There are about 173942 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in United States. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The primary objective of ARISE II is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the GORE® Ascending Stent Graft device in the treatment of lesions involving the ascending aorta and aortic arch.
The purpose of this post-market clinical follow-up (PMCF) study is to describe the long-term safety and performance of AcrySof Single-Piece and AcrySof Multi-Piece monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs).
This is a 6-week ketogenic diet (KD) intervention where participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will follow a KD plan, supervised and monitored by a dietician. Participants will be provided extensive educational and ongoing support on the KD, including personalized coaching with the ability to text a dietitian at any time and expect a response within 12 hours. Diet adherence and progress will be assessed daily using at-home blood ketone/glucose monitors, along with diet records. Participants will fill out health related questionnaires and undergo assessments of body composition, RA disease activity. This study also includes blood draws and fat biopsy of the abdominal region.
Patients who complete prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy, the treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with the most empirical support, continue to express a need for mental health treatment. A therapist-assisted self-management program for patients who have completed one of these two treatments and achieved symptom improvement has the potential to meet patients' stated treatment needs, maintain or build upon their PTSD symptom reductions, increase their confidence in managing their symptoms, and reduce the number of mental health appointments that they need to attend. Further, reducing the number if mental health sessions attended by completers of these time and resource intensive psychotherapies will increase the likelihood that their implementation in regular-practice clinics will be maintained.
Pulsed shortwave (radiofrequency) therapy is a possible method of pain control involving the application of electromagnetic energy (also termed pulsed electromagnetic fields). Food and Drug Administration-cleared devices have been in clinical use for over 70 years. For decades, available devices consisted of a large signal generator and bulky coil applicator that were not portable and produced significant electromagnetic interference, making them impractical for common use. However, small, lightweight, relatively inexpensive, noninvasive, Food and Drug Administration-cleared devices that function for 8 days are now available to treat acute and chronic pain, decrease inflammation and edema, and hasten wound healing and bone regeneration. Therefore, it has the potential to concurrently improve analgesia and decrease or even negate opioid requirements, only without the limitations of opioids and peripheral nerve blocks. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of treating acute postoperative pain with nonthermal, pulsed shortwave (radiofrequency) therapy, optimize the study protocol, and estimate the treatment effect.
This is a multi-national trial. The trial aims to study the long-term safety of LUM-201 in subjects with Idiopathic Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (iPGHD). This study will also assess pharmacodynamics and efficacy response to therapy with LUM-201.
Workplace violence includes physical and verbal aggression as well as threatening behavior. All types of workplace violence incidents in health care are often under-reported, especially if there is no lasting physical injury.
The purpose of this study is to determine if additional interventions will assist with decreasing the risk and/or severity of thromboembolism (clotting complications) in patients who have experienced a major traumatic event.
The objectives of this study are to refine the dialysis care model with key stakeholder input and conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) to obtain evidence critical to inform a definitive RCT.
At present, there is no empirical data that specifies the likely prevalence of purpose in life disruption among various clinical populations. Between one-third and one-half of cancer survivors report some degree of existential distress during or after their treatment, but these findings are not specific to the domain of purpose in life. To address the aforementioned gap, we propose to conduct a survey study to determine the prevalence of purpose disruption in two clinical populations and determine if the prevalence of purpose disruption in these populations is different from that of a normative population.