There are about 1183 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Indonesia. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The study will perform UC-MSCs and CM transplantation. There are two groups with different dosages. The first group will be transplanted with 1.5 million cells, meanwhile, the second group is 5 million cells. Each group consists of 30 subjects. All groups will be transplanted via the peribulbar route. All groups will be observed until six months.
The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effectiveness of the combination of n-acetylcysteine and motivational enhancement therapy on laboratory improvement in the form of changes in blood nicotine, radiological changes in the form of nerve connectivity on post-therapy frontostriatal fMRI examination and clinical changes in the form of abstinence, withdrawal symptoms and cravings in adult smoker.
The goal of this clinical study is to assess the api-api mangrove sword bean food bar effect on the older people's weight affected by a landslide The main questions aimed to answer are: - Can api-api mangrove sword bean food bar improve the weight of older people affected by landslide? - Can balanced nutrition education increase the older peoples' knowledge? Participants divided in the two groups i.e.: - Treatment group received 50 g mangrove sword bean food bar each day during 15 days. - Control group received 50 g sword bean food bar each day during 15 days. - Both groups obtained balanced nutrition of older people education once at the first week of study.
The objectives are to compare the efficacy of pre and post-treatment and between 5% losartan potassium loaded in ethosomal gel and 10 mg/ml triamcinolone acetonide injection based on the indicator score of The patient and observer scar assessment scale 3.0 (POSAS 3.0), degree of erythema and pigmentation, area size, thickness and density of human keloids.
The goal of this clinical trial is to assess the effect of potato almond orange cookie supplementation on the nutritional status of stunted under-five children. The main questions aimed to answer are: - Can cookie supplementation improve the weight of stunted under-five children? - Can cookie supplementation improve the weight for age z score of stunted under-five children? Participants divided in the two groups i.e.: - Treatment group received 50 g potato almond orange cookie each day during 4 weeks. - Control group received 50 g potato orange cookie each day during 4 weeks. - Mothers of both groups given balanced nutrition education for stunted under-five children twice at the second and third week of study.
This study is a double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) examining the effect of intralesional injection of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSC), umbilical cord-derived conditioned medium (UC-CM), or triamcinolone acetonide (TA) on keloids carried out using CONSORT statement. Research is directed at studying keloid volume reduction and changes in POSAS score.
University students often experience emotional distress that originates from inside or outside academia, and for which treatment would be welcome. Research has shown that mindfulness can help people to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, a thinking style that focuses excessively on negative content (repetitive negative thinking; RNT) has consistently been found to be a mediator of the effects of mindfulness on decreasing stress, anxiety and depression. With this study, we want to 1) investigate the effects of mindfulness on stress, anxiety, depression, and RNT in Indonesian sample of undergraduate students and 2) investigate the mediating role of RNT.
The proportion of malaria that is the Plasmodium vivax species is increasing in Indonesia. Reducing vivax malaria will require innovative solutions to cure both the blood and liver stages of the disease. This study will evaluate of the feasibility of implementing point-of-care glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) testing. This will be followed by high dose, short course primaquine treatment regimens for patients with vivax malaria, and combined with patient education, surveillance, and pharmacovigilance. We plan to implement the study at 6 health facilities across Indonesia using a staged before-and-after study, with a mixed method evaluation.
The goal of this clinical trial is to assess the effect of the food bar made from api-api mangrove (Avicennia marina) and sword bean (Canavalia ensiformis) blends on the weight and Weight-for-Age Z score affected by a landslide disaster. The main questions aimed to answer are: - Food bar supplementation can effect the weight and WAZ score of under-five children affected by landslides disaster? - Balanced nutrition education can increase the mothers' knowledge on the balanced nutrition of under-five children? Participants divided in to two group i.e.: - Treatment/intervention group consumed 50 g mangrove sword bean food bar each day during 15 days. - Control group consumed 50 g sword bean food bar each day during 15 days. - Each group received balanced nutrition for mothers once at the first week of study.
The goal of this study is to present the Jakarta Surgical Uterine Conservation (JSICA) technique and its perioperative outcomes in Placenta Accreta Spectrum patients. Participants are all patients undergoing standard hysterectomy or the Jakarta Surgical Uterine Conservation (JSICA) technique. Researchers will compare both groups to see if there are any differences in the perioperative outcomes.