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NCT ID: NCT06238206 Completed - Stroke Clinical Trials

What User-requirements Need to be Considered When Developing a Lower-limb Exoskeleton? A Qualitative Study.

Start date: January 17, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this study is to identify the needs and requirements of end-users regarding the implementation of a lower-limb exoskeleton in a remote home setting. The end-users include older adults with sarcopenia, post-stroke individuals and physiotherapists. The main question it aims to answer is: • What are the needs and requirements of the end-user population when developing a lower-limb exoskeleton that can be implemented in a remote home setting? Participants will engage in three separate focus group sessions, in which they will discuss the predetermined topics. Interactions between the participants will be guided by open questions.

NCT ID: NCT06237582 Completed - Clinical trials for Carcinomatosis, Peritoneal

Inferior Epigastric Lymp Node (IELN) Basin as a Possible Systemic Metastatic Pathway of Ovarian Peritoneal Metastases

Start date: June 16, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The IELN basin could represent a primary LN relay for systemic metastatic dissemination in patients with OPM. This newly described lymphatic pathway of metastatic dissemination of OPM may be involved in certain presentations of peritoneal dissemination. The presence of invaded IELN may represent a new biomarker predictive of the pattern of progression of OPM and a related risk for systemic dissemination.

NCT ID: NCT06228040 Completed - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Is Pre-anaesthetic Teleconsultation a Safe Alternative to Traditional Pre-anaesthetic Consultation?

Start date: January 18, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

A pre-anaesthetic consultation is compulsory. It must be carried out at least 8 days before a scheduled medical and/or surgical operation. Its main objectives are to take the patient's history, carry out a clinical examination, select the complementary examinations that should be carried out, and inform the patient of the procedure and the type of anaesthetic proposed. In a world moving towards virtualisation, a number of medical specialities have opted for remote consultations, either by telephone or video-conferencing. Teleconsultation seems to offer greater satisfaction, not only for patients, but also for surgeons and anaesthetists. It is also associated with a reduction in the distance travelled by patients, costs and financial expenditure, with no increase in the rate of cancellation of surgery. For the first time at the Brussels University Hospital (Erasme), the anaesthesia and intensive care team will gradually introduce the system of pre-anaesthetic teleconsultation by telephone from October 2023. The aim of our study is to evaluate the effectiveness of preanaesthetic teleconsultation at the Erasme HUB. In fact, it would be better to have results based on local expertise in order to give an answer on the effectiveness, safety and security of this innovative method, which will be officially implemented in October 2023.

NCT ID: NCT06204081 Completed - Parkinson Disease Clinical Trials

Short-Term Effect Of Ceriter Stride One (CSO) on FOG and Falling in pwP

Start date: December 5, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The Ceriter Stride One (CSO) is a "smart sole" with pressure sensors. The sole allows data on the displacement of the body's centre of gravity (COG), as well as spatiotemporal parameters, to be obtained via pressure recordings. Logarithms, released on the data captured by the sole, make it possible to recognise propulsion (forward movement of the CG), accompanied by a reduction in step length (festination) or feet remaining standing (freezing of gait). When the system registers incipient propulsion, an audio signal ("stop") is generated via an audio device and app on the mobile phone. The CSO aims to make the pwP stop before balance disturbance can occur, preventing further propulsion and falls. The aim of the study is to explore the short-term effects of the CSO in terms of reducing (preventing) freezing of gait and fall risk in a pilot group of pwP whose functionality is limited (Hoehn and Yahr 4). Short-term impact on gait (episodes of freezing of gait, mean step length, mean gait speed) will be evaluated and user satisfaction surveyed.

NCT ID: NCT06198478 Completed - Preterm Birth Clinical Trials

Tandem: Skin-to-skin Transfer From the Delivery Room to the Neonatal Unit

Start date: March 3, 2017
Study type: Observational

Immediate skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is already standard care for healthy term newborns, but its use for term or preterm newborns requiring admission to neonatal unit (NICU) with or without respiratory support is challenging. This study aimed to assess the safety and feasibility of SSC during the transfer of newborn infants, using a new purpose-built mobile shuttle care-station, called "Tandem". A monocentric prospective observational study was conducted at the tertiary referral center of the Université libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium Infants born with a birth weight above 1500g were eligible. Following initial stabilization, infants were placed in SSC with one of their parents and transferred to the NICU using the Tandem.

NCT ID: NCT06189040 Completed - COVID-19 Clinical Trials

Immunogenicity After COVID-19 Vaccines in Adapted Schedules

Start date: May 26, 2021
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this clinical trial is to compare different Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination schedules in healthy adults that have not yet been exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Is it possible to adapt COVID-19 vaccination schedules while maintaining an adequate humoral immune response? 2. Is it possible to adapt COVID-19 vaccination schedules while maintaining an acceptable safety profile? Participants will be vaccinated twice with a COVID-19 vaccine (on day 0, and on day 28 or 84). After each vaccination, they will collect information about adverse events in a diary for 14 days. Information about the occurrence of events such as hospitalizations and infections with SARS-CoV-2 will be collected by the investigator for up to 364 days after the first vaccination. Blood samples will be taken on different timepoints and used to assess immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Researchers will compare 8 vaccination schedules to see if the immune response and safety profile is similar. Each participant will receive 1 of the following 8 vaccine schedules: - BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 0, followed by BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 28 - BNT162b2 (20µg) on day 0, followed by BNT162b2 (20µg) on day 28 - BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 0, followed by BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 84 - BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 0, followed by mRNA-1273 (100µg) on day 28 - BNT162b2 (30µg) on day 0, followed by ChAdOx1-S [recombinant] on day 28 - BNT162b2 (6µg, intradermal administration) on day 0, followed by BNT162b2 (6µg, intradermal administration) on day 28 - mRNA-1273 (100µg) on day 0, followed by mRNA-1273 (100µg) on day 28 - mRNA-1273 (50µg) on day 0, followed by mRNA-1273 (50µg) on day 28

NCT ID: NCT06174818 Completed - Clinical trials for Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)

Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment Of the Gasserian Ganglion for tRigeminal nEuralgia: a retroSpective Study

Start date: April 17, 2022
Study type: Observational

With the Pulsed Radiofrequency treatment (PRF) Of the Gasserian ganglion for tRigeminal nEuralgia: a retroSpective Study (PROGRESS) the objective is to document the outcome of PRF (Pulsed Radiofrequency treatment) for patients with TN (Trigeminal Neuralgia), unresponsive to conservative treatment.

NCT ID: NCT06172348 Completed - Healthy Volunteers Clinical Trials

A Study to Learn About Three Forms of The Study Medicine (Ritlecitinib) in Healthy Adults

Start date: February 1, 2024
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to compare if three forms of study medicine (called ritlecitinib) get processed differently in healthy adults. This study is seeking healthy participants who have: - Aged 18 years or older; - male or female who are healthy as determined by medical assessment; - BMI of 16-32 kg/m2, and a total body weight >45 kg (99 lb). All participants in this study will receive a ritlecitinib oral dose in three different forms (solution, capsule 1 and capsule 2). The study will take up to 2.5 months, including the screening period and follow-up phone call. Participants will have to stay at the study clinic for at least 13 days. There will be 4 periods in total for this study. On day 1 of each period, participants will take one form of Riltecitinib without food for the first three periods and with food for the last period. Participants will have blood samples taken both before and after taking ritlecitinib. A follow-up phone call will be made at 28 to 35 days after the last study period.

NCT ID: NCT06165588 Completed - Exercise Fatigue Clinical Trials

Proteomic and Physiological Markers of Exercise-induced Physiological Stress and Fatigue in Grand Tour Cycling

Start date: July 6, 2019
Study type: Observational

This project aims to identify the effect of a 3-week grand tour (e.g. Tour de France) on physiological markers and the blood proteome in world-class cyclists.

NCT ID: NCT06164652 Completed - Healthy Clinical Trials

Evaluation of the Validity of the Ceriter Stride One in Measuring Gait and Pressure Parameters in Healthy Adults

Start date: November 30, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The Ceriter Stride One is a certified medical device that aims to provide a better, more independent and safe gait pattern for people with neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. The Stride One detects the (abnormal) gait pattern via an insole with pressure sensors and generates customised audio feedback (app), e.g. to avoid or correct Freezing or Gait (Parkinson's). To gain more insight into the accuracy of the pressure and gait recordings, we want to compare them with those of the GAITRite. The GAITRite is an electronic walking carpet with an active zone 7.32m long and 0.61m wide. The carpet has pressure sensors embedded in horizontal lines. When a person steps on the carpet, these sensors capture the pressure distribution which, with the help of an algorithm, allows the collection of parameters per time unit (including speed, step time, stride time, cadence, etc.) and space (step and stride length, step and stride width, etc.). The GAITrite is considered a gold standard for capturing temporal and spatial data related to gait pattern. Our research question can be answered by having healthy subjects step over the GAITRite with the Ceriter Stride One on, and then checking the agreement between spatiotemporal factors. Thus, after IC and recording of administrative data, healthy adults will be invited for this cross-sectional validity study of a pressure-sensitive insole (Ceriter Stride One) against the validated and reliable gold standard, the GaitRite. At intake, the informed consent is gone over and signed. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are then questioned in a short interview. Inclusion criteria are pain-free and safe walking. Exclusion criteria are pregnancy and (congenital or acquired) orthopaedic, neurological and other defects that make walking without a walking aid or orthosis (or shoe adaptation) painful, difficult and/or unsafe, Ceriter insoles are placed in the test subjects' shoes, if possible in place of their own insoles, in case of orthotics on top. Via a Bluetooth transmitter, the captured signals from the pressure sensors are transmitted to and mobile phone and then via the internet to Ceriter's data portal where they are further processed and, for the purpose of this study, made available to the researchers.Subjects then step on the walking carpet with sensors (GAITRite) with these insoles in their shoes.Both systems record the pressures and analyse the gait pattern from there. Each test subject is expected to step across the walking carpet at a comfortable pace for three full lengths and 3 lengths involving acceleration. This, fitted with the insoles, so that sufficient steps are available to average out step parameters. The aim of the study is thus to find out to what extent the spatiotemporal parameters captured with the Ceriter Stride One coincide with those of the GaitRite.