View clinical trials related to Surgery.
Filter by:To explore the safety and compliance of a wearable telemedicine device that can receive basic vital signs in real time, and its active supervision mode with real-time adjustment of exercise prescription for preoperative prehabilitation exercises in patients at home; and to evaluate the effectiveness of preoperative prehabilitation exercises in a telemedicine active supervision mode in patients undergoing thoracoscopic lung tumour resection, taking into account the patient's cardiopulmonary exercise test, postoperative complications and quality of life scores.
Obesity, caused by caloric intake over output, has become a global health problem. The relationship between sleep and obesity is widely discussed in the literature. Little is known regarding the compliance of sleep quality and patients' weight loss. This study aimed to review how sleep quality is affected by bariatric surgery, examine whether compliance with sleep quality can be predicted after bariatric surgery, and assess its correlation with excess weight loss.
Patient reported outcomes are becoming increasingly recognized as an important metric to determine efficacy of interventions following recovery after cardiac surgery. Quality of Recovery 15 survey is a tool that attempts to measure patients' recovery across several different domains (i.e physical, emotional and social). This tool has been validated extensively in the post operative patient population, but these studies contained only small numbers of cardiac surgery patients. This population faces unique challenges to recovery such as a longer duration of mechanical ventilation, ICU and hospital LOS, delirium, significant pain in the first 24-48 hours and post operative arrhythmias. This study aims to validate the QoR 15 in this population exclusively to determine if it is feasible, valid, reliable and responsive in this unique population.
A retrospective cohort study of Differential Attainment, COVID and Chaos: taking the difference out of a terrible trinity
This study compared the learning curves and outcome of Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy between 'pioneers' and early adopters in terms of feasibility and proficiency using short term outcomes.
When an individual encounters nociceptive pain stimuli, the pupil dilates in a unique manner known as Pupil reflex dilation (PRD).The degree of pupillary reflex dilatation can be further quantified into an objective parameter, termed the Pupillary pain index (PPI), as a monitoring tool for the balance between nociception and antinociception in surgical patients The motivation for this study is to investigate the feasibility of using pupillometry to assess acute pain after shoulder surgery. The purpose of the study is as follows: (1) Can PDR in patients undergoing general anesthesia be used to assess the analgesic effect of interscalene block? (2) Does PPI at the end of surgical anesthesia in such patients correlate with the first numerical pain scale (NRS) during the recovery room?
Phase I to evaluate the safety and feasibility of same-day discharge in selected participants undergoing minimally-invasive lung surgery and who receive an enhanced recovery pathway.
This paper is intended to report our observational study in evaluating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Tan Tock Seng Hospital hepatopancreatobiliary unit's surgical workload from January to June across 2019 to 2022, corresponding to the pre-pandemic baseline to its peak and the gradual normalization of hospital services as Singapore entered the transition phase to COVID-19 resilience.
The goal of this observational study is to gather data about surgical procedures for rectal prolapse in adult human subjects. The main question it aims to answer is: • Which procedure is best for treating external rectal prolapse? Participants will: - be included if they can consent to participation - be offered standard care treatment, as no interventions will be done - be asked to answer relevant questionnaires within 3 months prior to the surgery for rectal prolapse - be asked to answer the same questionnaires 6 and 12 months postoperative - optionally answer the questionnaires again at 3 and 1 year postoperative, but this is not part of the existing funding body
Background: Comparison between three different surgical techniques in the management of concealed penis. Methods: This prospective interventional non-randomized study included 150 pediatric patients with concealed penis. They were distributed equally into three groups; group A; patients treated by phallopexy only, group B; patients treated by complete dissection and excision of dartos fascia & group C; patients treated by both phallopexy and dartos excision.