View clinical trials related to Knee Osteoarthritis.
Filter by:Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the destruction and progressive loss of articular cartilage. In an advanced stage of the disease, the patient undergoes a total knee joint replacement with an artificial joint (total arthroplasty). The aim of this clinical study is to investigate the effect of combining a therapeutic exercise program based on Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and tendon vibration in older adult patients after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Ninety (90) adults over 65 years of age who will undergo TKA due to knee osteoarthritis will be divided into three groups of 30 people each (two intervention and one control). The participants in the first group will follow a therapeutic exercise protocol based on the PNF technique for six weeks. The participants in the second intervention group will follow the same therapeutic exercise program based on PNF, and at the same time, tendon vibration will be applied on the common insertion tendon of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis for the same period. Finally, the participants in the third group (control group) will receive instructions for performing exercises at home via a leaflet without receiving any additional treatment. The subjective perception of pain with the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), active range of motion (AROM) of knee flexion with a goniometer, functional ability with the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), quality of life with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC), balance using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and Berg Balance Scale (BBS), center of mass displacement with a force platform, and knee proprioception through the calculation of joint position sense using the joint repositioning test will be assessed at the beginning of the intervention (4 weeks post-surgery), at the 6th week, and six months post-intervention. For the statistical analysis of the results, a two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measurements will be applied, with the statistical significance level set at p < .05.
Tranexamic acid is a medication used to treat or prevent excessive blood loss during surgery. Previous studies have shown tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces blood loss and post-operative blood transfusion rate without significant complications. In addition, many meta-analyses have confirmed these results. This study also aims to determine how safe and effective tranexamic acid treatment is for different patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty.
This clinical study evaluates the effect of taking a hydrolyzed collagen-based supplement on pain, function and quality of life in a moderately physically active population. Non-pathological knee pain is a common occurrence in many healthy people and can limit the quality of life. Therefore, the resolution of this problem can bring many benefits in terms of quality of life.
Knee arthroscopy using standard portals will be performed in three groups. Complete evaluation of all intra -articular structures will be performed followed by accurate localization of the cartilage defect and measurement of its dimensions. The cartilage lesion grading according to the International Cartilage Repair Society system (ICRS). The patients assigned for the first group will have Liposuction through a minor 1 cm incision on the abdomen to obtain adequate amount of emulsified adipose tissues (50 - 60 cc). Autologous adipose tissue will be mixed with autologous hyaline cartilage obtained from non-weight bearing areas of the knee in prepared mold. The graft will be mixed with fibrin glue and left to solidify a little. After obtaining the fashioned graft from the mold it will be fixed in to the defect site by fibrin glue through mini open approach and stability of the implant fitted in the site will evaluated by gentle cycling of the joint. During the graft preparation, a high tibial osteotomy will be performed. Patients assigned for the second group will have microfracture in association with open wedge high tibial osteotomy. Patients assigned for the third group will have open wedge high tibial osteotomy. Standard titanium T locked plate will be used to fix the open wedge osteotomy in the three groups.
Foot; It is a terminal joint that opposes external resistance in the lower kinetic chain. It plays a primary role in weight transfer and ground response between the body and the ground.
To evaluate pain relief from corticosteroid injection with and without anesthetic as well as with variable volume of anesthetic. Pain relief will be measured using the VAS pain score at the time of the injection as well as several time points following the injection to capture pain relief longevity. The investigators intend to evaluate how well the patients tolerate corticosteroid mixtures without anesthetic as well as with different volumes of anesthetic. Primary measure will be the time from procedure when postoperative status is considered success (as measured by global perceived improvement score).
This study aims to understand if certain cognitive biases and heuristics are present in patients with knee osteoarthritis being treated with open label placebo (saline injections in the knee). A predefined survey will investigate the affect heuristic and group interviews patients who have responded well or not so well respectively will be used to examine if other cognitive biases or heuristics are present. Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, while heuristics are tactics, or mental shortcuts to aid in the decision-making process.
Knee arthrosis has a high prevalence. Non-surgical treatment, such as exercise, is the first choice of treatment. However, most patients end up having a surgical procedure such as total knee arthroplasty. Following surgery with total knee replacement as much as 20% of patients report to not be satisfied with the results. It is noteworthy that this level of dissatisfaction has persisted over the last decades despite formidable progress in surgical methods and technology. Leg strength prior to surgery is associated with faster recovery post operatively, which may influence satisfaction. The investigators aim is to implement a period of strength training prior to surgery to evaluate if training prior to surgery may reduce the level of dissatisfaction post operatively.
Evaluation of the effect of the AI500™ SINGLE-DOSE GEL medical device in patients with reduced knee function
There is a potential link between diabetes mellitus (DM) and severity of osteoarthritis .Type 2 diabetes is a part of the metabolic syndrome (Mets) accompanied by ageing and mechanical stress are also a risk factor to osteoarthritis. Every anatomical component of the joint demonstrated faster joint deterioration and elevated inflammation at microcellular environment of individuals with DM. Normal chondrocytes capacity to adapt to the local glucose level is impaired by OA and there is a significant risk of glucose toxicity and increased glucose absorption. The most dependable and effective treatment for mild to early joint osteoarthritis is exercise. Active free exercises i.e. Buerger Allen exercises are used as a conservative perfusion therapy because they rely on how gravity affects the smooth muscles in the valves. Synovial fluid supports the joint's ability to recover while also reducing inflammation and enhancing overall joint function. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of Buerger Allen exercise and low intensity high repetition exercises on pain, range of motion and disability in knee osteoarthritis with type 2 diabetes. The study would be randomized controlled trial. Total thirty-six subjects will be assigned randomly by using lottery randomization into two groups. Group A will receive conventional therapy and an additional Buerger Allen exercise while Group B will be a control group receiving only baseline treatment. Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), Ankle Brachial Index, KOOS and Goniometer will be used as outcome measure tools for pain, range of motion and disability. Measure will be taken at baseline and at the end of treatment session. The collected data will be analyzed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 25.0.If data will be normally distributed then parametric if not normally distributed than non-parametric