View clinical trials related to Knee Osteoarthritis.
Filter by:The Aim Is To Study The Anatomic Relationship Of The Popliteal Vesseles In Two Types Of (OWHTO) Techniques (Monoplanar VS Biplanar) Which Provide More Safe Technique To The PV
The primary aim will seek to understand whether Cognitive Muscular Therapy (CMT) could provide pain relief for people on a waiting list for joint replacement.
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and efficacy of the 40 mg and 100 mg doses of allogeneic micronized dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane (micronized DHACM) injectable compared to 0.9% sodium chloride injection, placebo control for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
Robotic arthroplasty is increasing in acceptance on a global scale as a result of advancements in orthopedic surgery technology. The investigators aimed to share our anesthesia management experience as well as compare robotic unilateral total knee arthroplasty with conventional surgical technique in this retrospective study.
The hypothesis is that the use of spa therapy in Saint-Lary Soulan for knee osteoarthritis treatment would have a therapeutic effect on this pathology. The main objective of this external comparison study is to evaluate the comparative effectiveness at 6 months of spa therapy in the Saint-Lary Soulan spa center on functional disability and pain (MCII: Minimal Clinical Important Improvement) in knee osteoarthritis compared to the control group of the Thermarthrose multicenter randomized clinical trial, receiving standard cares. The patients included in the Larytherm cohort will undergo a three-week spa therapy in Saint-Lary Soulan with a follow-up of 6 months after the end of spa therapy.
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and race is a risk factor for poor outcomes. Non-Hispanic Black individuals (NHB) report greater disability and pain severity compared to Non-Hispanic Whites (NHW). These differences are reinforced through social and biological mechanisms, ultimately resulting in disparities in pain experience and associated quality of life. National efforts to reduce analgesic utilization highlight the critical need for safe, effective, and accessible alternatives for pain relief for underserved/at-risk populations. Low-carbohydrate diets (LCDs) reduce inflammation and pain independent of weight loss, indicating that diet interventions offer a non-pharmacological alternative. However, racial differences exist in metabolism that are rarely addressed in diet intervention studies. Therefore, a LCD may have greater pain-reducing effects in NHBs and provide an alternative treatment for pain. This will be the first study to examine the efficacy of these diets to reduce knee OA pain with an emphasis on race and interactions with biopsychosocial variables. Aim 1: To investigate the efficacy of the LCD to reduce pain and improve QOL. Hypothesis 1: The LCD group will show significantly greater reductions in: self-reported pain and evoked pain when compared to the USDA diet. Hypothesis 2: The LCD group will show greater improvements in: QOL, mood, and self-reported improvement. Hypothesis 3: Both diets will result in improved pain disability, severity, catastrophizing and pain-related fear; the LCD will outperform the USDA diet. Objective 2: To explore racial differences in diet effects and baseline measures. Hypothesis 1: NHBs will show greater improvements in pain, QOL, and mood. Hypothesis 2: NHBs will report greater food insecurity and less proximity to grocery stores. Hypothesis 3: Diet quality will be negatively associated with baseline pain sensitivity. Objective 3: To determine whether physiological variables contribute to diet effects or lack thereof. Hypothesis 1: Baseline physiological measures will predict: pain sensitivity and reductions in pain. NHBs will show greater inflammation at baseline than NHWs. Hypothesis 2: Change in physiological measures will be related to: change in pain, change in QOL, self-reported improvement and mood. NHWs will show greater reductions in inflammation and adiposity than NHBs.
Osteoarthritis is a painful long term joint condition that is associated with poor quality of life. There are no treatments to prevent it. Inflammation is one cause of osteoarthritis. This inflammation is complex. It involves many joint tissues, like cartilage and fat. It also involves many proteins that act as inflammatory 'signals'. Safely targeting these proteins with medications has so far proved ineffective. Physiotherapy and weight loss can help osteoarthritis, but there is a need for other approaches. Blueberries are rich in natural chemicals called polyphenols; these have well-established anti-inflammatory effects. Blueberries and other fruits may improve osteoarthritis symptoms, but the investigators do not know how this improvement happens. It may be that these foods reduce inflammation within the joint tissues. They will investigate this. This will help us to understand 1) how blueberries improve osteoarthritis symptoms and 2) whether dietary supplementation with blueberries could slow down joint damage in osteoarthritis, rather than just improving symptoms. Additionally, high levels of joint inflammation predict poorer recovery from joint replacement surgery. Therefore, blueberry supplementation may hasten this recovery. Fifty eight people scheduled to have a knee replacement for osteoarthritis will receive either six weeks blueberry supplementation or a placebo pre-surgery. Participants will continue the supplementation for six weeks after surgery. First, this study will use tissue samples (cartilage, fat and the joint lining called synovium) obtained during surgery to investigate the effects of pre-operative blueberry supplementation on markers of joint inflammation. Second, this study will assess the ability of dietary supplementation with blueberries to improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Finally, this study will investigate the effect of blueberry supplementation on recovery from total knee replacement. Our investigations may provide evidence to support dietary supplementation with blueberries to slow down osteoarthritis progression and to improve recovery from osteoarthritis joint replacement surgery.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether exercise-induced hypoalgesia (EIH) is present following exercise in patient after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and if so, if it changes with exercise intensity. A repeated measures and single-blinded randomized study were done. Thirty-eight patients 24 hours after TKA were randomly assigned to either low intensity exercises (LIE) group or high intensity exercises (HIE) group. An exercise programs lasted for five days during the hospitalization period. Pain severity was assessed by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) (0-10 mm). Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were measured over quadriceps and biceps brachii and muscles immediately before and after exercise.
Background: Current knee osteoarthritis (OA) guidelines recommend knee specific exercise as treatment for knee OA pain. However, up to 87 % of patients with knee OA have at least one other chronic condition, typically cardiovascular in nature. The elevated risk of cardiovascular health problems can be mitigated by performing aerobic exercise. By consequence, it seems logical to apply aerobic exercise for this patient group as the symptomatic benefit is equal to other types of exercise. Aim: This study aims to assess the tolerability of cardiovascular exercise using High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on different self-selected exercise equipment in patients with knee OA and at least one CVD risk factor. Hypothesis: The hypothesis is that performing HIIT exercise is tolerable when having knee OA and at least one CVD risk factor. Method: The study is a prospective cohort study designed to assess if HIIT performed by patients with knee OA and at least one modifiable CVD risk factor influence knee pain. The investigators plan to include 40 participants. The participants will be recruited from the osteoarthritis outpatient clinic at Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg hospital. This study will include participants with a clinical diagnosis of knee OA (either one or both knees) and at least one CVD risk factor (obesity, hypertension, elevated HbA1c (long-term blood glycose), elevated triglycerides, elevated cholesterol (LDL)). All participants will attend the HIIT intervention 3 times per week, for 12 weeks. Before a participant attend their first exercise session, he/she will be asked to complete an educational session about knee OA and aerobic exercise. Participants will have a pre-screening visit (phone call), a screening visit, and a baseline visit, before the 12-week exercise period (3 sessions weekly), and after completion of the exercise period a follow-up visit. Finance: This study is fully funded by Sygesikring "Denmark". Publication: All results, both negative, positive, and inconclusive will be published. Should publication fail, the results will be made publicly available.
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of AqueousJoint Intra-Articular Injection in Mild to Moderate Knee Osteoarthritis of AqueousJoint. The main questions it aims to answer are: - To demonstrate superior efficacy of AqueousJoint administered via intra-articular injection versus placebo during the study period. - To evaluate the efficacy of two different concentrations of AqueousJoint, administered via single IA injection as compared to control group (placebo) One IA injection of AqueousJoint or Placebo will be injected to participants' knee. Follow up will take place up to six months.