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Bright Light Therapy on Post-stroke Insomniawith Post-stroke Insomnia

The Effect of Bright Light Therapy on Sleep and Quality of Life in Patients

The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of bright light therapy as a treatment for early, mild-to-moderate stroke patients with post-stroke insomnia.

NCT04721574 — Stroke Sequelae
Status: Completed

Feasibility of Light Therapy for Fatigue N-of-1 Trials

Re-engineering Precision Therapeutics Through N-of-1 Trials: Feasibility Study of Personalized Trials of Light Therapy for Fatigue

This Personalized Trial will test the feasibility and effectiveness of employing technology to facilitate remote N-of-1 interventions to research participants with self-identified fatigue. Participant's initial levels of fatigue and other outcomes will be assessed in a baseline period 2 weeks in length. Participants will spend 12 weeks alternating between bright light therapy, dim light therapy, and usual care methods to treat their fatigue, while answering daily questions and wearing an activity tracker. After 14 weeks, participants will have the ability to share their opinions about the Personalized Trials platform. The investigators believe a Personalized Trials platform will be satisfactory to participants and feasible to scale to large randomized controlled trials, and eventually to clinical practice.

NCT04707846 — Fatigue
Status: Completed

Bright Light Therapy as Possible Treatment Option for MS-Fatigue

Bright Light Therapy as Possible Treatment Option for Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Patients - A Randomised Controlled Trial

This study aims to investigate the effect of a 2-week trial of bright light therapy (BLT, 10.000 lx) on fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In this randomised placebo-controlled trial, the effect of bright light therapy will be compared to dim red light. MS-fatigue is quantified by patients using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and activity levels, subjective and objective sleep parameters and daytime sleepiness are measured.

NCT04681586 — Multiple Sclerosis
Status: Recruiting

Adjunctive Bright Light Therapy for Patients With Depression

Adjunctive Bright Light Therapy for Patients With Depression at Different Time Period: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

The study would enroll depressed adolescents and adults with bipolar I or II disorder or major depressive disorder who are receiving stable psychiatric medication (excluding patients with hypomania or mania, mixed symptoms, or rapid cycling). Participants would be randomly assigned to treatment with either 1,0000-lux bright white light therapy in the morning or 1,0000-lux bright white light therapy in the afternoon, or <100-lux dim red placebo light therapy in the afternoon (N=59 for each group). Participants would be treated for 6 weeks. Symptoms would be assessed every two weeks with the 24-items Hamilton Depression Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; salivary melatonin and cortisol concentrations will be also measured.

NCT04633707 — Depressive Disorder
Status: Not yet recruiting

Light Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in General Practice - Insolux

Light Therapy for Chronic Insomnia in General Practice: a Randomized Double Blind Study

- Sleep disorders, especially insomnia - Attention deficits (or disorders), daytime somnolence and drug dependence - The goal is to evaluate whether light therapy could be used as an efficient alternative treatment with direct application in general practice

NCT04612192 — Sleep Disorder
Status: Recruiting

Study on Safety, Feasibility and Neural Activation of Non-Invasive Light Therapy System - ALZLIGHT Pilot

ALZLIGHT Pilot: Study on Safety, Feasibility and Neural Activation of Non-Invasive LIGHT Therapy System

Induction of neural oscillations by flickering light is a well established method used for diagnostic of various neural diseases. Recent studies in mice have shown promising results indicating that induction of gamma oscillation at 40 Hz leads to a reduction in amyloid-β and tau in mice models of Alzheimer's disease. This study will use flickering light to induce 40 Hz gamma oscillation as the previously mentioned studies. In the study subject will be exposed to invisible spectral flickering light (active setting) or continuous non-flickering white light (sham setting) for 1 hour each day. The sham setting is a high quality sham intervention as subjects will be blinded to the setting, both appears as white light. As this is the first trial, the focus will be on 1) safety of the intervention 2) feasibility of the proposed intervention time and method 3) indication of efficacy. In stage 1 of the trial 4 age-matched subjects with no Alzheimer's disease will be recruited and be exposed for 1 week. In stage 2 10 patients with Alzheimer's disease will be recruited and exposed for 6 consecutive weeks.

NCT04574921 — Alzheimer Disease
Status: Completed

Effects of Blue-enriched White Light Therapy in Patients With Fibromyalgia

Effects of Blue-enriched White Light Therapy on Sleep Quality, Depression, Psychomotor Vigilance, and Symptom Severity in Patients With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition with an unclear etiology. The syndrome includes symptoms such as chronic musculoskeletal pain, cognitive dysfunctions, fatigue, sleep disorders, and circadian rhythm disturbances. Fibromyalgia-related pain is associated with a substantial socioeconomic burden including greater health care costs and productivity loss from work. Light therapy can improve sleep quality and sleep architecture, advance sleep phases and reduce pain sensitivity and that the effect of light therapy on mood and cognitive function have been widely supported.This randomized controlled study aims to examine the effects of light therapy on sleep quality, depressive symptoms, psychomotor vigilance performance, and overall symptom severity in patients with fibromyalgia.

NCT04504721 — Fibromyalgia
Status: Enrolling by invitation

Efficacy of Bioptron Light Therapy (BLT) on Post ChemoTherapy Oral Mucositis

Efficacy of Bioptron Light Therapy (BLT) on Post ChemoTherapy Oral Mucositis

The study aimed to study the effect of Bioptron light therapy (BLT) on oral mucositis after receiving chemotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer,Oral mucositis (OM) is a common and severe acute side-effect of many oncologic treatments, especially in patients treated for head and neck cancer. It affects quality of life and require supportive care and proper treatment plane. This study had been conducted on thirty cancer patients (head &neck) receiving chemotherapy & radiotherapy (males and females) with oral mucositis with ulceration and pain(grade 2 and more), their age ranged from 35 to 55 years, capable of understanding the study assessment method and willing to complete the current study, they were free from any immunodeficiency disorders or diseases that could impair the healing process and impact the results as diabetes mellitus. Patients were randomly allocated from patients from the National Cancer Institute, Cairo University. Group A (BLT group): This group consisted of 15 patients receiving BLT for about 10 minutes every day for thirty days in addition to routine oral mucositis medical care (Analgesics, anti-inflammatory treatment and antimicrobial treatment for any new mouth infections), Group B (Control group): This group consisted of 15 patients receiving daily routine oral mucositis medical care(Analgesics, anti-inflammatory treatment and antimicrobial treatment for any new mouth infections) for thirty days The methods of evaluation in the current study were the WHO oral mucositis scale (OMS) and the Common toxicity criteria scale (CTCS). At the same time, the treatment equipment was the polarized light therapy device Bioptron Compact III (PAG-860 manufactured in Switzerland) Assessment by WHO oral mucositis scale and (OMS) and (CTCS) were used before treatment and after treatment to measure improvement in oral mucositis. The results of WHO oral mucositis scale (OMS) and the Common toxicity criteria scale (CTCS) were assessed first at the beginning of the study and one month after the end of the study; calculation of mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum for each group was done by descriptive statistics, means comparison between the two groups pre and post-application and within each group was made using The t-test. With a level of significance Alpha point of 0.05

NCT04493879 — Oral Mucositis (Ulcerative)
Status: Completed

Joovvin' for Your Skin Health Study

Examining the Impact of Infrared Light Therapy Device on Cosmetic Skin Health

Sixty day single arm trial examining self-report and remote dermatology assessment of cosmetic skin health after daily 10-20 minute sessions with an infrared light therapy device (the Joovv Mini)

NCT04471896 — Acne
Status: Completed

Light Therapy to Improve Symptoms in Pregnant Women With Major Depressive Disorder - GZPHBLT

Bright Light Therapy in Pregnant Women With Major Depressive Disorder: a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

This study will investigate the effectivenss of bright light therapy(10000 lux white)on pregnant women with major depression disorder.

NCT04447430 — Major Depressive Disorder
Status: Recruiting