There are about 3285 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Pakistan. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
To Compare the effects of Pilates Excercises versus muscle energy technique along with kinesiotaping in non specific low back pain.
High Intensity Interval Training verses Aerobic Exercises on Emotional Intelligence of University Students
Musculoskeletal discomfort and work fatigue has enormous impact on quality of personal and professional life and increases health related economic burden on country due to increased cost of healthcare and reduced productivity in work. Upper limb and neck pain complains are the most frequent when evaluated in computer workers. The incidence of musculoskeletal discomfort in office workers is as high as 50%. While fatigue is also common due to its high prevalence and its relationship with dysfunctional disorders in office workers. The objective of this study is to compare and determine the effects of exercise breaks, rest breaks and exercise along with rest breaks on Fatigue and Musculoskeletal discomfort in static workstation office workers
This trial is linked to a largescale observational study determining the efficacy of sofosbuvir/daclatasvir in people in Pakistan (involving a separate protocol). The observational study will identify a cohort of patients who have not responded to first-line antiviral therapy (sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir) and the optimal treatment for these patients is unclear. This trial will address this issue by comparing two second-line treatment regimens to determine the preferred treatment option.
Intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) is a cutaneous nerve that provides sensation to the lateral chest, upper medial arm and axilla. It arises from the second intercostal nerve and leave intercostal space at the level of midaxillary line. It then pierces the serratus anterior muscle and enters axilla. Intercostobrachial nerve is encountered during axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) while mobilizing axillary contents laterally off the chest wall and tends to tether axillary contents to the lateral chest wall. Many surgeons routinely sacrifice it as doing so makes mobilization easier and allow exposure of long thoracic neve. Currently there is no consensus on the usefulness of preserving intercostobrachial nerve. According to a 2020 systemic review and meta-analysis, prevalence of CPSP/ PPSP following breast cancer surgery ranged from 2% to 78% and pooled prevalence was found to be 35%. Higher prevalence was associated with ALND. Several risk factors have been identified which contribute to the development of PPSP. These include; Preexisting pain, preoperative opioid exposure, genetics, psychological factors such as anxiety, depression or catastrophizing, intensity of acute postoperative pain and nerve injury during surgery. As a result of nerve injury, damaged and non-damaged nerve fibers start generating action potential spontaneously. These are considered ectopic inputs as they do not arise from peripheral terminals. These inputs lead to the development of central sensitization, which is a state of exaggerated functional response of neurons involved in the pain pathway. This increased sensitization results due to increased membrane excitability, enhanced synaptic efficacy and decreased inhibition. The aim of the present trial is to investigate the effect of ICBN preservation on chronic/ persistent post surgical pain (CPSP/ PPSP). This will be achieved through a randomized control trial with CPSP/ PPSP as a primary outcome measure. Secondary outcome measures will include Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), operating time, lymph node yield, functional status of ipsilateral shoulder, post-operative complications and post-operative use of opioid analgesics.
Sleepiness caused by sleep deprivation may increase the risk of injuries and damages during physical activity. Individual data so far indicates worsening of postural stability and control with females exhibiting better static postural stability regardless of sleeping conditions in comparison to men. However, the literature is deficient in terms of postural stability conditions with eyes open and eyes closed states, as well as fall risk and sensory integration of balance.
Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and identifying risk factors has been considered as the key initiative of suicide prevention. Considering that, the study aimed to explore the factors leading towards suicide in Pakistan through Case-Control Psychological Autopsy of Suicide. Also, the study aimed to Translate, Adapt and Validate American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Semi-Structured Interview for Psychological Autopsy (Generic Version, 2018).
Various methods are used to control post-operative pain among children. Amongst these methods, caudal block is one of the most favoured, prominent and dependable methods for providing reliable analgesia in surgeries below umbilicus. This study is to compare two doses of Dexmedetomidine added as adjunct to local anaesthesia using reduced dose in caudal block for prolonging the duration of analgesia. Our secondary outcomes will include blood pressure, heart rate, urinary retention, nausea and vomiting in the paediatric population.
Wound is defined by the breach in dermis of the skin. It can be caused by road traffic accidents, tumor excision, chronic illness like diabetes, bed sores in bedridden patients, burns, insects' bites etc. Treatment goals for wound coverage includes earliest debridement, dressings, local antibiotics, limb elevation, fracture fixations and wound coverage. Skin graft functions both as occlusive dressing, as a skin replacement and as a stimulus for healing. Even though the usage of flaps to cover the wounds has been increased recently still skin grafting serves as an easiest and simplest way of covering the wound. However, skin grafting introduces another wound in addition to the existing wound, the donor site wound (DSW). A secondary donor-site wound (DSW) is formed after harvesting split thickness skin graft which adds up with the primary wound to increase the total size of the wounds for the healing process. This donor site wound cause itching, pain and cosmetic embarrassment. That is why the proper and timely healing of the donor site wound is of great importance. Basic management of DSWs includes conventional dressings that provides absorption of bleeding solely.
This pilot study will test the feasibility and tolerability of the tethered OCT capsule and Trans Nasal Endomicroscopy probe and accessory devices for imaging the small intestine in subjects with EED and a matched non-EED cohort. This study will assess subject tolerability, optimal imaging technique, and imaging of EED features.