View clinical trials related to Parasomnias.
Filter by:Functional dyspepsia(FD) is most common in functional gastrointestinal disorders whose rick factors include sleep disturbances. The medication treatment for functional dyspepsia with sleep disturbances has disadvantages such as addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation(taVNS) is a new therapeutic method to improve dyspepsia and sleep. Study on taSNS for FD with sleep disturbances has not yet been explored.
This study will enroll participants with idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and healthy controls for the purpose of preparing for a clinical trial of neuroprotective treatments against synucleinopathies.
This study seeks to improve clinical outcomes for an important, growing, and vulnerable population-nursing home residents with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias-by testing an evidence-based intervention to improve these residents' sleep. It will also examine the implementation and sustainment of this intervention.
The purpose of this study is to develop and optimize a targeted behavioral intervention for sleep disturbance among individuals who have recently lost a spouse/long-term cohabitating partner. In the first phase of this study, patient focus groups were conducted to gather information about the unique sleep challenges experienced by spousally bereaved individuals and the kinds of support they would like to receive from a program based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). In the second phase of the study, a two-arm randomized controlled trial will be conducted to compare changes in sleep and inflammation among participants in the targeted CBT-I intervention to those in an information-only control. Participants will be asked to attend two in-person visits (at baseline and, approx. 8 weeks later, at post-treatment) to provide a blood sample and have vital signs and basic anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference) taken. After their baseline visit, participants will be randomized into either the targeted CBT-I intervention or the information-only control. The targeted CBT-I intervention will entail 6 online sessions (approx. 50 mins. each) delivered via videoconference by a trained facilitator, once per week over the course of approx. 6 weeks. The information-only control will entail 1 online session (approx. 50 mins.) delivered via videoconference by a trained facilitator. Sleep data (collected via both actigraphy watches and patient self-report sleep diaries) and data on mood, grief, and sleep habits will be collected from participants at three timepoints (baseline, post-treatment, and then again at a 6-month follow-up).
The purpose of this study is to investigate improvements in sleep by comparing two 6-week digital programs, either online or app-based, that deliver Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), the "gold standard" treatment for insomnia, with or without a bedside device to help track sleep.
The goal of this observational study is to learn if acutely and/or chronically altered sleep induces inflammation and/or a pro-thrombotic state (a tendency to form clots) in hospital workers who either work in shifts or are exclusively daily workers. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Does chronically altered sleep induce a pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic state, which are steps towards cardiovascular disease, knowing that is associated with poor sleep? - Does acutely disrupted sleep, such as that observed in night shift workers, induce a pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic state in otherwise healthy subjects? Participants in the study are hospital workers who either work in shifts, including night shifts, or only during the day. Sleep quality is assessed by a validated questionnaire (the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index). Markers of inflammation and of the pro-thrombotic state are measured at baseline and, if appropriate, after the night shift. These are markers of platelet activation, D-dimer, Interleukin-6 and endothelin 1, known to contribute and/or to suggest a condition of generalized inflammation and a tendency to form clots. Relevant information on health status is also collected for each participant.
50 participants with Parkinson's disease will be recruited to complete actigraphy studies to assess sleep disturbances. For this, participants will wear an Actigraph for seven days. Thirty of these participants with sleep disturbance will go on to receive a tailored lighting intervention (TLI) to assess the effect on sleep, fatigue, and circadian entrainment via urinary melatonin levels.
The goal of this observational study is to: 1) determine the prevalence of sleep disorders in pregnancy and the early postpartum; 2) identify factors associated with sleep disturbance during pregnancy and the early postpartum; 3) describe the progression of sleep quality and quantity as gestational age; 4) determine if sleep is associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. Participants were asked to wear a forehead sleep recorder for 4 consecutive days and to complete a sleep questionnaire at ten timepoints: at 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, and 9 months pregnant and at 1 month, 2 months and 3 months postpartum.
50 participants with Parkinson's disease will be recruited to complete actigraphy studies to assess sleep disturbances. For this, participants will wear an Actigraph for seven days. Thirty of these participants with sleep disturbance, will go on to receive a tailored lighting intervention (TLI) to assess the effect on sleep, fatigue, and circadian entrainment via urinary melatonin levels.
The results of this study will provide an affordable, safe and scientific treatment for patients with sleep disorders, so that patients can improve their sleep quality at home.