There are about 249 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Ghana. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate a bundled intervention of psychotropic drugs and daily contact with a nurse for people with mental health disorders in a prayer camp and secondly to assess whether the attitudes of the prayer camp staff toward mental health disorders and conventional medicines remain the same after the intervention.
This research seeks to develop a culturally-acceptable, effective, and sustainable way of utilizing the rapidly growing penetration of mobile phones among people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), to improve the currently poor control of hypertension among patients at high risk for future stroke. It also aims to develop human capital in SSA to conduct locally-relevant, high-quality stroke research in the future. Specifically, this study will preliminarily test a strategy that incorporates mobile phone texting and home blood pressure monitoring directed by trained nurses, to improve patient adherence to proven medical therapies for treating hypertension.
patients om metformin from diabetic clinic were checked for bladder cancer
Introduction Maternal and neonatal mortality continue to be to be prominent public health issues in sub Saharan Africa including Ghana, with slow progress made towards attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 4 & 5. Studies have identified poor quality of maternal and child healthcare as a major challenge to the prevention of neonatal and maternal deaths. Effective interventions are required to make significant inroads in these areas. Objective To evaluate the effect of a SMS text messaging intervention to support clinical decision making by frontline health care professionals on neonatal and maternal mortality. Methods We propose to conduct a randomized controlled trial in the Eastern region of Ghana, involving 8 intervention and 8 control districts. The intervention consists of text messaging of standard protocols for maternal and neonatal care to front line health care providers in the region. A total of 17,040 pregnant women who are receiving care (including antenatal, delivery and post-natal) at any of the hospitals in the selected districts in the region will be monitored through monthly aggregate data on outcome measures such as neonatal and maternal deaths from eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage, puerperal sepsis, birth asphyxia, low birth weight and neonatal sepsis. Cord sepsis will also be included as neonatal sepsis for this study. Also, a quality of care assessment in four sampled districts to measure adherence to the safe motherhood protocol will be conducted. Stata software package.55 and MLwiN software version 2.2456 will be employed in data analysis. Descriptive analysis will be carried out to explore baseline characteristics of study groups while logistic regression will be applied to evaluate the effect of the intervention. A two-tailed statistical significant level of 0.05 will be used. Expected outcome We hypothesize that the intervention will improve both maternal and neonatal service delivery and health outcomes in the intervention areas.
Every day in Ghana, 47 babies are stillborn (SB) and 232 babies are born with low birth-weight (LBW) - many of whom will die in infancy or suffer lifelong consequences. Sleeping on the back during pregnancy has recently emerged in scientific literature as a potential risk factor for SB and LBW. In fact, one of the earliest studies to demonstrate this link was conducted in Ghana by investigators on this protocol. When a woman in mid-to-late-pregnancy lies on her back, her large uterus compresses one of the major veins that delivers blood back to her heart and may completely obstruct it. This may result in less blood being returned to her heart and less blood being pumped to her developing fetus. Such changes may negatively impact the growth of her fetus and, along with some other risk factors, may contribute to the death of her baby. The investigators have developed a device, 'PrenaBelt', to significantly reduce the amount of time a pregnant woman spends sleeping on her back. The PrenaBelt functions via a simple, safe, effective, and well-established modality called positional therapy. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the PrenaBelt on birth-weight and assess the feasibility of introducing it to Ghanaian third-trimester pregnant women in their home setting via an antenatal care clinic and local health-care staff. Data from this study will be used in effect size calculations for the design of a large-scale, epidemiological study targeted at reducing LBW and SB in Ghana and globally.
The purpose of this pre-licensure cohort study is to estimate the incidence of adverse events of special interest (AESI), other adverse events (AE) leading to hospitalisation or death, meningitis and malaria in sub-Saharan African children under 5 years of age. The outcomes of this study will provide the baseline data for the post-licensure EPI-MALARIA-003 (115056) study that will evaluate the safety, effectiveness and impact of the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine. An interim analysis was performed on a sub-group of study participants enrolled in active surveillance from sites where the vaccine is currently implemented, having 6 months of follow-up following the administration of dose 3 of DTP/HepB/Hib vaccine (6-12 weeks group), or 6 months after Visit 3 (mimicking the RTS,S/AS01E primary vaccination schedule) for the 5-17 months group; corresponding to Visit 5. The interim analysis concerned primary safety endpoints and the main secondary endpoints.
The study will be a single blinded, randomized, controlled open label non-inferiority phase III, trial with two parallel groups, conducted in Ghana and Papua New Guinea (PNG). The ultimate goal is to establish if a 20mg/kg dose of azithromycin is as effective as a 30mg/kg dose in the treatment of yaws. Approximately 600 clinically and serologically diagnosed yaws patients will be included in the study. Patients will be randomized to receive treatment with the two antibiotic regimens as follow: (i) Regimen I (AZT20): Single oral dose of 20 mg/kg azithromycin (ii) Regimen II (AZT30): Single oral dose of 30 mg/kg azithromycin. The follow-up period of patients will be 6 months. Assessments before, during and after the antibiotic treatment will include full medical history, clinical assessment of the lesion and, laboratory investigations. The primary efficacy parameters are healing of the lesion at 4 weeks and a four-fold decline in RPR titre at 6 months after start of treatment.
The purpose of this study is to examine the treatment, both surgical and non-surgical, of patients with any form of early onset scoliosis. Such treatment may include the use of growth friendly devices that are surgically or magnetically lengthened; or the use of serial body casting or bracing, or observation. Outcomes examined will be what can be seen physically on the patient and on x-ray, as well as parent perception of how the treatment effects their child with the use of a health-related quality of life (HRQOL) questionnaire.
This study will determine the influence of doxycycline treatment against Wolbachia/M. perstans on immunity against concomitant mycobacterial infections in healthy M. perstans infected individuals. In this regard, the investigators will perform a community-based randomized controlled trial (Phase 2a) in Asante Akim North District. A cohort of 200 participants who are contacts of patients with Tuberculosis or Buruli ulcer, of both sexes with no clinical condition requiring long-term medication but connected with Mansonella perstans will be investigated for the effect of doxycycline on microfilaria, the immune response and development of mycobacterial disease.
To determine whether there is a difference in effectiveness of routine uterine tonus assessment (every 15 minutes, for 2 hours) when performed by a midwife or self-administered by a patient on the incidence of postpartum haemorrhage, mean blood loss, and other maternal and neonatal outcomes.