical procedures for rectal prolapse in adult human subjects. The main question it aims to answer is: • Which procedure is best for treating external rectal prolapse? Participants will: - be included if they can consent to participation - be offered standard care treatment, as no interventions will be done - be asked to answer relevant questionnaires within 3 months prior to the surgery for rectal prolapse - be asked to answer the same questionnaires 6 and 12 months postoperative - optionally answer the questionnaires again at 3 and 1 year postoperative, but this is not part of the existing funding body
This is a randomized controlled trial comparing the effect on participation rates to colorectal cancer screening between an intervention arm (invitation letter to the screening program including a FIT test with or without prior notification) and a control arm with the standard of care (invitation letter to visit the GP who will deliver the FIT test).
Heart failure (HF) is increasingly common and associated with excess morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. New medications are now available which can alter the disease trajectory and reduce clinical events. However, many cases of HF remain undetected until presentation with more advanced symptoms, often requiring hospitalisation. Earlier identification and treatment of HF could reduce downstream healthcare impact, but predicting HF incidence is challenging due to the complexity and varying course of HF. The investigators will use routinely collected hospital-linked primary care data and focus on the use of artificial intelligence methods to develop and validate a prediction model for incident HF. Using clinical factors readily accessible in primary care, the investigators will provide a method for the identification of individuals in the community who are at risk of HF, as well as when incident HF will occur in those at risk, thus accelerating research assessing technologies for the improvement of risk prediction, and the targeting of high-risk individuals for preventive measures and screening.
In recent years, a set of evidence-based recommendations called Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is being applied for care of cesarean sections. The effectiveness of ERAS in reducing the length of hospitalization, postoperative complications, the need for analgesics right away after surgery, and the financial cost in the context of cesarean sections has been shown in several studies. There is strong evidence that following ERAS protocols aids postoperative recovery positively. This will be a randomized trial to determine if there is a difference regarding adverse maternal outcomes between ERAS group and standard of care.
to findout the improvement by Integrated Neuromuscular Inhibition Technique and Myofascial Release on Cervical Range of Motion and Dysfunction
The infiltration of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) at the end of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) arthrocentesis is already an established procedure in the treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). Arthrocentesis is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, which aims to eliminate the inflammatory mediators from the inside of the TMJ. PRP is an autologous concentrate of platelets and growth factors, derived from centrifugated blood. Several studies have described the benefits of PRP: it enhances wound healing because of the presence of cytokines and growth factors, and is also stimulates chondrocytes to biosynthesis of collagen. Ropivacaine is a local anesthetic that has been synthesized for use in infiltration anesthesia and to produce both peripheral and central block. Unlike one of its analogues, Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine anesthetize the sensory fibers without affecting the motor ones. The main goal of this investigation is to test the benefits of adding Ropivacaine to the infiltration of PRP in patients submitted to TMJ arthrocentesis.
This randomized controlled trial evaluates the efficacy of couples HIV testing and counseling retesting. Eligible couples previously enrolled in NCT05000866 are invited to participate. Those who do are randomized to either couples HIV testing and counseling (CHTC) retesting or an individual HIV testing control. Follow-ups occur 3 and 6 months post intervention.
LUCENT is an observational study focused on malignant pulmonary and tracheo-bronchial disease. It involves a large proportion of reference Italian thoracic surgery centers. The relevance of the study is related to the epidemiology of lung cancer in the world - also known as "Big Killer" - and the high mortality rates both in males and females. The aim of his prospective study is to collect a large bulk of postoperative patients' outcome data and to produce up-to-date descriptive statistics of patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer. These results will be pivotal to compare the clinical results of all the relevant specialities involved in the care of lung cancer such as medical oncologists and radiation oncologists.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease that affects people of all ages and of both sexes. It is a common disease and is present in 8-10 % of the population. Despite drug treatment, many patients have poor control of their asthma with an impact on quality of life and restriction of daily activities. The purpose of this study in primary care is to investigate if measurement of airway inflammation (FeNO) can improve the treatment results and the overall care of adult patients with asthma. The main question in the study is whether the use of FeNO measurements can reduce the number of deterioration periods. The study is conducted under real clinical conditions where the effect of the intervention is measured (pragmatic intervention study). Eight to twelve primary health care centers with functional asthma / COPD clinics are selected within the Stockholm County and are randomly assigned to two groups with four to six primary health care centers each, an active group and a control group (cluster randomization). Instruments for FeNO measurements are made available to the active group and this group is also trained on FeNO measurements and how the value should be interpreted and used to control the treatment, while the control group continues to take care of their asthma patients as usual. The study can lead to improved treatment decisions and patients gaining an increased understanding of their asthma by being informed on the actual degree of inflammation in the airways. Optimized treatment can provide better asthma control with increased quality of life and fewer periods of deterioration, which results in reduced burden on healthcare and lower costs for patients and society.
To find out the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Ultrasound and Myofascial Release Technique to Release Trigger Points to Increase Range of Motion and Pain Relief in Upper Trapezius Tightness