View clinical trials related to Advanced Cancer.
Filter by:This is a Phase 1/1b, multicenter, open label study to evaluate the Safety and Antitumor Activity of FS120, an OX40/CD137 Bispecific Antibody, Alone and in Combination with Pembrolizumab, in Subjects with Advanced Malignancies
This research study is investigating an intervention called CONTINUity of care Under Management by Video visits (CONTINUUM-V). CONTINUUM-V involves a video visit with an oncology nurse practitioner within three business days of hospital discharge for patients with advanced cancer with the goal of reducing burdensome care transitions after hospitalization, including hospital readmissions.
The overall aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and mechanisms of action of two psychoeducational interventions (a face-to-face nurse-led intervention called FOCUS+ and an eHealth intervention called iFOCUS) aimed at improving the emotional function and self-efficacy of patients with advanced cancer and their family caregiver. Both interventions are compared to care as usual. Both interventions focus on teaching dyads optimal ways to jointly manage the implications of advanced cancer and responding to their priority concerns and are designed to be tailored to the specific needs and wishes of the patient-caregiver dyads. Tailoring is based on information about the dyad obtained at enrollment (e.g. age, relationship, etc.) and the responses in the intervention sessions. The overarching aim is addressed by five core intervention components: 1. supporting family involvement and improving the dyads mutual communication, 2. supporting outlook (i.e. increasing the dyad's capacity to identify positive or meaningful aspects related to their situation), 3. increasing dyads' coping skills, i.e. their capacity to identify their coping strategies and take action 4. help dyads reduce their uncertainty 5. teaching symptom management and giving them confidence to handle specific tasks and problems Project objectives: 1. To compare 1) the face-to-face FOCUS+ intervention and 2) the iFOCUS web intervention to 3) care as usual in terms of their: - Effect on the emotional function and self-efficacy (primary outcomes), appraisal of illness, uncertainty, hopelessness, coping, dyad communication, quality of life and healthcare resource use of patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers - Cost-effectiveness - Effects on vulnerable subgroups (particularly women and those of lower socioeconomic status) - Effectiveness in different healthcare systems 2. To evaluate the implementation process of the interventions in terms of the acceptability, feasibility, usefulness as perceived by patients, family caregivers and healthcare staff in each country, and their mechanisms of action. Data will be collected three times from patient-caregiver dyads: 1) baseline measure (t0) after which the dyad will immediately be randomized to one of the study arms, 2) first follow-up at 12 weeks after baseline (t1) and 3) second follow-up at 24 weeks after baseline (t2).
This study aims to study the kinetics of ctDNA levels after the first dose of immune checkpoint inhibitor in patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer. This is an important study to understand the optimal timing for ctDNA quantitation for future studies in immunotherapy, though further validation would be needed in other tumor types. It may help standardize the most relevant blood collection time points so that patients will not be subjected to multiple blood draws at random time points in future liquid biopsy trials.
To support advanced cancer patients, for whom standard therapy is no longer available, and their oncologists in therapy decisions, the investigators aim to develop a decision-making aid (DA) in a multi-phased bicentric study. The DA aims to help patients to understand better risks and benefits of available treatment options including the options of standard palliative care, off-label drug use within an individual treatment plan and involvement in early clinical trials.
The primary objective of this study is to determine how sensitive and specific the Curesponse Ex Vivo Organ Culture (EVOC) model is at predicting a patient's clinical response to a specific cancer therapy. 248 patients from participating UK hospitals will have a biopsy for the development of an Ex-vivo organ culture at the Curesponse Laboratory. Patients will have standard of care anticancer therapy after the biopsy and be followed up for 6 months following their biopsy. The combined results of the study will show whether the EVOC has potential to be useful for future patients prospectively in determining whether a certain clinical treatment is likely to benefit them.
The objective of the proposed study is to evaluate the Couple Communication Skills Training (CCST) intervention in 250 patients with advanced cancer and their spouses/intimate partners. Couples will be randomized 1:1 to receive either the CCST or to an attention control condition (Healthy Living Information; HLI). We will evaluate CCST effects on a range of patient and partner relationship and psychological outcomes.
In this clinical trial we want to investigate the clinical benefit of a complementary therapy using therapeutical modalities of the traditional chinese medicine in patients suffering from advanced cancer.
A study to assess the safety of IMM-01 in participants with advanced solid tumors
The overall aim is to describe disease-free survival (DFS) in early stage cancer patients and three-year overall survival (OS) outcomes in advanced stage cancer patients receiving Advanced Integrative Oncology (AIO) treatment in a prospective consecutive case series outcomes study. We will collect data and study outcomes for patients with cancer who receive care at AIMS Institute.