There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of dopamine which is used as treatment of hypotension in neonate and preterm infant.
This randomized controlled trial aimed to determine the subacute blood pressure effects of pharmacologically-treated elderly hypertensive patients after a single session of water aerobic exercise.
Neuromuscular blocking agents are often used during general anesthesia. Also, general anesthesia may be performed without use of neuromuscular blocking agents. Avoiding neuromuscular relaxation enables better muscle strength recovery.
The effect of pregabalin on post-operative pain and opioid consumption in spine surgery, a prospective, randomized, controlled study
Study will include 2 different groups intervention. First group, chronic stroke patients: Bobath Method 30 minutes, 10 minutes bicycle exercises, NMES- (Neuromuscular electrical stimulation) will be applied to the hemiparetic limb 10 minutes, TechnoBody balance training 15 minutes in the same session. Second group chronic stroke patients: Bobath Method 30 minutes, 10 minutes bicycle exercises Nmes- (Neuromuscular electrical stimulation) will be applied hemiparetic limb 10 minutes and Thera-Trainer balance training 15 minutes in the same session. Study Aim: İnvestigate and compare the effects of "Techno Body" and "Balance Trainer" on the balance, posture and functionality in patients with chronic stroke in order to bring a new perspective conventional physiotherapy and rehabilitation studies. Study will be an important study in terms of the literature ,effects two technology-supported balance systems will be revealed and compared in stroke patients order to improve balance, posture and functionality. Study Hypothesis: 1. - Effects of two different balance systems on balance, posture and functionality are compared in stroke patients; No difference between balance training with TechnoBody device and balance training with Theratrainer device. 2. - Effects of two different balance systems on balance, posture and functionality compared in stroke patients; Difference between balance training with TechnoBody device and balance training with Theratrainer device. Conclusion: Effects of two technology-supported balance systems will be improve balance, posture and functionality in stroke patients and balance sistems advantages will be compared.
Amputees often suffer from relentless pain and disability resulting from symptomatic neuromas within the amputation stumps. When conservative measures fail to address these symptoms, two contemporary surgical approaches to treat symptomatic neuromas have become the most popular. Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) is a procedure which involves transferring the injured proximal nerve stump into a terminal nerve branch entering muscle, such that the axons from the proximal nerve stump will regenerate into the muscle and thereby prevent neuroma recurrence. Regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces (RPNIs) are muscle grafts placed on the proximal nerve stumps that serve as targets for the regenerating axons from the proximal nerve stumps. While TMR and RPNIs have demonstrated promise for the treatment of symptomatic neuromas, prospective comparative data comparing outcomes with these two approaches is lacking. The investigators have recently developed a novel approach to treat symptomatic neuromas that provides vascularized, denervated muscle targets (VDMTs) for the axons regenerating from the severed proximal nerve stump to reinnervate. This is accomplished by islandizing a segment of muscle on its blood supply and ensuring complete denervation prior to implanting the neighboring transected nerve stump into this muscle. VDMTs offer theoretical benefits in comparison to RPNIs and TMR that the investigators also aim to test in the proposed study. The investigators' objective is to enroll amputees with symptomatic neuromas into a prospective study in which amputees will be randomized to undergo TMR, RPNI, or VDMT and subsequently monitored for pain and disability for 1-year post-operatively. The investigators' specific aims are as follows: 1) Test the hypothesis that VDMTs are more effective than TMR and RPNIs with regards to treating pain and disability associated with symptomatic neuromas; 2) Provide the first level one, prospective data directly comparing the efficacy of TMR and RPNIs.
PreLiveR-T consists of a prospective randomized clinical trial conducted in an adult population that is a candidate for liver transplantation (LT) at the Hospital La Fe Valencia (Spain). The study is structured in three phases: I) Prehabilitation (2 months before LT); II) Training, divided in two successive periods: Supervised training (months 3-6 after LT) and Unsupervised training (6-12 months after LT); III) Long-term follow-up (2 years after LT). Primary outcomes are related to post-surgery evolution (morbidity and mortality, hospitalization length, etc.). As a secondary outcomes are collected those related to: functional capacity, muscle strength and quality of life.
The purpose of this study is to assess whether increased microglial activation (measured using TSPO-PET) at lesion rim is associated with more rapid lesion growth during 10 year follow up.
Malignant biliary obstruction usually arise in patients suffering from primary or metastatic hepatobiliary tumors. Approximately 80% of malignant biliary obstruction patients are not eligible for surgical resection, and as such palliative stent insertion is the only treatment option available for most patients. At present, I-125 seeds loaded stent has been developed to improve the stent patency and patients' survival. Hilar malignant biliary obstruction is an important part of malignant biliary obstruction. Hilar cholangiocarcinoma is the most common disease which causes hilar malignant biliary obstruction. Herein, we assessed the clinical and long-term efficacy of I-125 seeds loaded stent insertion for hilar cholangiocarcinoma patients.
The objective of this clinical research is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Implantable Alginate Hydrogel to reconstruct the left ventricle in the treatment of heart failure