View clinical trials related to Type 2 Diabetes.
Filter by:To conduct a randomized crossover trial to determine the acute impact of exercise snacks on glycemic control in physically inactive individuals living with type 2 diabetes using continuous glucose monitoring.
The Military Health and Nutrition Examination Study (MHANES) is a Department of Defense funded study conducted by Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. This cross-sectional study will assess, in a large, diverse sample of Army Service Members (n=600), food and supplement intake, cardiovascular health, body composition, biomarkers of nutritional status, measures of health status, injury prevalence, mental wellbeing, gut microbiome composition, and physical performance outcomes. The proposed study is modeled after the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and customized for the Army population.
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common condition in which the upper airways (windpipe) collapse repeatedly during sleep, blocking the flow of air into the lungs. It is characterized by repetitive pauses in breathing during sleep, despite the effort to breathe, and is associated with a reduction in the amount of oxygen in the blood (oxygen saturation). People with OSA are at risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, depression, and premature death. OSA is usually treated using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. This involves the patient wearing a face mask during sleep which is connected to the machine which supplies a constant steam of air to help keep the airways open. This improves the symptoms and hopefully the long-term outlook, but it is an uncomfortable solution. OSA is associated with obesity and weight loss can improve or even cure it. Treatment with EndoBarrier (placement of a thin flexible tube that is placed inside your intestine creating a physical barrier between the intestinal wall and the food so less can be absorbed) can be associated with significant weight loss and can improve blood sugar control in patients with type 2 diabetes related to their weight (diabesity). This study aims to find out if EndoBarrier treatment can improve OSA in patients with diabesity to the extent that some patients no longer require their CPAP machine treatment.
Patients with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing vascular complications. Microvascular dysfunction might be caused by the increased production of methylglyoxal under hyperglycaemic conditions. Methylglyoxal is a by-product of glycolysis and forms advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) on proteins and DNA, thereby disrupting their function. Preventing methylglyoxal accumulation and AGEs formation may offer a therapeutic option for treating microvascular complications in diabetics. Pyridoxamine is a vitamin B6 vitamer that scavenges methylglyoxal and thereby inhibits the formation of AGEs. In this study, the researchers investigate whether pyridoxamine supplementation in type 2 diabetes improves microvascular function in the eye, kidney and skin, and reduces markers of endothelial dysfunction and glycation.
This study is evaluating a behavioral treatment program that uses diabetes coaching and financial rewards in addition to continuous glucose monitoring to improve diabetes management in adult patients with type 2 diabetes. This study will evaluate if this behavioral treatment program increases individual adherence to a diabetes treatment plan and improves blood sugar management.
Roux-en-Y (RYGB) gastric bypass reduces the size and capacity of the stomach and bypasses a portion of the small intestine which leads to decreased food intake and higher levels of a gut hormone called GLP-1 (glucagon-like-peptide-1). These changes lead to weight loss, improved blood sugars and often remission of type 2 diabetes but most patients do not qualify or want surgery. The investigators are searching for ways to make the beneficial effects of RYGB available to most type 2 diabetes patients rather than a select few that undergo RYGB. The investigators believe that parts of RYGB can be medically reproduced through a combination of diet and medicine. Once weekly injectable GLP-1 medicine that leads to weight loss and improved blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes are now FDA approved. Optifast is a medically supervised diet that safely reduces calorie intake to 800 calories per day for three months by replacing normal meals with specially prepared bars and shakes which leads to weight loss and improved blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes. Normal meals are then gradually reintroduced over 6 weeks and the bars/shakes are stopped. The investigators hypothesize that Optifast (diet) + once weekly GLP-1 will lead to weight loss and improvement in blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes similar to what is seen after RYGB.
This study is designed to test the feasibility and acceptability of a new method for supporting physical activity among women ages 40-65 who have risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Each participant receives a trained physical activity coach and a physical activity partner; the partner is another woman in the program. Partners communicate with each other between weekly coaching sessions to provide support for physical activity behavior change.
The purpose of this study is to conduct a pilot trial of a mobile intervention that targets binge eating and weight-related behaviors, to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the intervention among adults with recurrent binge eating, diabetes, and food insecurity.
The goal of this clinical trial is to test two advices on alcohol drinking in more than 10.000 Spanish adult drinkers (men of 50 or more years and women of 55 or more years). The main question it aims to answer is to test the non-inferiority advice of a moderate alcohol drinking pattern on all-cause mortality and other chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, cancer or type 2 diabetes. Participants will receive during 4 years an advice to drink alcohol following a Mediterranean Alcohol Drinking Pattern (MADP): consuming alcohol in moderation, avoidance of binge drinking and preference for red wine. Researchers will compare those who will receive a MADP advice with those who will receive an advice on abstention to see if the advice on MADP is not inferior than the abstention advice to prevent all-cause mortality and other chronic diseases.
Decision cycle for person-centered glycemic management is a new diabetes decision making .It is defined as a purposefully designed holistic care intervention .The goal is to improve the self-care behavior of patients with type 2 diabetes, thereby improving glycated hemoglobin levels and delaying the occurrence of complications.