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Filter by:The aim of this observational study is to get a better understanding of the association between problem gambling psychotic disorders among young adults with firs-episode psychosis. The main questions to be answered are: 1. What are the incidence and risk factors for problem gambling in this population? 2. How effective are the current treatments for problem gambling in adults with first-episode psychosis? To do so, comparisons will be made among the study cohort for various factors: - Use of dopamine partial agonists; - Psychiatric comorbidities; - Socioeconomic status; - Sex; - Gender; - Gambling history. The nature of the treatments for problem gambling offered and received by the subjects, as well as their effectiveness, will also be documented.
Neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, autism spectrum disorder, language and social communication disorder, motor coordination disorder, learning disorder (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysorthography), intellectual development disorder are frequent and long-lasting developmental difficulties that can be observed in children in various domains. They are often associated and have a significant impact on daily functioning at school and at home. The rate of people affected by neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder have increased significantly over the past 20 years. Improved screening only partly explains this evolution. A genetic predisposition plays an important role in the occurrence of these disorders, however, current scientific data suggest a multifactorial origin. Exposures such as those related to the use of pesticides, air pollution or the presence of endocrine disruptors in our diet could be involved in the genesis of neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly during intrauterine life, a period of great vulnerability. The current diagnostic pathways for autism rarely enable the early identification of babies at risk. Without early detection and timely targeted intervention, these children have a poor health outcome and do not reach their full potential. The general objective of the MARIANNE cohort is to constitute a French research infrastructure dedicated to research on the biological and environmental determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. This cohort is based on the follow-up of 1200 families with already a child affected by an autism spectrum disorder, which implies a high risk of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder for the siblings, and of 500 families from the general population with no excess risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. The total number of subjects to be included (mother, father, unborn child and ASD sibling for the HR group) is thus 6300. The inclusion of these families will be at the beginning of a new pregnancy and the follow-up will be carried out from the second trimester of pregnancy until the children are 6 years old, the age at which the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders is possible. Biological, clinical, social and environmental data will be collected at different stages of the follow-up and will be included into a large database.
This study is a multicenter, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Anti-COVID-19 Antibody SA55 for Injection in patients with hematological malignancies. This study consists of two stages. In the first stage, 8 subjects aged 18-75 were recruited for safety assessment, including the monitoring of clinical test indicators and adverse events. After confirming the preliminary safety results of the first stage, we plan to recruit 160 COVID-19 patients with hematologic disorders aged 1-75 years old and randomly divided into the SA55 group and the placebo group with a ratio of 3:1. Basic information and laboratory tests will be collected during the whole study, and the occurrence of adverse events and SAEs of all subjects were collected.
This phase II trial test the effectiveness and safety of a single-port robotic device (the da Vinci single port [SP]1098) for use in abdominal and pelvic surgeries. The da Vinci SP1098 robotic device can be used to perform less invasive surgeries that allow entry into the body through a single, small incision. The use of this device during surgery may allow surgeons to perform complex procedures that result in less pain, fewer complications and side effects, and improved recovery.
This study evaluates the impact of intranasal oxytocin vs placebo in patients with obesity and binge eating disorder with obesity. We hypothesize that 8 weeks of intranasal oxytocin vs placebo will improve clinical outcomes [weight loss, reduction in bingeing frequency], and have a satisfactory safety and tolerability profile. We will also explore the predictive value of changes in homeostatic appetite, reward sensitivity, and impulse control, the identified underlying mediators, as assessed 4 weeks into the intervention, for treatment success after 8 weeks of the intervention
The goal of this randomized control trial is to test the efficacy of the Social ABCs 6 week, group-based model using a virtual delivery platform. The Social ABCs is a caregiver-mediated early intervention program, aiming to increase child skills in directed, intentional vocalizations, and shared smiling with a primary caregiver for toddlers identified as early signs or a confirmed diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or having related social communication challenges. A positive RCT was previously completed using the program's in-person individual, 12-week model, and a pilot study showing preliminary promise of the virtual group-based model has also been published. This adaptation to a virtual, group-based model maintains the core components of the intervention, but allows caregivers to meet and discuss the content as a group from their home environments and complete the program in a shorter timeframe. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Is the Social ABCs virtual group-based model an effective early intervention program for toddlers aged 12-42 months with probable or confirmed ASD, or experiencing social communication challenges, when compared to an active control condition? - Can primary caregivers of these toddlers achieve implementation fidelity in the Social ABCs intervention strategies using the 6-week virtual delivery model? Participants will be randomized into the treatment condition (A) where they will receive the Social ABCs virtual group-based intervention or, into a Control condition (B), where they meet virtually with other caregivers in the control groups over the course of 6 weeks, viewing and discussing 3 didactic presentations around general child development content (not autism- or Social ABCs-specific). Video and questionnaire data will be collected before (Time 0) and after (Time 1) the 6 week period. After an additional 6-8 weeks, the same data will be collected from both groups as a follow-up time point (Time 2). Researchers will compare the Treatment group and the Control group to measure change in the target behaviours for the child, the caregiver's use of strategies, as well as caregiver stress and self-efficacy, across time-points.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders are common and debilitating conditions which are often chronic when treatment is not provided. International guidelines recommend cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as the first-line treatment, and research has shown that CBT can be delivered over a concentrated period of time. The Bergen 4-Day Treatment (B4DT) is an exposure-based treatment which is delivered over four consecutive days. B4DT has been shown to induce rapid and long-lasting remission in around 70% of patients. This provides a platform for studying psychological and neurobiological changes associated with treatment response and non-response. The present study will investigate longitudinal changes in psychological measures and DNA methylation in patients who receive the B4DT, as well as a subset will also undergo multimodal brain imaging.
This is a placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess whether Guanfacine Extended Release (GXR) reduces aggression and self injurious behavior in individuals with Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS). In addition, the study will establish the safety of GXR with a specific focus on metabolic effects.
Background: The genes a person is born with can sometimes cause serious diseases. Genetic diseases are rare, but they can have a big impact on the people they affect. Researchers have already made great strides in understanding how some genes cause disease. But they would like to have even better tools to analyze and understand genetic data. To create these new tools, they need to gather health and genetic data from a lot of people. Objective: This natural history study will gather medical information from people with genetic conditions. Eligibility: People of any age who (1) are known or suspected to have a genetic condition or (2) have a family member with a known or suspected genetic condition. Design: Participants will come to the clinic for up to 4 days. Tests to be performed will vary depending on the nature of each participant s health issue. The tests may include: Blood and saliva. Blood may be drawn from a vein; cells and saliva may be collected by rubbing the inside of the cheek with a swab. These would be used for genetic testing. Imaging scans. Participants may have X-rays or other scans of their bodies. They may lie still on a table while a machine records the images. Heart tests. Participants may lie still while a technician places a probe on their chest. They may also have stickers attached to wires placed on their chest. Photographs and recordings. Pictures may be taken of facial features, skin changes, or other effects of the genetic condition. Video and audio recordings may also be made. Some people may be able to participate via telehealth.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention delivered on a smartphone. This study examines whether this intervention might improve treatment outcomes for people with substance use disorders. The intervention, called Laddr®, is a smartphone application ("app") that provides information and skills that can help people stop using substances. The social version of Laddr® being tested in this study has new features that allow people in treatment for substance use disorders to include a support person in their treatment journey, including a friend, family member, or other acquaintance. This research study will compare the effectiveness of Laddr® in combination with standard outpatient substance use treatment to standard treatment only for substance use disorders.