There are about 1183 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Indonesia. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
Indonesia is one of country that contributes the most cases of tuberculosis worldwide. Tuberculosis is the most commonly etiology of exudative pleural effusion. There have been many studies about undiagnosed exudative pleural effusions, but there are not many studies about the use of medical thoracoscopy for diagnosing transudative and exudative pleural effusion, especially on biomarkers of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), D-dimer, Adenosine Deaminase (ADA), Antinuclear Antibody (ANA), C3 C4 complements, Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125), Xpert Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Xpert MTB), Lupus Erythematosus cell (LE cell), cytology (effusion and smear) and histopathology. Information gained from those biomarkers via thoracocentesis and medical thoracoscopy, etiology of exudative and transudative pleural effusion can be detected earlier and clearly, especially etiology of infection, autoimmune, and malignancy that further can be used to reduce patients' hospitalization period, mortality, and to develop the new therapeutic agents.
This bridging study is a randomized, double-blind, two arms parallel group, prospective intervention study. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate protectivity of DTP-HB-Hib Vaccine (Bio Farma) using new Hepatitis B bulk (Bio Farma).
This study is a study looking for the relationship between variables with a prospective cohort design to determine functional outcomes subjectively and objectively in patients with and without braces after ACL reconstruction with bone quadriceps tendon per arthroscopy.
Poor adherence and self-management in children with asthma results in poorly controlled asthma and increased morbidity. Pharmacists could take important roles in delivering asthma education to ensure that children can manage their disease. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of improving asthma control, knowledge, and quality of life. An open, randomized controlled trial will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of pharmacist-led digital-based asthma self-management education for children with asthma compared with paper-based asthma self-management education. Recruitment of the participants will be held at the outpatient ward of the Department of Paediatrics in 4 public hospitals in Bali Province, Indonesia, including Sanglah Public Hospital, Denpasar City; Wangaya Public Hospital, Denpasar City; Mangusada Public Hospital, Badung Regency; and Udayana University Hospital, Badung Regency. Participants will be provided with informed consent, then randomly divided into either a control group or an intervention group. The following will be the hypotheses of the study: 1. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program has a better asthma control compared to the control group. 2. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program has a greater improvement in asthma quality of life compared to the control group. 3. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program has a better understanding of asthma knowledge in general compared to the control group. 4. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program has a better performance in practicing inhaler techniques compared to the control group. 5. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program has fewer unscheduled visits to the hospital and less hospitalization compared to the control group. 6. The intervention group receiving the MIRACLE education program will be satisfied with the digital asthma education.
The investigators aim to evaluate the effect of curcumin and virgin coconut oil extract supplementation on people with type 2 DM, including blood glucose, HbA1c levels, inflammation, body weight and insulin resistance evaluation
Background : The toll-like receptor is an essential receptor that stimulates the innate immunity response. In tuberculosis, toll-like receptors, particularly the TLR-2, and TLR-4 are crucial in recognizing various ligands with a lipoprotein structure in the bacilli. Vitamin D deficiency leads to lower expression of these receptors, Hence the immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis will be altered. Various studies addressed the importance of vitamin D supplementation in pulmonary tuberculosis but the effect of vitamin D in extrapulmonary tuberculosis, particularly spondylitis tuberculosis is not sufficiently identified. Objectives: To assess the effect of oral vitamin D supplementation on the expression of TLR-2, TLR-4, and clinical outcomes in spondylitis tuberculosis patients. Methodology: This study proposes a randomized clinical trial of oral vitamin D supplementation in spondylitis tuberculosis patients. Multiple arms will be established with different doses and control groups. The outcome of interest includes the clinical outcomes, the expression of TLR-2, and TLR 4 Hypothesis : It is assumed that oral supplementation of Vitamin D will increase the activation of Toll-Like Receptors and improves the clinical condition of Spondylitis Tuberculosis patients
Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) is a complication that occurs due to poor glycemic control over a long period. The decrease or loss of podocytes is an important index in determining the degree of glomerular damage. Previous studies in patients with DKD reported that vitamin D administration can improve their renal function through several mechanisms. However, there is still little evidence available regarding the effects of calcitriol on biomarkers of DKD. This trial is a double-blind randomized controlled trial to assess the effect of calcitriol in DKD patients through several biomarkers which reflect pathomechanism in DKD. Those biomarkers include urinary podocin, urinary nephrin, urinary KIM-1, urinary IL-6, plasma renin, and albuminuria. The primary outcome is any improvement on podocyte markers, tubular markers, kidney inflammation parameters, plasma renin, and albuminuria between calcitriol and placebo groups. Secondary outcomes include the relation between each marker and the side effects of intervention therapy.
This clinical study will compare the efficacy of using one fingertip unit and two fingertip units of 0.05% before and after 30% trichloroacetic acid chemical peel procedure for facial skin rejuvenation in 35-60 years old female patients with Glogau II-III skin classification.
The aim of this study is to compare the outcome of microneedling therapy with or without amnion bilayer sheeting on post-burn hypertrophic scar tissue. A clinical trial will be conducted with 17 samples, from September to December 2021.
Background : Depression and Anxiety are linked to COVID (Coronavirus Disease)-19 long-term impact through several mechanisms. The possible way is the alteration of neurotransmitter regulation from the interaction of severe acute respiratory syndrome -Coronavirus-2 (SARS-COV2) with Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, and Dopa Decarboxylase (DDC), an enzyme that associated with the production of dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters. However, some arguments exist that depression and anxiety occur naturally due to external stressors, as the impact of public health measures, and not associated with physiological changes due to viral infection. Objective: 1. This study aims to identify whether the patient discharged after COVID 19 treatment has significant changes in serotonin and dopamine level which might induce depression and anxiety internally and, 2. To distinguish external etiologies that might induce depression and anxiety such as social isolation and stress due to public health restriction. Method: A prospective longitudinal study of people with the interest exposure is COVID 19 and the primary outcome is Depression, Anxiety, and Neurotransmitter level Hypothesis: People with a previous infection of COVID 19 have a significant difference in neurotransmitter level over time and compared to non exposed group and a higher prevalence of anxiety and depression.