View clinical trials related to Sleep Apnea.
Filter by:Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are two common diseases and share similar symptoms such as anxiety, poor attention, and poor sleep quality. However, the evidence toward the association between GAD and OSA is limited. The current study aims to use wearable devices to detect comorbid OSA in newly diagnosed patients with GAD and observe the treatment response and difference in automatic nervous function in GAD and GAD/OSA groups.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a common disease, affecting 10-15% of the general adult population. This pathology is characterized by iterative nocturnal episodes of complete or partial obstruction of the upper airways during sleep leading to chronic intermittent nocturnal hypoxia and sleep fragmentation. The number of nocturnal respiratory anomalies per hour of sleep characterizes the severity of the disease with a gradual gradation of severity from mild (from 5 to 15 anomalies per hour) to moderate (15 to 30 anomalies per hour) and severe (over 30 anomalies per hour). The rationale for this severity classification is the increase in morbidity and mortality proportional to the severity of OSA as defined. OSA is accompanied by a fragmentation of sleep often responsible for excessive daytime sleepiness, causing an increase in occupational accidents with work stoppage and traffic accidents. The second consequence of repeated nocturnal obstructions is chronic intermittent nocturnal hypoxia which has deleterious cardiovascular effects, constituting an independent cardiovascular risk factor. Shear waves are elastic waves of low frequency (less than 1000 oscillation per second - 1000Hz). It propagates only in solids and soft solids such as the human body. The propagation of a shear wave generates a reversible micrometric displacement of the particles that make up this medium. The energy of these waves is related to the amplitude of movement of the particles. Elastography is an imaging modality for measuring the elasticity of biological tissues by shear waves. The shear wave is a mechanical wave sensitive to the change in the elasticity of its propagation medium. This sensitivity is manifested by the variation of its propagation speed. Hardness results in acceleration of the wave and softness in its slowing down. The therapeutic use of shear waves has never been used for the treatment of sleep apnea but its use could be an additional therapeutic arsenal of Continuous Positive Pressure. The technology developed by BREAS MEDICAL AB is based on the use of shear waves for the treatment of sleep apnea. The treatment is delivered using a cervical collar equipped with six sources (vibrating pistons) generating shear waves. The treatment generates shear waves at frequencies that vary from 20 to 250 Hz continuously, and at amplitudes less than 50 microns of the same order of magnitude of vibration as snoring. In view of the innovative nature of the treatment, the medico-technical team of BREAS MEDICAL AB carried out an analysis of the risks related to the device and to the propagation of waves, including the norms and standards imposed by the competent bodies. The investigators would like, in a first-dose study in humans, to assess safety in patients with sleep apnea syndrome.
In this study the feasibility of detecting sleep apnoeas with unobtrusive wearable sensors and sounds recorded with a smartphone is studied by making an overnight recording to patients with high probability of sleep apnoeas. The data acquired with the aforementioned devices is: ECG, acceleration, bioimpedance of thorax and processed and raw audio. In data analysis phase it will be studied which combinations of these signals would enable detecting sleep apnoeas with high enough sensitivity and specificity when compared to a night polygraphy reference (Nox T3 device using airflow, breathing movements, audio, position, movement, oxygen saturation, pulse and leg EMG).
The main aim of the study is to check the side effects from overnight treatment with danavorexton and assess the tolerability of varying doses of danavorexton administered intravenously. Before starting treatment with danavorexton, participants will keep a sleep diary and use an under-mattress sensor for at least 7 nights to check regular sleep habits. There will be 3 Treatment Period up to 14 days apart. In each Treatment Period, participants will receive an intravenous (through the vein) infusion of either danavorexton or a placebo starting in the evening and continuing over a 10-hour period. A placebo looks exactly like danavorexton but does not have any medicine in it. Participants will take part in a follow-up phone appointment about a week after the last Treatment Period.
The overall goal of this project is to better understand the effect of intermittent hypoxia (IH) on sympathetic neuronal discharge patterns in humans, as well as mechanisms that mediate persistent sympathoexcitation with IH.
The need for multiple night testing is well recognized in sleep medicine because of a considerable and relevant night-to-night variability. In a study with multiple recordings using WatchPAT®, the OSA severity of 24% of patients was misclassified when using one night compared to the average of three nights. On average, pAHI varied by 57% from night-to-night. The variability of pAHI could partially be explained by the variability of time spent in the supine position with more time supine leading to a higher pAHI (Tschopp et al 2021). Smith (2007) suggested that the AHI should be indicated with a confidence interval to indicate the uncertainty regarding its true value. The Minimal Detectable Difference (MDD) is of special interest in sleep medicine, especially when assessing treatment effects. MDD was found to be 12.8/h and the standard error of measurement was 4.6/h for 4 nights of polysomnography (Aarab et al. 2008). For WatchPAT®, measuring two and three nights showed a small reduction in MDD from 19.1/h to 18.0/h (Tschopp et al. 2021, in press). Only one study using pulse oximetry assessed the night-to-night variability over 14 days (Stöberl A. et al 2017). The study confirmed the enormous variability and focused mainly on its impact on OSA severity. While the night-to-night variability has been extensively studied for polysomnography, respiratory polygraphy, and WatchPAT®, little is known about the optimal number of nights to be recorded. There is convincing evidence from the literature, that the recording of multiple nights is the only way to assess the severity of the patient's disease with clinically reasonable accuracy. Moreover, the MDD with only one night's recording is astonishingly high. The question is how many nights should be recorded to achieve acceptable diagnostic accuracy. The precision of the OSA measurement depends on the clinical situation. For example, to diagnose severe OSA, a higher variability might be acceptable without influencing the treatment decision. However, when comparing treatment effects, the MDD should be as small as possible. The recording of multiple nights might be cumbersome for patients (e.g. with polysomnography or respiratory polygraphy) as well as costly. These factors have to be taken into consideration for the clinically feasible number of recordings. Sleepiz One Connect offers the unique opportunity for a contactless recording of breathing combined with conventional pulse oximetry and is a minimally invasive diagnostic tool that allows measurements over several nights. Studies with multiple night recordings will offer a basis for diagnostic recommendations in future guidelines. The study aims to investigate the variability of obstructive sleep apnea at-home sleep apnea testing. By investigating the variability, we want to quantify the improvement in diagnostic accuracy by additional measurements. The hypothesis is that additional recordings offer a significant improvement in diagnostic accuracy by reducing the variability. The reduction in variability will diminish with each additional recording.
The Prodigy system, developed by Cerebra Medical Ltd, allows for the generation of the same information in the home that is currently only obtained in in-laboratory studies. The objective of the current study is to demonstrate that the signals obtained by this comprehensive, portable system are comparable to those obtained in in-laboratory studies.
Aims of this research are to detect if an improvement in sleep pattern in patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), produces a reduction in pain and dysfunction in the orofacial area by examining variation in temporo-mandibular disorder (TMD) signs and symptoms and if the prevalence of TMDs in OSA patients controlling this disease decreases to levels comparable to healthy subjects. 41 OSA patients will undergo a complete TMD examination prior to start any OSA treatment and after at least 18 months of therapy. Variations in TMD signs and symptoms will be recorded.
The anatomical changes of the upper airway in a standing vs pseudo-supine position using Carestream Orthodontic Imaging (Volumetric) and Carestream Orthodontic Imaging module (AP measurements) of the patient's airway respectively, have been taken and the obtained results compared. In order to simulate the supine position, patients are placed in a supine position (180 degrees) in a dental exam chair, and asked to relax their lower jaw, allowing it to drop back, simulating their jaw falling back while sleeping. That bite is then captured with a Correct Plus™ Impression Material Superfast. Once the bite material hardens, it locks the bite in place. The patient then stands upright, and CBCT is taken standing while the jaw placement is still pseudo sleep-supine, supported by the bite material.
Ischemic stroke is a major public health issue, likely to cause functional disability. It is well known that sleep has an impact on brain plasticity, and after an ischemic stroke, studies have shown subjective sleep quality alterations and sleep architecture abnormalities. Furthermore, there is no clear guideline showing the usefulness of a systematic sleep investigation following an ischemic stroke. The aim of the study is to identify retrospectively correlation between polysomnographic abnormalities (sleep apnea, periodic limb movements, disturbed sleep architecture…) and functional recovery after an ischemic stroke. The study also assesses the impact of sleep abnormalities on survival, and the risk of new cardiovascular event.