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Problem Behavior clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05537610 Recruiting - Aggression Clinical Trials

Extensions of Resurgence as Choice

Start date: February 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Although behavioral treatments for decreasing destructive behavior, such as differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA), are effective in the clinic, problem behavior often returns when a caregiver does not give the child their way in the natural environment (e.g., caregiver is busy with an infant sibling). This form of treatment relapse is known as resurgence. The goal of the current study is to evaluate whether alternating sessions in which the child can have their way (i.e., "on" sessions) with sessions in which the child can not have their way (i.e., "off" sessions) helps to mitigate resurgence.

NCT ID: NCT05522075 Recruiting - Aging Clinical Trials

Reducing Blood Pressure in Mid-life Adult Binge Drinkers

Start date: November 21, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study has two phases: Phase 1 is to examine blood pressure, microvascular function, and sympathetic nerve activity in mid-life adult binge drinkers vs. alcohol abstainers/moderate drinkers. Phase 2 is to examine the effect of 8-week aerobic exercise training on blood pressure, microvascular function, and sympathetic nerve activity in mid-life adult binge drinkers

NCT ID: NCT05519943 Completed - Clinical trials for Child Behavior Problem

Effectiveness of Group CBT in Children With Mixed Psychiatric Disorders

Start date: July 1, 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to examine the immediate and longer-term effectiveness of a group cognitive behavioral therapy intervention (GCBT) in reducing internalizing and externalizing symptoms in children treated for mixed psychiatric disorders in naturalistic clinical settings. Further, the effectiveness of GCBT is compared to a treatment-as-usual condition (TAU). Within this study, it is hypothesized that children with mixed psychiatric disorders will exhibit improvements in parent-rated internalizing problem behavior and parent- and teacher-rated externalizing problem behavior following GCBT.

NCT ID: NCT05512858 Completed - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Sensory Room at an Acute Psychiatric Unit

Start date: August 28, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

the aim of the presented study is to explore the effectiveness of a sensory room in reducing seclusion, restraint and aggression at an acute psychiatric ward.

NCT ID: NCT05503745 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Cognitive Dysfunction

MICBT for Non-underweight Adults With Eating Disorders

Start date: May 31, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Eating disorders (ED) are severe but treatable conditions, but there are large margin for improvements in terms of efficacy and adherence. There is room to explore new treatment options who are either more capable to retain patients in therapy, more effective. Alternative their efficacy may match the ones of current available treatments but offer new options to ones that did not respond to available therapies. Here the investigators explored if a combination of CBT-focused plus Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT) is an empirically supported therapy for personality disorders and could be a new viable treatment option for non-underweight ED. MIT targets some aspects of ED such as poor awareness of mental states and maladaptive interpersonal schemas that are not included in the transdiagnostic model underlying the most investigated empirically supported treatment for ED that is CBT-E. It is reasonable therefore that targeting these aspects of psychopathology can be a path to treatment adherence and effectiveness

NCT ID: NCT05485181 Completed - Addiction Clinical Trials

Validating Promoted Spiritual Experience

Start date: January 20, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This pilot study of 16 patients will demonstrate a specific psychologically focused intervention to affect a spiritual aspect of psychological health and will measure (1) its effects on general distress, depression, anxiety and well-being; (2) healing and psychological impact beyond that accounted by usual personality factors; (3) its effect in correlation to measures of spirituality; (4) with neuroimaging, possible biological changes associated with this intervention. A. Objectives 1. Pilot a psychological intervention that impacts a "spiritual" level. 2. Measure efficacy improving well-being beyond explanation by usual personality factors. 3. Identify biological changes with neuroimaging. B. Hypotheses / Research Question(s) Studies demonstrate a healing effect beyond usual psychological and medical health to include a "spiritual" aspect with added experience of wholeness and well-being. Benefits are beyond just symptom relief but methods to achieve this are not well-defined. This study will provide a specific intervention and measure psychological and neuroimaging effects of the intervention. Hypotheses of Specific Results (see Study Instruments below) 1. DASS-21-shows significant decrease in depression, anxiety and overall stress. 2. PCL-5 - shows decrease 5-10 points (5 points=response, 10 points=clinically meaningful). 3. NIH-HEALS - shows significant increase overall and in all 3 factors. 4. WEMWBS - shows increase of greater than 3 points, considered "meaningful change." 5. Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale-shows significant global increase, positively correlated with increase in Mysticism Scale scores with post-intervention total above standardized mean. 6. A relevant portion of outcome improvement on DASS-21, NIH-HEALS, and ASPIRES will NOT be accountable by personality factors measured by NEO-FFI-3. 7. ASPIRES-shows significant increase in transcendence, no change in religious sentiments. 8. Neuroimaging-shows reduced activity in SPL, TPJ, MPFC, and IPL (see Research Significance).

NCT ID: NCT05480826 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Psychiatric Disorder

Familial and Functional Study of Genetic Variants Identified in People With Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder or Resistant Depression

Start date: March 15, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Genetic analyses conducted on patient with psychiatric disorders assessed at the expert centres resulted in the identific action of genetic variants associated with psychiatric disorders (Courtois, 2020). These data require further genetic and functional analyses. The first objective of this study is to investigate the disease-related inheritance of genetic variants in the families of individuals in whom these variants have been identified. The second objective is to explore the functional consequences of disease-associated genetic variants in patients cells and those of their relatives with and without these variants. The present project aims to enrich existing biocollections with DNA from blood or saliva from relatives of patients identified with genetic variants. In addition, we wish to collect hair follicules from patients with identified genetic variants of interest and their family members who wish to participate in the study. These hair samples with SNA will be used to dedifferentiate the isolated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs), and then to differentiate them into cells expressing the gene of interest, such as neurons or astrocytes, or into more complex systems, such as brain organoids.

NCT ID: NCT05480709 Completed - Clinical trials for Cardiovascular Diseases

Evaluation of Immediate and Medium-term Health- and Work-related Effects Following Inpatient Psychocardiological Rehabilitation

Start date: May 3, 2021
Study type: Observational

Since May 2019, psychocardiological rehabilitation has been carried out at the Rehabilitation Center Felbring (RFE) in the form of a pilot project. The background is the mutual relationship of psychological and physical morbidity, which is of particular importance in cardiological rehabilitation. The present outcome evaluation study is designed as a quantitative longitudinal study with 4 repeated measures, in which at least 75 rehabilitation patients will be included. Three assessments are conducted at admission and discharge to/from inpatient rehabilitation, and an additional survey will be conducted by mail 6 months after the end of rehabilitation. Effects that become apparent as a result of rehabilitation will be recorded from a patient-centered perspective by means of "patient-reported outcomes". In this way, primarily psychological and work-related changes, but also changes in the physical quality of life are to be mapped, which can be determined immediately after completion of rehabilitation and continue in the medium term up to 6 months later.

NCT ID: NCT05477433 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Psychiatric Disorders Related to Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Start date: August 1, 2022
Study type: Observational

The most common endocrine illness in children and adolescents is type 1 diabetes. It is distinguished by a lack of insulin synthesis and necessitates daily insulin injections to keep glucose levels under control. As a result, there are numerous medical approaches to its management, such as levels of glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) as a marker of glycemic control during the previous three months and monitoring of blood glucose levels, which affect the patient's mental health and quality of life. Type 1 diabetes complications and poor quality of life are widespread. Diabetes therapy is difficult during puberty and adolescence. Adolescents with T1D have poor metabolic control and a higher rate of acute complications. Because the onset of adolescence is frequently associated with decreased adherence to therapy and an increased risk of psychological illnesses.

NCT ID: NCT05477342 Completed - Clinical trials for Nicotine Dependence, Cigarettes

Reducing Nicotine Addiction in Adolescent Smokers

Start date: September 3, 2018
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Adolescents are at risk for tobacco use due to factors such as impulsivity, poor perception, desire to prove themselves, and insufficient neurological development. The Center of Disease (CDC) warns that if smoking continues at the current rate among young people, young people younger than 18 will die prematurely from a smoking-related disease The aim of this study was to comparison the effect of a board game and tobacco cessation education on reducing nicotine addiction in adolescents. A single-blind randomized controlled trial was used to evaluation the effect s of the different interventions on tobacco cessation. The 12 week interventions included: 1) Board Game (BG) and 2) Tobacco Cessation Education (TCE) developed based on Transtheoretical Model and 3) combined use of these two interventions (Cİ). All interventions were compared to Control Group(CG). "Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FNTD)" were used to collect data at baseline, at 8.week and at 12.week the intervention. "Assessment Of Stage Of Change Form (ASCF)" were used to collect data at baseline and at the end of each intervention (every two weeks one). Participants were consisted of students studying at a high school in Eskisehir in Turkey. In order to form the intervention groups, permission was obtained from the school principal and teacher of each class, and the students were informed about the purpose of the study and the participation criteria. It was done in information classes. Recruitment began in October 2018 and end in January 2019. Students who wanted to participate in the study were asked to send a short message to the investigator's private phone number. An automated response with a hyperlink was sent to a web page where information about the study was presented and students were asked to give informed consent at the push of a button. Students who agreed to participate were enrolled in a web-based questionnaire for egilibility screening.