There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
An early treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has been proposed to correlate to better outcomes. In Catalonia the screening programme was implemented in all the territory in 2015. The aim of this study is to describe the natural history of the asymptomatic IBD detected during colorectal cancer population screening.
The goal of this research is to compare the benefits and risks of three anxiety treatments that are pragmatic, graduated in the level of resource intensity, and have demonstrated efficacy and feasibility for real world adoption.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a major concern for people on long-term treatments that modify the immune system function. People with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) form a large group who receive such treatments called disease modifying therapies (DMTs). Several types of DMTs with different effects on the immune system are being used for multiple sclerosis (MS). In the absence of large-scale national studies, the risk of COVID-19 among pwMS on various DMTs has not been established. A few physician-reported registry-based studies have suggested that anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies, such as ocrelizumab and rituximab, used in the treatment of MS can increase the risk of COVID-19. However, in our community-based COVID-19 study of a large cohort of pwMS as part of the UK MS Register, we could not demonstrate an association between DMTs and susceptibility to COVID-19. Other studies have not found any relationship between DMTs and the outcome of COVID-19 among pwMS. To our knowledge, UK is the only country in the world that collects national data on DMT use, providing us with the opportunity to investigate the impact of DMTs on COVID-19 susceptibility and severity in a large population of pwMS. In England, no DMT is being dispensed without prior approval and specialised commissioning by the national Health Services (NHS) England & NHS Improvement (NHSE/I). The scheme, currently implemented in over 100 NHS Trusts in England, ensures that treatment decisions are made in line with agreed commissioning policy and are evidence-based. NHSE/I also has access to Public Health England (PHE) held data on all people who have had a SARS-CoV-2 test. By identifying all pwMS on DMTs and all those who have had a test for coronavirus and collecting data on the clinical outcome of their COVID-19 from their local NHS hospitals, we would be able to establish the risk of COVID-19 and the risk of contracting the infection associated with different DMTs. The findings of the study will help MS clinical teams address the concerns of pwMS about taking DMTs during the COVID-19 pandemic and update their guidelines on the measures pwMS need to take during these unprecedented times.
This study aimed to evaluate the sensory processing abilities of adults with acquired hearing loss and to explore the differences in sensory processing between adults with hearing loss and adults with normal hearing. Sensory processing functions of 30 adults with acquired hearing loss will be evaluated using the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile. The data from adults with hearing loss will be compared with data from 30 adults with normal hearing who were similar in gender and age.
The aim of the study is to determine the impact of early rehabilitation in patients after lumbar spine surgery using microdiscectomy on balance, postural stability and foot pressure distribution. The tests will be carried out at the Physical Effort Laboratory in GdaĆsk.
Fractures of the tibia (shin bone) are frequently treated with a metal nail that is passed down the inside of the bone (an intra-medullary nail). This nail is inserted through the top of the tibia at the level of the knee joint. There are two ways for the nail to be inserted - either through an incision below the patella (kneecap) or above the patella. The benefit of the incision above the patella is that it can make it technically easier to insert the nail into the correct position. However, the perceived risk of damage to the knee cartilage has prevented this technique from being widely adopted. The investigators will use MRI scanning to assess the cartilage for damage using both techniques. The results will enable the investigators to determine if the theoretical risk of cartilage damage is found in real-world scenarios and to generate data for further, larger studies.
Fathers play a unique role in the lives of children, with high quality interactions found to improve a child's executive functioning and general school achievement. Father involvement also has positive impacts on fathers themselves, with more involved fathers reporting more self-confidence in their parenting, more satisfaction with parenting, demonstration of more maturity, and reports of less psychosocial distress. However, poverty can have a negative association with fathers parenting and child outcomes, though paternal warmth can mediate this relationship. Children's Institute Inc will recruit and implement the 24/7 Dad program which is designed to provide a comprehensive evidenced-based fatherhood program that builds and strengthens father-child relationships. The curriculum for the primary workshops will be the 24/7 Dad curriculum, which addresses both the responsible parenting and healthy relationship areas in this project. A quasi-experimental interrupted time series (ITS) design allows for a continuous sequence of observations on a population, taken repeatedly over time.
The 12 week core training plan designed in this study is based on relevant literature and basketball characteristics. The training plan divides the training difficulty into four levels. The experimental group receives core training with different difficulties in 1-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 7-9 weeks and 10-12 weeks respectively.
This randomized-controlled trial aims to investigate the efficacy of video-based exercise programs with face-to-face or remote supervision in patients with degenerative meniscus tears.
Ceftolozane/Tazobactan (C/T) is a recent option to manage multidrug resistant gram-negative infections in hospital patients. Despite several randomized controlled trials describing safety and efficacy of C/T, real world evidence of its use, including indications, length of treatment and outcomes are lacking. Understanding prescribing patterns of a new drug may help identifying possible knowledge gaps to target future randomized controlled trials. Additionally, real world evidence may help identifying practices and outcomes outside a clinical trial context.