View clinical trials related to CADASIL.
Filter by:The aim of this project is to establish an Australian cohort of patients diagnosed with Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). This study will examine the clinical features and longitudinal course of CADASIL. Outcome measures include neuropsychological profile, neuroimaging, genetics, blood biomarkers, and retinal imaging.
Diffusion prepared pseudo-continuous ASL (DP-pCASL) is a newly proposed MRI method to noninvasively measure the function of blood-brain barrier (BBB). The investigators aim to investigate whether the water exchange rate across the BBB, estimated with DP-pCASL, is changed in patients with CADASIL, and to analyze the association between BBB water exchange rate and MRI/clinical features in these patients.
Dementia is a neurological disease that causes cognitive and behavioral impairments that could ultimately interfere with the ability to function at work or to do the usual daily activities. It is recognized as a healthcare and social burden and remains challenging in terms of proper diagnosis and treatment.
The objective of this trial is the global risk-benefit assessment of Cerebrolysin as compared to Placebo in patients with genetically proven CADASIL. In addition, a traditional approach will be taken based on an evaluation of the separate risk and benefit domains in comparison with placebo.
Prognosis of small vessel disease (SVD) depends on the underlying type of SVD and index manifestation. The aim of this prospective, observational cohort study is to determine the risk of different outcome events among patients with SVD according to the type of index presentation.
This is an observational study to better understand the risk factors and progression of CADASIL, a leading cause of vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID). 500 participants will be enrolled and can expect to be on study for up to 5 years.
This study is being done in order to create a registry (list) of people interested in Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) research. It may be that you have a family member or other loved one with CADASIL, or that you may have CADASIL or are at risk. Participation means that your name will be added to a list of people who will be invited to participate in future research studies on CADASIL. Participants must be 18 years or older, and will remain on the registry until they request to be removed.
The purpose of this study is to create a state-wide biorepository and resource center for cerebrovascular diseases in Florida, which will include collecting medical history information and blood from subjects affected by cerebrovascular disease. The information and blood samples collected may be used in future research for the study of cerebrovascular disease and to learn about, prevent or treat other health problems.
The TAG-SVD enrolled patients with clinical and neuroimaging features of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD). All enrolled patients will receive next-generation sequence (NGS) with probes designed to target five candidate CSVD genes, and patients will be divided into genetic or non-genetic groups accordingly. Their clinical features and outcome will be followed for at least 2 years.
Background: CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy) is a genetic disorder. It causes narrowing of the small blood vessels and can lead to strokes and dementia. Researchers want to monitor people with CADASIL over time. Objective: To learn more about how CADASIL affects a person s blood vessels over time. Eligibility: Adults ages 18 and older who have CADASIL, and healthy volunteers. Design: Participants will be screened with a medical record review. Participants will have 4 study visits over 9 years. Visits will last 6 8 hours per day, for 2 4 days. Participants will give blood and urine samples. They will have an electrocardiogram to record their heart s electrical activity. They will fill out a family tree. They will have tests that measure mental abilities like memory and attention. They may have a skin biopsy. They may have a lumbar puncture. Participants will have an eye exam. Their pupils will be dilated. They will receive a dye via intravenous (IV) line. Pictures will be taken of their eyes. Participants will have an imaging scan of their brain. They may receive a contrast agent via IV. Participants blood flow and blood vessel flexibility will be measured. In one test, a probe will be pressed against the skin of the their wrist, neck, and groin. In another test, they will hold one arm still while a microscope makes videos of the blood flow through a fingernail. In another test, they will perform light exercise or other activities while wearing an elastic band around their head or probes placed on their arm or leg. Healthy volunteers will complete some of the above tests.
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