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Prediabetic State clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT02716870 Active, not recruiting - Hypertension Clinical Trials

Meta-analyses of the Effect of Important Food Sources of Sugars on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors

Start date: June 2015
Study type: Observational

Fructose-containing sugars have been implicated in the epidemics of obesity, diabetes and related cardiometabolic disorders. This view is supported by lower quality evidence from ecological observations, animal models, and select human trials. Higher level evidence from controlled trials and prospective cohort studies have been inconclusive. Whether sugars contribute to cardiometabolic complications independent of their calories remains unclear. To address the uncertainties, the investigators propose to conduct a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the totality of the evidence from controlled trials to distinguish the contribution of fructose-containing sugars from that of energy in the development of markers of cardiometabolic risk. The findings generated by this proposed knowledge synthesis will help improve the health of consumers through informing evidence-based guidelines and improving health outcomes by educating healthcare providers and patients, stimulating industry innovation, and guiding future research design.

NCT ID: NCT02702440 Active, not recruiting - Obesity Clinical Trials

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Liquid Versus Solid Calories and Body Weight

Start date: May 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) has been linked to rising rates of overweight and obesity. The most prominent mechanism to explain the link between SSBs and obesity is that liquid calories are not perceived by the body; thereby, promoting less satiety, less energy compensation and more weight gain than does the same energy consumed in solid form. This view is supported by pooled analyses of acute preload trials that have primarily measured food intake as the outcome. Though failure of short-term compensation has been observed with liquid calories, results from these acute preload trials should not be extrapolated to infer that liquid energy sources lead to weight gain over the long-term. To date, it is unclear whether liquid calories have differential effects than solid calories on body weight gain over the longer term. To increase clarity in this issue, the investigators propose to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis from long-term controlled feeding trials to distinguish the contribution of liquid calories from solid calories on body weight over the long-term. The findings generated by this analysis will improve the health of consumers through informing evidence-based guidelines and improving health outcomes by educating healthcare providers and patients, stimulating industry innovation, and guiding future research design.

NCT ID: NCT02673762 Active, not recruiting - Insulin Resistance Clinical Trials

Salivary Transcriptome Biomarkers for Early Diabetes Detection

Start date: January 2016
Study type: Observational

A PRoBE design study will be used to obtain saliva from patients before undergoing blood study evaluation for screening at risk patients for the presence of undiagnosed pre-diabetes of type II diabetes. Pre-specified saliva biomarkers will be evaluated along with multi-marker models for their discriminatory value for distinguishing patients with normal glucose metabolism from those with disease. Appropriate housekeeping genes will also be incorporated to allow for the measurement of relative gene expression.

NCT ID: NCT02605148 Active, not recruiting - Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Trials

TEFA Family Prevention: Glutenfree Diet to Preserve Beta-cell Function

Start date: December 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

To evaluate the effect of Gluten Free Diet (GFD) on beta-cell function and glucose metabolism in subjects with one or several islet autoantibodies without and with dysglycemia at baseline. Additionally, all subjects will be given treatment with Vitamin D, omega fatty acids and probiotics. Subjects will be randomized to GFD or normal diet during 18 months. Beta cell function will be evaluated at baseline, and during follow-up by glucose tolerance tests.

NCT ID: NCT02470260 Active, not recruiting - Diabetes Clinical Trials

Northern Manhattan Study of Metabolism and Mind

Start date: January 2012
Study type: Observational

Pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and their related conditions, adiposity and insulin resistance, are more prevalent in minorities Northern Manhattan compared to the general population of the United States. Despite knowledge of the main biologic determinants of these conditions (high caloric intake and sedentarism) the prevalence of these conditions continue to increase. In addition, these conditions can cause mental health problems including increased depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment. Thus, the investigators decided to conduct a community based study of middle aged Hispanic men and women aged 50 to 64 years at baseline in order to: 1. Document the prevalence and incidence, of pre-diabetes, diabetes, overweight, obesity, and associated conditions (e.g. dyslipidemia, hypertension). 2. Study how social determinants of health (SDOH) affect these conditions. 3. Study the consequences of these conditions on aging and mental health outcomes, including cognitive impairment.

NCT ID: NCT02366481 Active, not recruiting - Obesity Clinical Trials

Vitamin K and Glucose Metabolism in Adults at Risk for Diabetes (Vita-K 'n' Adults Study)

Start date: February 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Given that glutamate carboxylation or decarboxylation is key to the metabolic role of osteocalcin (at least in mouse models) and that carboxylation is vitamin K dependent, it is critical to isolate the effect of vitamin K manipulation on carboxylation of osteocalcin and its subsequent effect on glucose metabolism in clinical trials. The purpose of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in adults is to determine whether eight weeks of daily supplementation with vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) can improve markers in blood associated with diabetes risk.

NCT ID: NCT02358668 Active, not recruiting - Pre-Diabetes Clinical Trials

BTI320 (SUGARDOWN®) on Post-Prandial Hyperglycaemia in Subjects With Pre-Diabetes

Start date: March 2015
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This is a single-centre, 16-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-treatment arm pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BTI320 in the treatment of high risk subjects with pre-diabetes. This is a pilot study aiming to test whether taking a medicine named BTI320 that slows down carbohydrate absorption in the gut, will lower blood sugar. The study aims to recruit 60 individuals in Hong Kong. To take part in the study, subjects must have pre-diabetes, that is, they have blood sugar levels that are above normal but not reaching diabetes range. The medicine BTI320 is currently licensed as a health supplement in Hong Kong and is known alternatively as SUGARDOWN®. The investigators are comparing the effectiveness of BTI320 against a dummy tablet. Both tablets look and taste identical and during the study, subjects will not know which of these tablets they are taking. There is a 4 in 5 chance of receiving active medication and 1 in 5 chance of receiving placebo. Subjects will be followed up closely every 2 to 4 weeks for a period of time up to 22 weeks. The study visits will take between 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on additional checks that are required on a particular visit including oral glucose tolerance test and meal tolerance test. At visits involving meal tolerance test, subjects will be required to stay for approximately 3 hours. In addition, at Visit 2, Visit 4 and 3 days before Visit 7, a continuous glucose monitoring system device will be installed. Throughout the study period, subjects will return to the study center for check-ups including careful enquiry about whether they have developed any side-effects from taking the medication, physical examination, as well as blood tests.

NCT ID: NCT02030249 Active, not recruiting - Obesity Clinical Trials

Sub-Study of the PREVIEW Study Australia

Start date: January 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study is to investigate possible enduring effects of a standard 2-month weight loss program on appetite regulation, bone homeostasis and muscle strength in younger and older adults, as well as the impact of differences in dietary composition during weight maintenance.

NCT ID: NCT01926041 Active, not recruiting - Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Trials

The Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation in Prediabetic Smokers

Start date: August 1, 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Existing literature investigating the impact of smoking cessation on new-onset diabetes mellitus (DM) risk is conflicting. Combing the need for smoking cessation and body weight self-management to prevent the progression of prediabetes stage into DM, with the public implementation of the second-generation cessation program, we aimed to study the effectiveness of the Fight Tobacco and Stay Fit (FIT2) program aiming at promoting smoking cessation and restricting post-cessation weight gain (PCWG) together in prediabetic smokers regarding long-term glycemic and DM-related health outcomes.

NCT ID: NCT01739868 Active, not recruiting - Pre-diabetes Clinical Trials

Screening and Understanding of the Pre-diabetes: DECODIAB

Start date: April 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The main objective of the study is to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in switching from pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes and to identify new biomarkers of type 2 diabetes risk in the population of patients with pre-diabetes.