There are about 173942 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in United States. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
This study is being conducted to evaluate RGT001-075 to help people who are above a healthy weight range to lose weight. In this study participants will either get RGT001-075 or a "dummy" medicine (placebo). Which treatment participants get is decided by chance. Participants need to take RGT001-075 or placebo once every day for 12 weeks.
This is a prospective randomized clinical trial evaluating how two behaviorally-informed interventions (i.e., monthly report card and storyboard interventions) impact physician behavior, with the goal of closing care gaps in preventive care and disease management. In particular, the monthly report card intervention seeks to elevate physicians' intentions to close their patients' care gaps, while the storyboard intervention seeks to prompt action by making patients' care gaps salient. The trial investigates the separate and joint impacts of the proposed behaviorally-informed interventions on encouraging physicians to close their patients' care gaps.
Dignified and compassionate end-of-life (EOL) care is a cornerstone of high-quality, patient-centered care, but in safety-net hospitals EOL care is often overlooked, considered too late, or not at all. By eliciting and implementing final wishes for dying patients, the 3 Wishes Project (3WP) has demonstrated, in tertiary academic centers, that acts of compassion can improve the EOL experience and help families cope with loss. The investigators propose to implement the 3WP in safety-net hospitals where there are less resources and more diverse, disadvantaged patient populations, and hypothesize that there will be similar positive effects on the EOL experience for patients, families, and clinicians.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of single (SC) and multi-chamber (MC) blood flow restriction (BFR) cuff exercise on indices of arterial stiffness, muscle morphology, and participant perception.
The objective of this research study is to evaluate a culturally grounded program among American Indian (AI) female children and the children's female caregivers. This project will evaluate the impact of "Nowhi Isdza bit Nadagoldi: Telling Our Daughters Our Story (henceforth referred to as TODOS) on associated risk and protective factors for early substance use and sexual debut through a randomized controlled trial on the White Mountain Apache (WMA) reservation. The investigators will examine whether the TODOS program effectively reduces risk factors and improves protective factors associated with early substance use and sexual debut, with long term goals of reducing teen pregnancy and teen substance use.
The goal of this clinical trial is to test a new method for newborn screening using whole genome sequencing, called BeginNGS. Newborns who are not suspected of having genetic diseases and who are admitted to the NICU at Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, will be enrolled. The main questions this study aims to answer are: - What is the diagnostic yield of diagnostic whole genome sequencing (DWGS) in this population? - What is the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of BeginNGS and whole exome sequencing (WES) as compared to DWGS? - What are the potential issues related to implementing DWGS in this population? Enrolled newborns will have a blood sample taken and will receive three tests: - DWGS - BeginNGS - WES
Autoimmune cytopenias resistant to treatment are among the most common clinical manifestations observed in patients with congenital alterations of the immune system, such as primary immunodeficiencies (PI). The exact contribution of immune system alterations to the pathogenesis of autoimmune cytopenias has not yet been fully elucidated. Moreover, conventionally employed therapeutic strategies often fail, leading to increased healthcare costs, high morbidity, and even mortality. Therefore, there is a need to establish clinical guidelines for diagnosis and to identify early biomarkers capable of identifying individuals responsive to therapy. Thus, a systematic approach to the study of such pathologies will allow for the identification of early biomarkers and facilitate the development of targeted therapeutic strategies
CT-100 is a platform that provides interactive, software based therapeutic components that may be used as part of a treatment in future software-based prescription digital therapeutics. One class of CT-100 components are Digital Neuro-activation and Modulation (DiNaMo TM) components. DiNaMo components target key neural systems (including but not limited to systems related to sensory-, perceptual-, affective-, pain-, attention-, cognitive control, social- and self- processing) to optimally improve a participant's health.
Feasibility study investigating the effects of dry needling on individuals with chronic neck pain and sleep disturbance.
This study will evaluate the clinical safety and the performance of the BTL-785F system equipped with the BTL-785-7 applicator for non-invasive reduction of submental fat and skin laxity treatment.