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Brain and Mindfulness - MEDITATION

The Impact of Meditation Practice on Attention and Emotion Regulation :Studies on Neural Correlation in Brain Imagery and Biomarkers of Stress and Inflammation

The main aim of this project is to explore the neuro-anatomical and -physiological correlates of meditation on attention and emotion-regulation. By investigating this, our scientific goal is to more generally identify the mechanisms and biomarkers of health and mental well-being. Therefore, the investigators use non-invasive imaging like Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (MEG), ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG), functional and anatomic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI; including Diffusion tensor - DTI). These brain measures will then be linked to behavioral measurements. Experimental methods (i.e., simple computer tasks) will be used to measure attention, conscious perception and regulation of pain and emotion.

NCT03117478 — Healthy
Status: Completed

Meditation to Reduce Caregiver Stress - Meditation

Meditation or Relaxation Used to Reduce Stress Response and Improve Cognitive Functioning in Older Family Dementia Caregivers

The purpose of this study is to determine whether meditation will reduce stress and depressive of adult caregivers of a person with dementia.

NCT01537679 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Completed

Written Exposure Therapy and App-Delivered Mindfulness Meditation for PTSD in China: A Pilot Study

Written Exposure Therapy and App-Delivered Mindfulness-Based Meditation for PTSD and Subthreshold PTSD in China: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

The goal of this study is to use a pilot RCT to assess the effectiveness of Written Exposure Therapy (WET) and a mindfulness-based app (MBA) for managing PTSD and comorbid insomnia in China. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Does WET alone reduce PTSD symptoms in Chinese patients with PTSD and subthreshold PTSD? 2. Does the addition of MBA to WET lead to greater reductions in comorbid insomnia symptoms compared to WET alone? Researchers will compare WET alone and MCC to see if WET provides benefits in managing PTSD. Researchers will compare WET plus MBA and WET group to see if the integrated MBA treatment provides additional benefits in managing insomnia. Participants will: - Undergo random assignment to one of three groups: WET, WET plus MBA, or MCC. - Receive clinical interviews for primary outcomes (PTSD symptoms) at baseline, posttreatment, and during follow-ups. - Provide self-reported data on PTSD symptoms and insomnia severity at multiple time points. - In the WET plus MBA group, additionally use a mindfulness-based app as part of their treatment.

NCT06394700 — PTSD
Status: Recruiting

Meditation for Older Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain

Mindfulness-based Meditation for Older Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain Based on the Gut-brain Axis: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

This pilot randomized controlled trial aims to recruit 66 community-dwelling older adults with chronic low back pain and follow up them for 8 weeks. This study aims to test the preliminary effect of a mindfulness-based meditation (MBM) intervention on pain and symptoms among community-dwelling older adults with chronic low back pain, and also to test the effect of the MBM intervention on the host Gut-Brain Axis (GBA).

NCT06384001 — Chronic Low Back Pain
Status: Not yet recruiting

Dose-Response Effects of Mindfulness Meditation

Examining Dose-Response Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Interventions on Wellbeing: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to test for evidence of dose-response effects in a sample of healthy adults with little to no prior experience with meditation. The main question it aims to answer is whether larger doses of mindfulness meditation yield greater positive changes in wellbeing than smaller doses. Our hypotheses are that (1) larger doses of mindfulness training will yield significantly larger effects, and (2) different doses will be significantly associated with variation in participant engagement, with lower engagement associated with higher doses. Researchers will compare each of three dose conditions, 10-min, 20-min, 30-min, against a minimal dose condition of 3-4 min. Participants will take a 28-day mindfulness meditation course, with guided audio instructions provided daily throughout the intervention period (excluding one rest day per week). They will also be asked to respond to surveys before, during, and after the intervention.

NCT06378450 — Depression
Status: Not yet recruiting

Project Soma: Cortical Activity of a Body Scan Meditation and Yoga Practice in Healthy Yogis

Cortical Activity of a Body Scan Meditation and Yoga Practice in Healthy Adults: Correlates With Interoceptive Awareness, Healthy Emotionality, and Pain Perception

In this 2-armed randomized cross-sectional experimental study of healthy participants with yoga experience, we will examine the relationship between 4 self-reported enhancing psychological factors, cortical activity captured with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and pain sensitivity (mechanical pressure pain tolerance) captured with algometry. Specifically, we will examine the correlates of interoceptive awareness and mindful awareness with cortical activity (Aim 1a) and pain tolerance (Aim 1b); determine cortical activity responsiveness of two brief awareness-focused meditations - a resting-based body scan practice and yoga practice (Aim 2a); characterize cortical activity profiles with sequentially delivered body scan and yoga practices (Aim 2b); and elucidate the relationship between interoceptive awareness with healthy emotionality and psychological wellbeing (Aim 3). Our central hypotheses are that (Aim 1a) higher interoceptive awareness and mindful awareness will moderately correlate with higher cortical activity for both awareness-focused meditation practices; (Aim 1b) individuals sub-grouped into the 'acceptance in action cluster' based on 2 self-report measures will exhibit higher pain tolerance; (Aim 2a) cortical activity will be higher in the yoga practice compared to the body scan practice; and (Aim 2b) higher cortical activity will be observed in the body scan->yoga intervention sequence compared to the yoga->body scan intervention sequence. Furthermore, (Aim 3) we predict that interoceptive awareness will moderately correlate with healthy emotionality and psychological well-being.

NCT06351787 — Well-Being, Psychological
Status: Completed

Effects of Meditation on Sleep Quality of Medical Students

Effects of a Meditation Program on the Sleep Quality of Medicine Course Students

The objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of an 8-week online mindfulness-based meditation program on quality sleep status of undergraduate students medicine in the city of Passo Fundo/RS and Chapecó/SC In addition to sleep quality, secondary outcomes such as mindfulness, symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and burnout will also be assessed

NCT06342817 — Sleep Disorder
Status: Recruiting

Effect of an 8-week Heartfulness Meditation Program on Burnout and Stress at Veterinary Specialty Hospital

Investigating the Effect of an 8-week Heartfulness Meditation Program on Employee Burnout and Stress at Veterinary Specialty Hospital

This quantitative study assesses the effects of meditation and relaxation practices on the reduction of burnout and stress in veterinary care workers. Assessments at baseline will include the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Maslach Burnout Toolkit, and the same questionnaires were collected in Week 8 and Week 16. The Google form questionnaire will ask the participant for their email address. The form will also include a question eliciting interest in participation in the 8-weeks Heartfulness Meditation program. The program will include tools that promote a heart-based nurturing environment focusing on relaxation, and tools to cope with burnout.

NCT06338098 — Stress
Status: Completed

Meditation With Virtual Reality for Cancer Pain Relief in the Pain Therapy and Palliative Care Service

Study With Cancer Patients at the CECON Foundation's Pain Therapy and Palliative Care Service: Meditation With Immersive Virtual Reality for Pain Relief

Cancer is a disabling, challenging and growing global disease. Although early diagnosis and adequate treatment of oncological disease have been developing rapidly, a large part of the population remains without access to specialized services and routinely evolve to symptoms and sequelae with uncontrolled pain, worse quality of life and suffering. Complementary therapies to control pain and improve the well-being of cancer patients are fundamental tools of integrative oncology medicine. This study proposes to use immersive virtual reality to encourage cancer patients to carry out the regular practice of meditation, as an effective tool in pain management and in the search for a better quality of life, based on a structured intervention that encourages autonomy as important part of your treatment. Two studies will be carried out at the Pain Therapy and Palliative Care Service of the Amazonas State Oncology Control Center Foundation (FCECON). Study 1 will be a cross-sectional study to describe the variables associated with the diagnosis and treatment of patients' pain and Study 2 will be a Randomized Controlled Trial that will analyze the impact of an intervention performed with meditation through immersive virtual reality for pain relief. pain in these patients. It is expected that the regular practice of meditation through immersive virtual reality will promote pain relief and improve the quality of life of cancer pain patients.

NCT06328751 — Quality of Life
Status: Not yet recruiting

Chaplain-Delivered Compassion Meditation to Improve Spiritual Care of Patients Receiving Stem Cell Transplantation

Randomized Pilot Study of Chaplain-Delivered Compassion Meditation for Patients Receiving Stem Cell Transplantation

This clinical trial tests the feasibility, implementation and acceptability of chaplain delivered compassion meditation in order to improve spiritual care for patients receiving stem cell transplantation. Hospital chaplains play a vital role in delivering emotional and spiritual care to a broad range of both religious and non-religious patients for a wide variety of stressors, and extensive research indicates that spiritual consults impact patient outcomes and satisfaction. Compassion meditation is a secularized, research-based mindfulness and compassion meditation program designed to expand and strengthen compassion for self and others. Practices include training in attentional stability and increased emotional awareness, as well as targeted reflections to appreciate one's relationship with self and others. By centering the mind, controlling debilitating ruminative thoughts, and cultivating personal resiliency and an inclusive and more accurate understanding of others. Engaging in chaplain delivered compassion meditation may improve the spiritual care for patients receiving stem cell transplantation.

NCT06328699 — Multiple Myeloma
Status: Recruiting