View clinical trials related to Periodontitis.
Filter by:Patients with periodontitis will be treated by either SRP only or SRP in combination with laser. Samples from GCF will be collected immediately after treatment and at 3 months follow-up time. Levels of BMP-2 and ALP will be assessed at these time points. Statistical analysis to compare the results will be performed.
Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. Hydroxylated poly methoxy flavones are a combination of naturally occurring flavonoids extracted from the orange peel and exert anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal activity however, this extract is poorly soluble and poorly absorbable. In this work, this extract was formulated as a solid dispersion formulation to enhance its biological activity and then incorporated into a gel base and used in the treatment of periodontitis after clinical debridement.
Aim: A prospective randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing two groups of a cohort of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients with periodontal disease will be carried out to identify if the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy is a predictor of remission/ low disease activity (LDA)-remission. Methods: 42 patients with RA and periodontitis from the RA Almenara cohort will be included (ACR 1987 and or ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria with more than 16 years old at diagnosis); those with <6 teeth, current infections, cancer or oral precancerous lesions, diabetics, Sjogren's syndrome, use of antibiotics or drugs associated with dry mouth and dental surgery, will be excluded. Periodontal Disease was defined by the presence of periodontitis stage 3 or 4 with at least 2 non-adjacent teeth with insertion loss >=5mm, probing depth >=5mm and bleeding on probing according with the 2018 periodontitis diagnostic criteria. Two RA patients groups will be follow up by monthly visits. Patients will be divided into two groups (intervention and no intervention treatment). PD treatment will be performed by a qualified periodontist. No intervention group will receive PD treatment after 6 month visit because ethical principles. Disease activity will be determined according with DAS 28index, Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and Simple Disease Activity Index (SDAI) scores, C-reactive protein (CRP), the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and rheumatoid factor levels will be registered before and after PD treatment (baseline, 3 and 6 months visits), and the differences between the groups will be analyzed and compared. Periodontal parameters including probing depth (PD), clinical attachment loss, and sulcus bleeding index (SBI) will be correlated with the factor levels.
Patients diagnosed with stage III or IV periodontitis during routine visits at the department of periodontology will undergo a validated questionnaire to understand the impact of the disease on their quality of life.
This study is to evaluate whether non-surgical periodontal therapy can help to control the cardiovascular risk among patients with moderate/severe periodontitis and at risk of cardiovascular disease.
this study addresses the effect of the vitamin B3 and vitamin B9 on the periodontal healing at the sites of periodontal destruction due to periodontitis and evaluate its added effect to the conventional non-surgical periodontal treatment on its pivotal role in the biological activities and repair in the body in general and the periodontium in specific. The research will be conducted on patients suffering from stage I and II periodontitis that typically are to be treated with non surgical periodontal therapy, the rationale of the non surgical periodontal treatment is eliminating the plaque biofilm responsible for stimulation of host immune defense causing the inflammation and hence suppressing the periodontal destruction. the trial is targeting enhancing the treatment effect by the administration of vitamin B3 and B9 supplements which will target the host inflammatory reaction itself and directly suppressing it as well as enhancing the periodontal regeneration and the gain of the lost attachment.
The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility i. e. to examine all aspects necessary for the implementation of a future randomized clinical trial that aims to determine whether non-surgical periodontal treatment can be improved by concomitant intake of vitamin D.
The study aims at determining the prevalence of Periodontitis in diabetic Egyptian dental outpatients attending the diagnostic centre at faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University
Treatment of periodontitis requires removal of dental biofilm both through professional mechanical plaque removal and domiciliar oral hygiene procedures. This study aims to compare biometric and psychological results after professional treatment of periodontitis carried out by piezoelectric or magnetostrictive ultrasonic devices.
This study aims to investigate the clinical and microbiological efficacy of Lactobacillus reuteri as an adjunctive therapy to non-surgical periodontal treatment of chronic periodontitis with type 2 diabetes.