View clinical trials related to Medication Adherence.
Filter by:Background and overall goal: Poor comprehension and medication adherence are common in older people, especially after hospitalizations, in case of changes or prescriptions of new therapeutic regimes. The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of a multidomain intervention with an integrated care approach, in improving medication adherence in older people after hospital discharge. A secondary aim is investigate the determinants of poor comprehension and medication adherence in such individuals. Target population: The project will involve older patients hospitalized in a Geriatric Department and discharged at home, and (when present) their caregivers. Methods and assessments: Upon hospital discharge, data from the comprehensive geriatric assessment and information on the present hospitalization and prescribed therapies will be collected for all participants. The comprehension of medical recommendations reported in the discharge summary will be evaluated for all patients/caregiver before and after the routine explanation by treating physicians. Participants will be then randomized in intervention vs. control group. The intervention will include: first, educational training of patients/caregivers at hospital discharge by a multidisciplinary team; second, after hospital discharge, a phone recall on the prescribed therapies and a one-week phone consultant service managed by a geriatrician, supported by the multidisciplinary team, to address potential concerns on prescribed treatments. Control group will follow usual care. After 7 days medication adherence will be assessed for both study groups through structured phone interviews. At 30 and 90 days from discharge, data on falls, rehospitalizations and vital status will be collected through hospital records.
The goal of this pilot clinical trial is to refine and test a mobile health intervention for promoting medication adherence in a population of adolescents and young adults with chronic health conditions. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: - How should the intervention be designed to best fit patients' needs and preferences? - Is an adaptive intervention (personalizing the intensity of support based on patients' needs) efficacious for promoting medication adherence Researchers will compare the adaptive intervention to automated text message reminders see if the adaptive intervention shows stronger positive effects on medication adherence.
This research will implement a novel habit formation intervention among people living with hypertension and an indication of medication non-adherence to help maintain high anti-hypertensive (AH) medication adherence by leveraging the power of routines and unconsciously triggered habitual behaviors. The investigators will test whether high AH medication adherence can be maintained using contextually-cued medication adherence habits that mitigate the negative effects of declining motivation, forgetfulness, and the cognitive burden of performing repeated daily behaviors. The use of mHealth tools will help to make this a scalable and sustainable intervention approach for addressing an important healthcare issue in Arizona.
With the aim to pilot a full-scaled trial to reduce unnecessary antibiotics in women with suspected uncomplicated urinary tract infections, twenty general practices in Bavaria, Germany, will be randomized to deliver patient management based on phase-contrast microscopy and urinary dipsticks or to usual care. Primary endpoints are recruitment and retention rates.
Pregnant women in South Africa (SA) are at high risk of HIV acquisition. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use during pregnancy is both safe and effective in preventing HIV. However, posttraumatic stress (associated with intimate partner violence and/or other traumas) and depression negatively impact PrEP adherence among women in SA. Addressing posttraumatic stress and depression will likely improve PrEP adherence and persistence (i.e., sustained PrEP adherence over time) during pregnancy and breastfeeding, which are periods of dramatically increased HIV risk. The overarching goal of this proposal is to develop and test the feasibility and acceptability of a cognitive behavioral intervention that targets common underlying factors of posttraumatic stress and depression to improve PrEP adherence and persistence during pregnancy and the postpartum transition. The specific aims of the project are to (1) explore the mechanisms by which posttraumatic stress and depression impact PrEP adherence and persistence during pregnancy via qualitative interviews; (2) develop a brief PrEP adherence and persistence intervention (~4 sessions) that reduces the negative impact of psychological mechanisms common to posttraumatic stress and depression on PrEP use, and builds behavioral skills to improve self-care; and (3) evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and signals of preliminary efficacy of the intervention, which will be integrated into antenatal care, in a pilot randomized controlled trial. All data will be collected in the Midwife Obstetrics Unit (MOU) in Gugulethu, a peri-urban settlement and former township community outside of Cape Town, SA.
This randomized controlled trial will assess the efficacy and scalability of a blood pressure technology system intervention. The investigators will enroll 224 older adults with hypertension to identify those who are nonadherent for one hypertension medication. The participants will be randomized to one of two groups (112 per group) to use the blood pressure system for 6-months. Both groups receive information about high blood pressure and medications. One group will also receive strategies that can be used to take medications and manage blood pressure. Both groups will complete a mid-assessment at 3-months and a post-assessment at 6-months.
This study tests a 5-session cognitive behavioral approach program (herein referred to as the 1MoreStep intervention) to train Black women living with HIV (LWH) and exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) in the past 2 years (hereafter, BWLWHI) in: 1) cognitive and behavioral skills to access internal and external sources of strength (e.g. self-reliance, safety net); safety strategies, knowledge about Undetectable = Untransmissible (U=U) and HIV care; and reduce internalized and anticipated stigma; 2) communication skills to respond to enacted HIV and IPV stigma and enlist social support; and 3) addressing structural barriers to HIV care engagement with an HIV navigator component. The intervention is informed by the HIV-Stigma Framework and a resilient-reintegration model which views women as active participants in responding to IPV and managing life with HIV. Aim 1: Examine preliminary efficacy of the 1MoreStep intervention on: (a) IPV safety strategies (informal and formal resources, safety planning, and placating strategies at baseline, 3-month and 6-month follow-up visits); and (b) HIV care engagement (medical record confirmed visit with an HIV care provider, antiretroviral therapy (ART) prescription, medication adherence, and viral load status during 3-month and 6-month follow-up visits). Aim 2: Examine the acceptability and feasibility of the 1MoreStep intervention operationalized by (a) quantitative measures: session attendance and fidelity to key intervention components and (b) qualitative interviews to assess: program fit, facilitators and barriers to participation, and using 1MoreStep intervention skills.
People with heart failure who do not take their medications as prescribed are at high risk of complications leading to hospitalization, death and poor quality of life. In the proposed intervention, nurses will use easy-to-understand language to coach patients and their care partners to help them work together and build skills to overcome their individual barriers to adherence in order to 1) improve and sustain patient medication adherence; 2) reduce hospitalization; 3) improve quality of life. If effective, this intervention will support long-term medication adherence, thus reducing hospitalizations related to heart failure and quality of life.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of an evidence-based mental health intervention (Common Elements Treatment Approach) on medication adherence, behavioral improvement and clinical outcomesamong adults taking medication for hypertension, diabetes and epilepsy using a two-arm randomized wait-list controlled trial among adult refugees in Mae La camp, Thailand.
MI-CARE is an innovative coordinated care team intervention to improve medication adherence and blood pressure derived from research findings that build on existing clinical practice. Designed with an eye toward sustainability, MI-CARE incorporates billable pharmacist and CHW services for patients with low medication adherence and high burdens of chronic illness and preventable consequences. MI-CARE offers interprofessional team care with comprehensive expertise and complementary skill sets that mitigate the silo effect of specialized medicine to deliver primary care to diverse, high-risk populations experiencing disparities in hypertension.