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Clinical Trial Details — Status: Completed

Administrative data

NCT number NCT00005122
Other study ID # 901
Secondary ID R37HL003341
Status Completed
Phase N/A
First received May 25, 2000
Last updated March 15, 2016
Start date July 1958
Est. completion date August 1995

Study information

Verified date June 2000
Source National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Contact n/a
Is FDA regulated No
Health authority United States: Federal Government
Study type Observational

Clinical Trial Summary

To conduct surveillance of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and its correlation with known risk factors in all cohort study groups in Evans County, Georgia.



The Evans County Studies were initiated as a result of a request from the National Heart Institute in the late 1950's to develop epidemiological studies in areas where significant racial or ethnic differences in cardiovascular disease rates had been observed and where a stable population was available for long-term follow-up. Evans County was in a region of the United States known, at the time, to have the highest total death rates for all causes, of which coronary heart disease and hypertension were major contributors. At that time, Black males and females were known to have four times less coronary heart disease than white males, showed no sex differences for coronary heart disease mortality, and consumed more animal fat and had 50 percent more hypertension.

In 1960, the original Evans County Study cohort was formed when 92 percent of all residents, Black and white, aged 40-74 years and a 50 percent sample of residents aged 15-39 years were given a complete physical examination and a variety of laboratory tests. The major purpose of the original study was to determine factors associated with coronary and related cardiovascular diseases and to explain the low frequency of coronary heart disease in Blacks. Of the initial cohort of 3,102 individuals in 1960, approximately 2,500 were re-examined from 1967 to 1969. Variables studied included serum lipid levels, blood pressure, blood clotting factors, catecholamine levels, physical activity, and social, psychological, and economic factors. Necropsy data were also collected. Follow-up continued on the remaining cohort of approximately 1,900.

Over the years many additional studies were added. The Lipoprotein Phenotyping Study examined which fraction or fractions of high density lipoproteins or low density lipoproteins were related to increased risk for coronary heart disease. The Black-White Neonatal Blood Pressure Study related blood pressure levels during the first year of life to the subsequent development of hypertension and comparing similar groups in other geographical areas to the Evans County group. The Contraceptive Steroids on Blood Pressure Study, funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, related antecedent characteristics to the development of hypertension or thrombotic disease in the first time oral contraceptive user. The Evans County Health Department also participated Hypertension Detection and Followup Program clinical trial and continued surveillance of the cohort.

Other studies included: the use of defined biracial pedigree cohorts as genetic models to define the possible inheritance of hypertension, hyperlipidemias, coronary heart disease, and thrombosis; maintenance of a collection of frozen sera and food; evaluating new tests to indicate differences in intravascular coagulation between racial and social class groups as related to physical activity, social mobility, and dietary deficiency; studies of the possible relationship to hypertension of dietary sodium-potassium and calcium and selenium intake.


Follow-up of the original Evans County Study cohort was achieved by contacting each member annually by mail, telephone, or personal visit, weekly surveys of all admissions at the Evans Memorial Hospital and Statesboro Hospital; survey of daily obituaries in the local newspapers. In the event of a death, autopsy reports and hospital records were obtained. Twice a year teams of consulting neurologists and cardiologists visited Evans County to examine all suspected surviving cases of stroke, transient ischemic attack, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. Home visits were conducted for patients who did not visit the medical facility.

The study completion date listed in this record was obtained from the "End Date" entered in the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) record.

Recruitment information / eligibility

Status Completed
Enrollment 0
Est. completion date August 1995
Est. primary completion date
Accepts healthy volunteers No
Gender Male
Age group N/A to 100 Years
Eligibility No eligibility criteria

Study Design



Country Name City State

Sponsors (1)

Lead Sponsor Collaborator
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

References & Publications (180)

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Arnett DK, Strogatz DS, Ephross SA, Hames CG, Tyroler HA. Greater incidence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in black men than in white men in Evans County, Georgia. Ethn Dis. 1992 Winter;2(1):10-7. — View Citation

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Beaglehole R, Heiss G, Tyroler HA, Cassel JC, Hames CG. Prevalence and incidence data in the assessment of the risk of coronary heart disease. Am J Epidemiol. 1975 Jul;102(1):55-62. — View Citation

Beaglehole R, Tyroler HA, Cassel JC, Deubner DC, Bartel AG, Hames CG. An epidemiological study of left ventricular hypertrophy in the biracial population of Evans County, Georgia. J Chronic Dis. 1975 Nov;28(10):549-59. — View Citation

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Cassel J, Heyden S, Bartel AG, Kaplan BH, Tyroler HA, Cornoni JC, Hames CG. Occupation and physical activity and coronary heart disease. Arch Intern Med. 1971 Dec;128(6):920-8. — View Citation

Cassel J, Heyen S, Bartel AG, Kaplan BH, Tyroler HA, Cornoni JC, Hames CG. Incidence of coronary heart disease by ethnic group, social class, and sex. Arch Intern Med. 1971 Dec;128(6):901-6. — View Citation

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Castelli WP, Doyle JT, Gordon T, Hames CG, Hjortland MC, Hulley SB, Kagan A, Zukel WJ. HDL cholesterol and other lipids in coronary heart disease. The cooperative lipoprotein phenotyping study. Circulation. 1977 May;55(5):767-72. — View Citation

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Comberg HU, Knowles M, Tyroler HA, Heyden S, Hames CG, Sabo D. Status of patients seven years after completion of the hypertension detection and follow-up program in Evans County, Georgia. J Natl Med Assoc. 1988 Dec;80(12):1285-92. — View Citation

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Curb JD, Borhani NO, Schnaper H, Kass E, Entwisle G, Williams W, Berman R. Detection and treatment of hypertension in older individuals. Am J Epidemiol. 1985 Mar;121(3):371-6. — View Citation

Cutter G, Heyden S, Kasteler J, Kraus JF, Lee ES, Shipley T, Stromer M. Mortality surveillance in collaborative trials. Am J Public Health. 1980 Apr;70(4):394-400. — View Citation

Daniels SR, Heiss G, Davis CE, Hames CG, Tyroler HA. Race and sex differences in the correlates of blood pressure change. Hypertension. 1988 Mar;11(3):249-55. — View Citation

Davis CE, Knowles M, Kark J, Heyden S, Hames CG, Tyroler HA: Serum Cholesterol Levels and Cancer Mortality: Evans County Twenty-Year Followup Study. Am Oil Chemist Soc, Chapt. 55, pp. 892-900, 1983

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Deubner DC, Tyroler HA, Cassel JC, Hames CG, Becker C. Attributable risk, population attributable risk, and population attributable fraction of death associated with hypertension in a biracial population. Circulation. 1975 Nov;52(5):901-8. — View Citation

Deubner DC, Wilkinson WE, Helms MJ, Tyroler HA, Hames CG. Logistic model estimation of death attributable to risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Evans County, Georgia. Am J Epidemiol. 1980 Jul;112(1):135-43. — View Citation

Dischinger P, Tyroler HA, McDonagh R Jr, Hames CG. Blood fibrinolytic activity, social class and habitual physical activity--I. A study of black and white men in Evans County, Georgia. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(5):283-90. — View Citation

Elston RC, Namboodiri KK, Hames CG. Segregation and linkage analyses of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activity. Hum Hered. 1979;29(5):284-92. — View Citation

Farmer PK, Olewine DA, Comer DW, Edwards M, Coleman TM, Thomas G, Hames CG: Effect of Submaximal Exercise on Recovery Frontalis Muscle Tension and Occipital Alpha Wave Production in College-Aged Males. ASB Bulletin, 25:(No. 2), 87, Apr 1978

Farmer PK, Olewine DA, Comer DW, Edwards ME, Coleman TM, Thomas G, Hames CG: Frontalis Muscle Tension and Occipital Alpha Production in Young Males with Coronary Prone (Type A) and Coronary Resistant (Type B) Behavior Patterns: Effects of Exercise. Med and Sci in Sports, 10:51, 1978

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Fleischman AI, Comberg HU, Hames CG. Platelet function and hypertension in humans. J Med Soc N J. 1979 Jan;76(1):17-20. — View Citation

Fodor JG, Heyden S, Chockalingam A, Logan AG, Hames CG. The P-wave in the electrocardiogram of hypertensive patients before and after therapy. Can J Cardiol. 1986 Sep-Oct;2(5):264-7. — View Citation

Fogle TA, McKenzie WH. Cytogenetic study of a large black kindred: inversions, heteromorphisms, and segregation analysis. Hum Genet. 1980;55(3):345-52. — View Citation

Fogle TA, Namboodiri KK, Elston RC, McKenzie WH, Hames CG. Linkage relationships of biochemical markers to Q- and C-band variants in a large black kindred. Hum Genet. 1980;55(3):353-6. — View Citation

Fudenberg HH, Whitten HD, Arnaud P, Khansari N, Tsang KY, Hames CG. Immune diagnosis of a subset of Alzheimer's disease with preliminary implications for immunotherapy. Biomed Pharmacother. 1984;38(6):290-7. — View Citation

Garrison GE, Gullen WH, Connell CM. Migration of urbanites to small towns for medical care. JAMA. 1974 Feb 18;227(7):770-3. — View Citation

Garrison GE, McDonough JR, Hames CG, Stulb SC. Prevalence of chronic congestive heart failure in the population of Evans County, Georgia. Am J Epidemiol. 1966 Mar;83(2):338-44. — View Citation

Goldberg S, Krishan I, Hames CB, Knight M, Spierto FW. Elevated renin levels in normotensive adolescents. Pediatrics. 1974 Nov;54(5):596-8. — View Citation

Goust JM, Chenais F, Carnes JE, Hames CG, Fudenberg HH, Hogan EL. Abnormal T cell subpopulations and circulating immune complexes in the Guillain-Barré syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 1978 May;28(5):421-5. — View Citation

Graham TW, Kaplan BH, Cornoni-Huntley JC, James SA, Becker C, Hames CG, Heyden S. Frequency of church attendance and blood pressure elevation. J Behav Med. 1978 Mar;1(1):37-43. — View Citation

Greene SB, Aavedal MJ, Tyroler HA, Davis CE, Hames CG. Smoking habits and blood pressure change: a seven year follow-up. J Chronic Dis. 1977 Jul;30(7):401-13. — View Citation

Grim CE, Luft FC, Miller JZ, Meneely GR, Battarbee HD, Hames CG, Dahl LK. Racial differences in blood pressure in Evans County, Georgia: relationship to sodium and potassium intake and plasma renin activity. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(2):87-94. — View Citation

Gryglewski RJ, Szczeklik A, Bieron K. Morphine antagonises prostaglandin E1- mediated inhibition of human platelet aggregation. Nature. 1975 Jul 3;256(5512):56-7. — View Citation

Halfon ST, Hames CG, Heyden S. Corneal arcus and coronary heart disease mortality. Br J Ophthalmol. 1984 Aug;68(8):603-4. — View Citation

HAMES CG, GREENBERG BG. A comparative study of serum cholesterol levels in school children and their possible relation to atherogenesis. Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1961 Mar;51:374-85. — View Citation

Hames CG, Greenlund KJ. Ethnicity and cardiovascular disease: The Evans County heart study. Am J Med Sci. 1996 Mar;311(3):130-4. Erratum in: Am J Med Sci 1996 Jun;311(6):295. — View Citation

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Hames CG, Rose K, Knowles M, Davis CE, Tyroler HA. Black-white comparisons of 20-year coronary heart disease mortality in the Evans County Heart Study. Cardiology. 1993;82(2-3):122-36. — View Citation

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Heiss G, Tyroler HA, Gunnells JC, McGuffin WL, Hames CG. Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in a biracial community: demographic, cardiovascular and familial factors. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(5):301-10. — View Citation

Heyden S, Bartel A, Cassel JC, Hames CG, Tyroler HA, Meier R: Physiologische, Pharmakologische Und Klinische Wirkungen Des Kaffees. Supplementum 14, Darmstadt, 1972

Heyden S, Bartel AG, Hames CG, McDonough JR. Elevated blood pressure levels in adolescents, Evans County, Georgia. Seven-year follow-up of 30 patients and 30 controls. JAMA. 1969 Sep 15;209(11):1683-9. — View Citation

Heyden S, Bartel AG, Hames CG, McDonough JR: Elevated Blood Pressure Levels in Adolescents, Evans County, Ga. 1970 Year Book of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery, 1970.

Heyden S, Borhani NO, Tyroler HA, Schneider KA, Langford HG, Hames CG, Hutchinson R, Oberman A. The relationship of weight change to changes in blood pressure, serum uric acid, cholesterol and glucose in the treatment of hypertension. J Chronic Dis. 1985;38(4):281-8. — View Citation

Heyden S, Hames CG, Talton I. Potassium-rich foods - do they do the hypertensive patient any good? J Med Assoc Ga. 1980 May;69(5):395-7. — View Citation

Heyden S, Hames CG. [Diet therapy of elevated blood pressure values in overweight persons. Hypertension-intervention study: 1 year's report from the Evans-County (Ga.) study]. Med Welt. 1974 Dec 6;25(49):2041-3. German. — View Citation

Heyden S, Hames CG. Dietary effects on blood pressure. Nutr Metab. 1980;24 Suppl 1:50-64. — View Citation

Heyden S, Heiss G, Bartel AG, Hames CG. Sex differences in coronary mortality among diabetics in Evans County, Georgia. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(5):265-73. — View Citation

Heyden S, Heiss G, Hames CG, Bartel AG. Fasting triglycerides as predictors of total and CHD mortality in Evans County, Georgia. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(5):275-82. — View Citation

Heyden S, Heiss G, Heyman A, Tyroler AH, Hames CG, Patzschke U, Manegold C. Cardiovascular mortality in transient ischemic attacks. Stroke. 1980 May-Jun;11(3):252-5. — View Citation

Heyden S, Heiss G, Manegold C, Tyroler HA, Hames CG, Bartel AG, Cooper G. The combined effect of smoking and coffee drinking on LDL and HDL cholesterol. Circulation. 1979 Jul;60(1):22-5. — View Citation

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Heyden S, Manegold CH, Hames CG, and Patzschke U: Natriumbeschrankung als therapeutische und praventive maBnahme bei Hypertonie. Aktuelle Ernahrungsmedizin, June, 1978

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Heyden S, Tyroler HA, Heiss G, Hames CG, Bartel A. Coffee consumption and mortality. Total mortality, stroke mortality, and coronary heart disease mortality. Arch Intern Med. 1978 Oct;138(10):1472-5. — View Citation

Heyden S, Tyroler HA, Heiss G, Hames CG, Bartel A: Coffee Ingestion and Total Mortality Rates. Obesity Ger Med, 8:4, July-Aug, 1979

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Heyman A, Karp HR, Heyden S, Bartel A, Cassel JC, Tyroler HA, Hames CG. Cerebrovascular disease in the biracial population of Evans County, Georgia. Arch Intern Med. 1971 Dec;128(6):949-55. — View Citation

Heyman A, Wilkinson WE, Heyden S, Helms MJ, Bartel AG, Karp HR, Tyroler HA, Hames CG. Risk of stroke in asymptomatic persons with cervical arterial bruits: a population study in Evans County, Georgia. N Engl J Med. 1980 Apr 10;302(15):838-41. — View Citation

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Jenkins CD, Hames CG, Zyzanski SJ, Rosenman RH, Friedman M. Psychological traits and serum lipids. I. Findings from the California Psychological Inventory. Psychosom Med. 1969 Mar-Apr;31(2):115-28. — View Citation

Jenkins CD, Somervell PD, Hames CG. Does blood pressure usually rise with age? . . . Or with stress? J Human Stress. 1983 Sep;9(3):4-12. — View Citation

Jenkins CD, Thomas G, Olewine D, Zyzanski SJ, Simpson MT, Hames CG. Blood platelet aggregation and personality traits. J Human Stress. 1975 Dec;1(4):34-46. — View Citation

Johnson AL, Cornoni JC, Cassel JC, Tyroler HA, Heyden S, Hames CG. Influence of race, sex and weight on blood pressure behavior in young adults. Am J Cardiol. 1975 Apr;35(4):523-30. — View Citation

Johnson JL, Heineman EF, Heiss G, Hames CG, Tyroler HA. Cardiovascular disease risk factors and mortality among black women and white women aged 40-64 years in Evans County, Georgia. Am J Epidemiol. 1986 Feb;123(2):209-20. — View Citation

Johnson MA, Dooley SP, Caster WO, Hames CG: The Relationship Between Dietary Calcium and Blood Pressure in the Elderly. J Clin Exp Gerontology, 8: (3 & 4), 161-172, 1986

Kark JD, Smith AH, Hames CG. Serum retinol and the inverse relationship between serum cholesterol and cancer. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1982 Jan 16;284(6310):152-4. — View Citation

Kark JD, Smith AH, Hames CG. The relationship of serum cholesterol to the incidence of cancer in Evans County, Georgia. J Chronic Dis. 1980;33(5):311-32. — View Citation

Kark JD, Smith AH, Switzer BR, Hames CG. Serum vitamin A (retinol) and cancer incidence in Evans County, Georgia. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1981 Jan;66(1):7-16. — View Citation

Kark JD, Smith AH, Switzer BR, Hames CG: Retinol, Carotene, and the Cancer Cholesterol Association. Lancet, June 20, 1981

Karp HR, Heyman A, Heyden S, Bartel AG, Tyroler HA, Hames CG. Transient cerebral ischemia. Prevalence and prognosis in a biracial rural community. JAMA. 1973 Jul 9;225(2):125-8. — View Citation

Keil JE, Sutherland SE, Hames CG, Lackland DT, Gazes PC, Knapp RG, Tyroler HA. Coronary disease mortality and risk factors in black and white men. Results from the combined Charleston, SC, and Evans County, Georgia, heart studies. Arch Intern Med. 1995 Jul 24;155(14):1521-7. — View Citation

Klein B, Klein R, Haseman J, Maready J, Hames C. Corneal arcus and cardiovascular disease in Evans County, Georgia. Arch Intern Med. 1975 Apr;135(4):509-11. — View Citation

Klein R, Klein BE, Cornoni JC, Maready J, Cassel JC, Tyroler HA. Serum uric acid. Its relationship to coronary heart disease risk factors and cardiovascular disease, Evans County, Georgia. Arch Intern Med. 1973 Sep;132(3):401-10. — View Citation

Knapp RG, Keil JE, Sutherland SE, Rust PF, Hames C, Tyroler HA. Skin color and cancer mortality among black men in the Charleston Heart Study. Clin Genet. 1995 Apr;47(4):200-6. — View Citation

Knapp RG, Schreiner PJ, Sutherland SE, Keil JE, Gilbert GE, Klein RL, Hames C, Tyroler HA. Serum lipoprotein(a) levels in elderly black and white men in the Charleston Heart Study. Clin Genet. 1993 Nov;44(5):225-31. — View Citation

Kraus JF, Conley A, Hardy R, Sexton M, Sweezy Z. Relationship of demographic characteristics of interviewers to blood pressure measurements. J Community Health. 1982 Fall;8(1):3-12. — View Citation

Kueppers F, Bearn AG. An inherited alpha-1-antitrypsin variant. Humangenetik. 1967 Sep 6;4(3):217-20. — View Citation



Lichtman MA, Hames CG, McDonough JR: Serum Gamma Globulin Levels Among Negroes and Whites in Evans County, Ga. Clin Res, 13:30, 1965

Lichtman MA, McDonough JR, Hames CG: Serum Gamma Globulin Concentration in Related and Non-Related Subjects. Hum Biol, 39:No 3, Sept. 1967

Lichtman MA, Vaughan JH, Hames CG. The distribution of serum immunoglobulins, anti-gamma-G globulins ("rheumatoid factors") and antinuclear antibodies in White and Negro subjects in Evans County, Georgia. Arthritis Rheum. 1967 Jun;10(3):204-15. — View Citation

Manegold Ch, Patzsche U: Serumkalium Bei 198 MIT Benzothiadiazin (Chlorthalidon) Behandelten Essentiellen Hypertonikern Wahrend Vier Jahren. Herz Keizlaug, 10, Nr. 12 (1978)

Manegold Ch, Patzschke U: Ruckbildung Der Linesventrikularen Hypertrophie Im: Elektrokardiogram Wahrend Antihypertensiver Behandlung. George Thiese, Publishers, Stuttgard, 8, June, 1979

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* Note: There are 180 references in allClick here to view all references

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
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Recruiting NCT05650307 - CV Imaging of Metabolic Interventions
Recruiting NCT04515303 - Digital Intervention Participation in DASH
Completed NCT04056208 - Pistachios Blood Sugar Control, Heart and Gut Health Phase 2
Recruiting NCT04417387 - The Genetics and Vascular Health Check Study (GENVASC) Aims to Help Determine Whether Gathering Genetic Information Can Improve the Prediction of Risk of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Not yet recruiting NCT06211361 - Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease N/A
Not yet recruiting NCT06032572 - Evaluation of the Safety and Effectiveness of the VRS100 System in PCI (ESSENCE) N/A
Recruiting NCT04514445 - The BRAVE Study- The Identification of Genetic Variants Associated With Bicuspid Aortic Valve Using a Combination of Case-control and Family-based Approaches.
Enrolling by invitation NCT04253054 - Chinese Multi-provincial Cohort Study-Beijing Project
Completed NCT03273972 - INvestigating the Lowest Threshold of Vascular bENefits From LDL Lowering With a PCSK9 InhibiTor in healthY Volunteers N/A
Completed NCT03680638 - The Effect of Antioxidants on Skin Blood Flow During Local Heating Phase 1
Recruiting NCT04843891 - Evaluation of PET Probe [64]Cu-Macrin in Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and Sarcoidosis. Phase 1
Completed NCT04083846 - Clinical Study to Investigate the Pharmacokinetic Profiles and Safety of High-dose CKD-385 in Healthy Volunteers(Fed) Phase 1
Completed NCT04083872 - Clinical Study to Investigate the Pharmacokinetic Profiles and Safety of Highdose CKD-385 in Healthy Volunteers(Fasting) Phase 1
Completed NCT03693365 - Fluid Responsiveness Tested by the Effective Pulmonary Blood Flow During a Positive End-expiratory Trial
Completed NCT03466333 - Postnatal Enalapril to Improve Cardiovascular fUnction Following Preterm Pre-eclampsia Phase 2
Completed NCT03619148 - The Incidence of Respiratory Symptoms Associated With the Use of HFNO N/A
Completed NCT04082585 - Total Health Improvement Program Research Project
Completed NCT05132998 - Impact of a Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Framework Among High Cardiovascular Risk Cancer Survivors N/A
Completed NCT05067114 - Solutions for Atrial Fibrillation Edvocacy (SAFE)