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MRI clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04901234 Recruiting - Dysphagia Clinical Trials

Adaptive RadioTherapy for OroPharynx Cancer

Start date: July 30, 2021
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This is a phase II randomized trial, where patients with histologically proven squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx that have primary tumor (T3 - T4) in place, treated with curative intent chemoradiation, will be randomized to systematic mid-treatment MRI-based radiotherapy adaptation vs. standard of care. The primary objective is to compare patient-rated dysphagia (as assessed by the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory composite score at 6 months post-treatment in patients undergoing routine mid-treatment MR-guided radiotherapy adaptation vs. in patients receiving the current standard of care.

NCT ID: NCT04890028 Recruiting - Brain Metastases Clinical Trials

Detection and Metabolic Characterization in DOPA PET/CT of Brain Metastases

Start date: December 3, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

About 20 to 30% of patients treated for cancer will have brain metastases. These brain metastases are found more frequently in patients with lung cancer, breast cancer or melanoma. The prognosis of these patients is unfavorable but prolonged survival can be obtained with the local and systemic treatments currently available. Brain MRI is the gold standard for evaluating brain metastases but has limitations in therapeutic evaluation, partially offset by PET imaging of amino acid metabolism. Our work aims to compare the performance of PET-DOPA with standard MRI for the detection of brain metastases (≥ 5mm) in lung cancer, breast cancer and melanoma; and to characterize these lesions using dynamic acquisitions obtained with a digital PET camera with high spatial resolution. Having better knowledge of the metabolic characteristics of newly discovered brain metastases, the objective of subsequent studies will be to better assess the per- or post-therapeutic efficacy of radiotherapy and the various systemic therapies available (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy).

NCT ID: NCT04692259 Recruiting - MRI Clinical Trials

May the Risk of PHLF be Predicted With Preoperative Liver Gadoxetate MRI

Start date: December 29, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Post hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF) is one of the most severe complications after liver re-section. Preoperative evaluation of liver function is complicated and imprecise. The volume and function needed for each individual patient is unknown and the methods used for evaluation are uncertain. Preoperative MRI with Gadolinium may give dynamic information regarding liver function correlating with postoperative liver failure. A retrospective analysis will be performed regarding this topic.

NCT ID: NCT04481542 Recruiting - MRI Clinical Trials

Aortic Dissection With 4-dimensional Phase-contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Start date: March 1, 2018
Study type: Observational

We prospectively collected information on consecutive patients who had been evaluated using 4D PC-MRI for aortic pathology in a tertiary hospital between April 2018 and Feb 2020. Patients were eligible for inclusion in the study if they had a clinical indication for CTA of aortic dissections.

NCT ID: NCT04392609 Recruiting - Rectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Predicting Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Response to NCT and NCRT With MRI

Start date: January 15, 2020
Study type: Observational

This trial was designed to to study whether there is a difference in MRI image evaluation between NCRT and NCT, and try to build a model to predict the efficacy of neoadjuvant therapy by combining multiple imaging indexes.

NCT ID: NCT04369755 Recruiting - MRI Clinical Trials

MR7T-Healthy-PTX : Brain Exploration in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Parallel Transmission Mode (pTX) at 7 Tesla

Start date: June 25, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging modality used in routine clinical practice for clinical diagnosis by visualizing the anatomical structure and in vivo function of certain organs. The development of ultra-high field MRI systems with 7.0-T or higher, gives access to a new field of exploration of the human body by improving the speed of acquisition but also a better signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and better resolution. In order to fully exploit the potential of these ultra-high field MRI scanners, various technical issues must be adressed. Indeed, the non-uniformity of the transmission field is one of them leading to non-uniform images with spatially varying contrast. Thus the pTX (parallel transmission) mode using multiple transmission channels allows spatial and temporal control over the RF waves.

NCT ID: NCT04231175 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Dedicated MR Imaging vs Surgical Staging of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in Colorectal Cancer

Start date: October 28, 2019
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

MRI is a potentially powerful tool to reliably determine the intra-abdominal tumor load and relations with intra-abdominal organs. In recent years diffusion weighted MRI has proven its value as a highly sensitive technique to detect small malignant disease in a wide variety of cancers [1-3]. However, literature concerning the clinical impact of detecting peritoneal metastases with MRI is very limited. Therefore, there is a need for a large randomized multicenter trial to determine whether dedicated MRI can be used as a selection tool for CRS-HIPEC candidates in daily practice.

NCT ID: NCT04188535 Recruiting - Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

Serial MRI Scans During Radiation Therapy

Start date: January 15, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a phase 1 study to determine the feasibility and utility of using serial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess treatment response during and after radiation therapy (standard of care cancer treatment) for participants with advanced esophageal cancer, glioblastoma, prostate cancer, vulvar cancer or pediatric glioma. The research study procedures include three MRI scans (one before, one during, and one after standard of care cancer radiation therapy) for participants with advanced esophageal cancer, glioblastoma, prostate cancer, vulvar cancer or pediatric glioma. The research study procedures include: - Screening for eligibility - Three MRI scans

NCT ID: NCT04106830 Recruiting - Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials

Clinical and Imaging Patterns of Neuroinflammation Diseases in China (CLUE)

Start date: January 1, 2019
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

CLUE is a prospective study to determine structural and functional changes of brain and spinal cord, as well as the inflammatory environment in patients with neuroinflammatory and demyelination disease. Subjects will receive new magnetic resonance (MR) technics including double inversion recovery (DIR) imaging diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and resting-state functional imaging and follow up for one year.

NCT ID: NCT04034667 Recruiting - MRI Clinical Trials

Study of CT and MR in the Lung Cancer

Start date: September 1, 2019
Study type: Observational

Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in China. Despite advances in systemic therapy and improvement nonsurvival rates for patients with advanced lung cancer, morbidity and mortality remain high. Recently, many studies reported that patients with positive driving genes such as EGFR(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR), ALK(anaplastic lymphoma kinase,ALK), ROS1(c-ros oncogene 1 receptor,ROS1), BRAF (V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1, BRAF)and so on have clearly targeted drugs, which bring survival benefits to patients. However, about half of patients still lack a clear driving gene target, which may have improved survival due to higher response rates to radiation therapy and other chemotherapy medications. Development of noninvasive imaging biomarkers such as CT (computed tomography,CT)and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)may not only evaluate the response to therapy ,but also could predict the efficacy of drug therapy and whether the driving gene is positive or not, through analysing the relationship between clinical related data and imaging features to find the imaging characteristics for making clinical decisions, and, consequently, contribute to an improved prognosis.