View clinical trials related to Depression, Anxiety.
Filter by:Affecting nearly 800,000 people in the US every year, stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability, and has serious consequences for stroke survivors and their carepartners. Our project uses a scientifically rigorous efficacy study to evaluate a remotely delivered 8-week dyadic (couples-based) positive psychology intervention to reduce emotional distress in stroke survivors and their carepartners. If successful, couples may be better emotionally equipped to cope with the sequelae of stroke, and have better rehabilitation outcomes and quality of life.
This study will recruit 120 ethnic minorities in Hong Kong from the Zubin Foundation (TZF) at the Ethnic Minority Well-being Centre (EMWBC), which is a service provider of EM mental health support in Hong Kong. This service provides counselling service and referrals to HA via the Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW) to psychiatrists. The service covers the South Asians population of approximately eighty-four thousands people in Hong Kong. Participants will be recruited by the Zubin Foundation through outreach activities screening and counselling will be conducted in partnering schools and NGOs (e.g., Yan Oi Tong in Tuen Mun and Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education in Aberdeen). The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of counselling service for improving mood symptoms in EM, also to assess the effectiveness of counselling service in improving psychological functioning (i.e. resilience and rumination, self-compassion, self-efficacy and life satisfaction), social functioning and quality of life and to assess whether the counselling service is cost-effective and offers good value for money. The study is a wait-list RCT. Participants will be randomly assigned into either the intervention group (n = 60) or the wait-list control group (n = 60) in a 1:1 ratio. Each participant in the intervention group will be paired up with a participant from the control group, the number of sessions and duration of waiting period varies depending on the severity of mood symptoms. Participants with mild to moderate mood symptoms will receive a maximum of 6 counselling sessions and will be assessed at baseline (T0, W1), at post -treatment for counselling group (T1, W8), and after 2 booster sessions. Participants in the waiting list control group will receive the same counselling service after the counselling group completed the intervention. Participants with severe mood symptoms will receive a maximum of 10 counselling sessions and will be assessed at baseline (T0, W1), at post-treatment for counselling group (T1, W12), and after 2 booster sessions. Participants in the waiting list control group will receive the same counselling service after the counselling group completed the intervention. This evaluation study will provide data to inform the government in mental health policy review and development.
This study will examine which impact lockdown strategies intending to prevent the spread of COVID-19 had on people with cognitive impairment and dementia. Comprehensive data from two large health studies in Norway, conducted before and after the COVID-19 outbreak, will be linked with health register data on the use of health care services and medication. Further, it will be conducted a survey addressing questions on social isolation and use of communicative technology, from March 2020 to January 2021. The knowledge gained from this study can improve the health care system's ability to respond more adequately to pandemics and other unforeseen events, so that the negative consequences for older adults with dementia and cognitive impairment can be reduced.
Adults diagnosed with metastatic cancer commonly experience depression and anxiety symptoms, which can interfere with advance care planning. This randomized clinical trial evaluates a novel, piloted, primary palliative care intervention that addresses advance care planning and psychosocial needs of patients with metastatic cancer. The intervention focuses on patients with elevated anxiety and depression (anx/dep) symptoms-those with highest psychosocial needs who may be at greatest risk for advance care planning non-completion. The intervention is founded on an evidence-based intervention approach known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that reduces distress and promotes behavior change through theory-driven mechanisms. In the proposed randomized trial, M-ACT will be compared to a usual care control condition. The study will also assess the association between advance care planning and anx/dep symptoms, thereby informing the critical practice question of whether anx/dep symptoms should be addressed concurrently with advance care planning. The study will enroll patients with Stage IV solid tumor cancer (N=240) within Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers, randomized 1:1 to M-ACT or usual care. The study aims to: 1) Evaluate the hypothesis that M-ACT will increase advance care planning completion (primary outcome) and sense of life meaning, and reduce anx/dep symptoms and fear of dying relative to usual care control. 2) Assess the association between anx/dep symptoms and advance care planning at baseline and over time, testing the hypothesis that decreases in anx/dep symptoms at post- intervention will be associated with increases in advance care planning at follow-up. 3) Assess M-ACT's hypothesized mechanisms to specify how the intervention works (exploratory aim). Given their advance care planning and psychosocial needs, and poor access to palliative care, rigorously investigating M-ACT has the potential to benefit community patients with metastatic cancer and to advance palliative care science by addressing gaps in novel approaches, foundational knowledge, and the scalable delivery of palliative care. Note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the in-person group component of M-ACT has currently been shifted to an online group format.
The goal of this multi-centre phase I/II open-label, single-arm study is to determine the safety, feasibility, therapeutic dose, and preliminary efficacy of psilocybin microdosing to treat psychological distress among patients with advanced illness. Forty patients will receive psilocybin drug product (1-3mg per day, Mon-Fri) for 4 weeks to be administered via oral capsules by the participant. Feasibility (recruitment rate, rate of intervention and follow-up completion), safety (rate of adverse events), dosing, and preliminary efficacy (depression, anxiety, overall well-being, and global impression of change) will be measured.
Pain mechanisms in chronic pancreatitis (CP) are heterogeneous and includes nociception, pancreatic neuropathy and central neuropathy/neuroplasty. These mechanisms could occur simultaneously in variable proportions and could explain why several patients develop recurrence of pain even after being treated by all the currently available modalities, such as antioxidants, endoscopic therapies and surgery. In the studies by the investigators over the past 2 years, they observed that persistent pain in these patients was associated with varying grades of depression and poor quality of life. This was accompanied by alteration in the metabolites in the brain (anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia) as evidenced in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the brain. These areas in the brain are responsible for pain modulation, long-term pain memory and emotional responses to pain. When the investigators counselled these patients and explained their disease and possible outcomes based on their own clinical course, imaging and treatment response (personalized education/counselling), they reported significant improvement in depression, quality of life parameters and, interestingly, also in pain. Further, there were changes in the metabolite parameters in the brain on MRS after personalized counselling/education that was more similar to that of healthy controls. This led to our hypothesis that better understanding of the disease and its outcomes by the patients could improve their coping capabilities and increase their pain thresholds. This could augment the pain responses of these patients to the other therapeutic modalities. We will conduct this single blinded, placebo controlled, randomized controlled trial on patients with documented CP of over 3 years duration, who had at least 5 episodes of abdominal pain of over the past 6 months.
The objective of this study is to build the Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network to support the development of a Network Participant Registry and characterization of systems and interventions to examine statewide population health outcomes. All 12-13 sites represented in the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium ( have been invited to participate in the Texas Youth Depression and Suicide Research Network as "Nodes." 12 Nodes have been selected for this project. Each Node has obtained support of senior institutional leadership including the department chair. Leadership from each Node provided input and edits in the study design process by committee, with a focus on the inclusion of the "end user" in design decisions. Nodes will work closely with the Network Hub leadership to recruit, monitor, and retain participants. This will require active engagement and sustained relationships with clinics within the academic medical center as well as clinics in the community (i.e., psychiatry, psychology, counselling).
The investigators want to study whether the use of painting art therapy has an influence on the quality of life, the complication rate and the general outcome of major abdominal surgery. The painting art therapy is carried out according to the protocol of (LOM® Solution Centered Art Therapy) by trained painting art therapists.
COVID-19 is having profound effects on older adults' due to social isolation measures which may negatively impact individuals' mental and physical health. Recently, a telephone program, the Telehealth Intervention Program for Older Adults (TIP-OA), was created. In this program, a volunteer is calling older adults (ageā„60) every week to have a friendly conversation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of this telephone program (TIP-OA) in reducing stress, improving the mental health of program users, and understand their experiences.
The current study aims to test a novel therapeutic intervention for women who have a history of interpersonal trauma. The Building Empowerment and Resilience (BEAR) Therapeutic group incorporates psychological skills, psychoeducation, and physical empowerment training, all within a therapeutic process. It will be implemented iwith women who have experienced interpersonal trauma (physical, sexual, or emotional abuse/neglect). The investigators aim to understand how this program effects one's self-efficacy and whether the program can reduce rates mental health problems (such as depression and anxiety) and reduce the rates of revictimization. Women who participate in the BEAR group must be able to attend in-person sessions. The control group can be remote.