There are about 173942 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in United States. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The purpose of this study is to examine how neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), may synergistically enhance corticospinal excitability in people with relapsing form multiple sclerosis (MS). This is an important intermediate step to evaluate the potential of AIH + NMES as a plasticity-priming strategy for more efficacious interventions for persons with MS. This study will measure ankle torque generation and amplitude of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) using a repeated measures study design in order to better understand the effects of AIH combined with NMES, as compared to only receiving NMES, and only receiving AIH.
The goal of this clinical trial is to assess the safety and tolerability profile of belantamab. The study will also assess how the levels of belantamab change over time and body's reaction to it in participants with moderate to severe systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Chronic constipation is a feature of children with cystic fibrosis (CF). This is postulated to be a result of inhibition of secretory activity of the gastrointestinal luminal cells due to ineffective chloride channel function. Typical laxatives that work as osmotic agents fail to produce adequate relief in this population. Maralixibat is a non-systemic bile acid transport inhibitor (IBATi) that acts by interrupting bile acid reabsorption in the ileum thus interrupting the normal enterohepatic circulation. This interruption results in a larger volume of bile acids reaching the colon and being excreted in stool. Bile acids are known to decrease bowel transit time, increase mucosal permeability and secretions, as well as alter gut microbiota resulting in diarrhea. The overarching hypothesis of the study is that Maralixibat will improve stool consistency in children (Age <18 years) with cystic fibrosis and constipation (Bristol Stool Scale <4). Specifically, we aim to test the hypothesis that IBATi improves the consistency of stool to Bristol scale >4 in children with CF and constipation. We will recruit a total of 20 patients with CF and constipation (defined as Bristol Stool Scale <4 for 1 week prior to enrollment while on a stable laxative regimen for at least 4 weeks.) Design is a 'Within-Subjects' study by which each enrolled patient will take Maralixibat for 2 weeks total in addition to their stable laxative regimen during the study. Stool consistency & ease of defecation will be recorded before and during the study period by families of enrolled patients via materials provided by the investigators. Stool consistency and ease of defecation will be compared before and after initiation of Maralixibat. The primary endpoint: Improvement in stool consistency to Bristol scale >4 in children with CF and constipation. The secondary endpoint: Improvement in ease of defecation in children with CF and constipation. This will be measured via survey using a standardized scale (Bristol Stool Scale) and questionnaires developed by the research team. Analysis will involve comparison of pre-intervention to post-intervention stool consistency & survey
This protocol is intended as a basket protocol designed to evaluate the use of Fibroblast Activating Protein (FAP) PET/CT in imaging the presence of fibrosis caused by a variety of medical conditions where fibrosis is believed to lead to pathological effects and poor prognosis.
This is a multicenter study that aims to determine whether the EEG and ET experiments studied in the ABC-CT Phase 1 and ABC-CT Confirmation studies can be successfully used with 3-5-year-old children and to determine the viability of these measures as potential biomarkers in 3-5-year-old children with ASD. Blood (DNA) samples will be collected from participants with ASD and biological parents for future genomic analyses, and raw, processed, and analyzed data will be shared to create a community resource accessible for use by all qualified investigators. These objectives are designed to advance the long term objective of developing promising biomarkers via the FDA Biomarker Qualification Program. This feasibility study aims to enroll 25 ASD and 25 TD eligible participants who are 3-5 years old.
The proposed study will evaluate a new approach to cognitive rehabilitation of mTBI using a brain stimulation technique called "Remotely Supervised Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation combined with Cognitive Training" (RS-tDCS+) which has shown promise for improving complex attention in both healthy and clinical populations. RS-tDCS+ is a home-based, low-risk, non-invasive technique that is designed to boost cognitive training by enhancing learning and the brain's ability to reorganize connections. This study will evaluate RS-tDCS+ for improving complex attention in Active Duty Service Members (ADSM) and Veterans with a history of mTBI. Different tests of complex attention and symptom questionnaires will be used to determine the effects of real versus sham (placebo) RS-tDCS+. Second, the investigators will investigate electrical and connectivity changes in the brain associated with RS-tDCS+ using electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Third, the investigators will investigate the lasting effects of any observed changes by evaluating participants at 1 and 6 weeks post-treatment. Lastly, the investigators will explore the impact of individual differences (e.g., PTSD, depression, sleep quality, time since injury, baseline impairment, age, sex, ADSM versus Veteran) on treatment outcome.
TheraPAP is a novel therapy approach being developed by SleepRes, LLC. for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This algorithm has been integrated into the Sefam S.Box CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device and both standard CPAP/APAP (auto-titrated PAP) as well as TheraPAP can be delivered. TheraPAP is a pressure control algorithm that lowers the pressure from the set pressure at the beginning of inspiration and does not return the pressure to the full set level until some point in late expiration. In this randomized crossover study, the comparative adherence to therapy between TheraPAP and APAP will be compared. Each therapy will be used by the patient for six-week periods with randomly assigned order, and the usage during each arm will be compared.
Cycling has been a proven exercise for decades as a low impact option to strengthen the lower body and improve cardiovascular health. There is also evidence that cycling helps to stimulate the contraction of the muscles in the intestine. Other outcomes frequently examined when considering benefits of ambulation include decreased rates of venous thromboembolic events, pneumonia, and decreased hospital length of stays. Therefore, there is added value to consider alternate mobility modalities.
Given the high numbers of cesarean deliveries being performed today, there has been interest in optimizing surgical techniques. Several recent reviews have summarized the evidence for various steps of cesarean delivery, but surprisingly in many cases there is little scientific evidence on which to base the choice of surgical technique.
The purpose of this study is to see whether participants who are assigned to a multimodal prehabilitation intervention during chemotherapy are able to adhere with exercise and nutrition program to prepare for their cancer surgery.