View clinical trials related to Hypertensive Heart Disease.
Filter by:This study examines the implications of providing hospital-level care in rural homes.
Depersonalized multi-centered registry initiated to analyze dynamics of non-infectious diseases after SARS-CoV-2 infection in population of Eurasian adult patients.
This study is a 2-years project. The year 1 project: to assess the effectiveness of implementation of the program in patients with HN. The experimental research design of 2×2 randomized controlled trial with pre and post-testing will be adopted. A total of 70 subjects will be enrolled, and 35 subjects will be randomized into the control group (conventional program) and experimental group (patient-centered self-management program), respectively, using the single-blind design. Firstly, this study will collect the pretest data of the control group and experimental group. The data to be collected include physiological indicators, physical and psychological health, self-efficacy, self-management, and satisfaction, etc. The experimental group will receive the 4-week intervention of program after the pre-test. This study will assess the effectiveness of intervention 1 month later. This study will use generalized estimating equation (GEE) to collect the longitudinal data and test the effectiveness of implementation of program in patients with HN at different time points (after 1, 3, and 6 months). It is expected that the completion of this research project may help improve the effective disease control in the care for patients with HN in Taiwan and improve self-management of disease. Hopefully, the incidence of patients with dialysis can be significantly reduced and the progression into ESRD in patients can be effectively delayed. Moreover, this study also intends propose specific suggestions about the care of patients with HN for industry, government, and academia.
Hypertensive urgency (HT urgency) is an alarm sign of uncontrolled hypertension. It can be aggravated by nonadherent to medication and psychosocial stress. Mindfulness is beneficial for reducing stress, while deep and slow breathing is effective for blood pressure (BP) lowering. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of pursed-lip breathing with number counting (PLB with NC) that promotes mindfulness and a deep/slow breathing pattern on BP and heart rate (HR) in the HT urgency patients.
The investigators hypothesize that the implementation of a checklist in acute severe hypertension would result in improving short and long-term outcomes of patients with acute severe hypertension treated in the emergency department (ED). The investigators hypothesize that in the short-term, a checklist would improve the diagnosis and management of end-organ damage as well as reduce the length of stay of acute severe hypertensive patients in the ED. The investigators hypothesize that the checklist will result in better compliance with anti-hypertensive medications than without the checklist at six-month post-discharge.
This study examines the implications of providing hospital-level care in rural homes.
72 patients who have been diagnosed with hypertensive bradyarrhythmia were selected and randomly divided into research group and control group. The research group received regular medication against hypertension and the personalized formulas based on syndrome differentiation, meanwhile the control group only received the regular medication. The five symptoms (palpitation, short of breath, angina, dizzy and lumbar debility) were graded and used for evaluation of treatment.
Recent studies on catecholamine physiology have shown a direct correlation with arterial hypertension, overcoming the exclusive role in the diagnosis and follow-up of chromaffin tumors. Nevertheless, in literature, few studies explore and reveal the utility of testing metanephrines for the evaluation of sympathetic activity and its associated cardiometabolic complications in patients with essential hypertension.
The AASK is a multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial using a 2 × 3 factorial design to evaluate the effects of level of blood pressure control and type of anti-hypertensive medication on progression of chronic renal disease among African American men and women with chronic renal insufficiency caused by hypertension (hypertensive nephrosclerosis).
This study aims to enable delivery of a multi-component intervention comprising of strategies based on Disease Control Priorities 3rd edition for management of hypertension among hypertensive patients. The secondary objective is to test the feasibility, acceptability and adaptability of a multi-component intervention delivered at a tertiary level health-care facility in the cultural context of Pakistan. A formative research study was conducted before so as to develop and test the intervention in a tertiary care hospital setting. The investigators employed qualitative research methods to explore the feasibility, applicability, and acceptance of DCP3 based intervention comprising of strategies for hypertension management. Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with selected study participants were conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC/NIHD), Rawalpindi for which a prior written and verbal consent was obtained from all research participants. The study adhered to the ethical principles of involving human subjects in the research. All information provided by the participants was recorded and was kept strictly confidential.