There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
This study is designed to evaluate if pediatric patients who are undergoing a bowel preparation in anticipation of a colonoscopy may be able to take in a low fiber diet instead of a standard, clear liquid diet, while still accomplishing an adequate bowel prep.
A multicenter, randomized, open-label, active controlled pragmatic clinical trial that evaluates the safety and efficacy of S (+) -ketamine for postoperative acute pain in children in perioperative settings.
The goal of this study is to support patients with hypertension self-management using both home blood pressure monitors and digital messaging programs. The investigators will first engage patients with technology training to use home monitors, online portal websites to view their medical record information online, and texting and mobile phone applications. Then investigators will assess the effectiveness of home blood pressure monitors and enhanced patient-clinician digital communication on blood pressure control during a 12-month intervention.
This is a 6-week ketogenic diet (KD) intervention where participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will follow a KD plan, supervised and monitored by a dietician. Participants will be provided extensive educational and ongoing support on the KD, including personalized coaching with the ability to text a dietitian at any time and expect a response within 12 hours. Diet adherence and progress will be assessed daily using at-home blood ketone/glucose monitors, along with diet records. Participants will fill out health related questionnaires and undergo assessments of body composition, RA disease activity. This study also includes blood draws and fat biopsy of the abdominal region.
Young adults aged 18-26 engage in a number of behaviors that increase their risk of developing cancer later in life including sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy eating, nicotine produce us, heavy drinking of alcohol, increased UV exposure, and incomplete uptake of HPV vaccination. A multi-risk factor campaign will be developed to reduce these cancer risk behaviors and delivered to young adults over social media, a popular channel that can reach nearly all young adults. The campaign will be evaluated for effectiveness in a rigorous randomized trial with measures of moderate to vigorous physical activity, healthy eating patterns, nicotine product use, alcohol intake, sunburn prevalence, and HPV vaccination uptake.
The goal of this observational study is to assess whether gait classification patterns can be reliably obtained from video recordings in comparison with three-dimensional kinematic data. The main questions it aims to answer are: Are gait classifications from video recordings reliable between raters? Are gait classifications from video recordings valid in comparison with three-dimensional kinematic data? Gait analysis data from participants who visited the gait lab in the Karolinska Hospital will be used for this purpose.
Care coordination, disease management, geriatric care management, and preventive programs for chronically ill older adults vary in design and their impact on long-term health outcomes is not well established. This study investigates whether a community-based nursing intervention improves longevity and impact on cardiovascular risk factors in this population. The results reflect the impact of one of the study sites (Health Quality Partners) selected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the Medicare Coordinated Care Demonstration, a national demonstration designed to identify promising models of care coordination for chronically ill older adults. The study began in April 2002.
The project has been designed to determine whether a brief period of leg ischemia will reduce the I/R injury sustained by the liver during liver surgery and liver transplantation. Adult patients (aged above 18) for liver resection (LR group) and for orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT group) will be analysed separately. Patients from each category will be randomised to two groups - a control and a Remote IPC group. In the remote IPC group Ischemic preconditioning will be induced during surgery by applying a pneumatic tourniquet to the upper part of the right thigh and then inflating it to twice the measured systolic arterial pressure in order to occlude the blood supply of the leg for 10 minutes. The tourniquet will then be deflated for 10 minutes to reperfuse the leg. This is repeated thrice to precondition the skeletal muscles of the leg.
Objective Describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients who undergo knee arthroplasty and document post operative outcomes. Examine the relationship between processes of care, hospital and surgeon associated outcomes. Provide expanded data to characterize existing and evolving practice patterns, delivery of care, and resource utilization in the management of knee arthroplasty patients. Analyze and design ancillary studies to address unanswered questions. Disseminate findings through publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The purpose of this study is to compare health care delivery outcomes and costs achieved by two different approaches to health care delivery. The investigators will compare health outcomes for groups of adult patents with diabetes. One group will be managed by our traditional approach to diabetes care. The second group's care delivery is structured according to a design consistent with the Chronic Care Model (CCM).