There are about 11256 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Egypt. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The aim of the work is to asses the positive effect of stenotic sinus segment stenting on idiopathic intracranial hypertension with headache and papilloedema.
Gabapentin, a structural analog of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), was introduced within the us as an anticonvulsant, used clinically to treat epilepsy. The drug causes amino acids release within the medulla spinalis dorsal horn and thus decreasing response to neural inputs and stabilizing the nervous activity. The mechanism of action of gabapentin on neuropathic pain is assumed to bind to the alpha 2 delta subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel within the central systema nervosum , reducing calcium influx into the nerve terminals and decreases the release of neurotransmitters like glutamate . Gabapentin, therefore, can be used for controlling chronic pain, as in diabetic neuropathy and other neuropathic disorders . Some studies examined the effectiveness of gabapentin for acute postoperative pain management for gynecological surgery, lumbar spinal surgery, arthroplasty, and thoracic surgery . A recent study concluded that gabapentin has a role in preoperative anxiolysis, attenuation of hemodynamic response to intubation, prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and finally postoperative delirium . Up to date, the effect of preoperative gabapentin on inhaled anesthetic depth is unknown
The combination of general anesthesia to spinal and epidural techniques (CSEGA) proved to have a synergistic effect, thus, the use of sub-anesthetic doses can provide satisfactory anesthetic and analgesic results. CSEGA has several known advantages including appropriate postoperative analgesia, shows some benefit in the intraoperative blood loss control causing a decreased need for blood transfusion, rapid regain of the gastrointestinal actions and decreases the incidence of postoperative respiratory complications. Unfortunately, the drawbacks of using neuro-axial anesthesia in combination to general anesthesia will be not thoroughly introduced in many researches, thus, remain unclear.
Rhomboid intercostal block (RIB) is a new interfascial plane block describe by Elsharkawy et al. in 2016. The region described is understood because the triangle of auscultation that's bounded medially by inferior a part of the trapezius, inferiorly by the superior border of latissimus dorsi, and laterally by the medial border of the scapula. In this ultrasound-guided block, the local anaesthetic drug is run between the rhomboid major and therefore the intercostal fascia at the extent of T6-T7 and provides analgesia of T3-T8 dermatomes
to study the effect of early vs delayed enteral feeding following ASARP in females with congenital recto-vestibular fistula
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of administration of folic acid and /or pentoxifylline on patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
To evaluate the effect of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) activity on the corneal densitometry, corneal curvature (CC), central corneal thickness (CCT), and lens densitometry by Pentacam and compared these parameters with those of age-matched healthy control subjects
use the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to evaluate the tear meniscus parameters, total corneal thickness (CT), and epithelial thickness in active and inactive thyroid eye diseases (TED) patients and compare them with age-matched controls.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)are neurodevelopmental disorders that are clinically characterized by a triad of features: impairments in social interaction, impairments in communication, and presence of restrictive repetitive and stereotypical behaviors, interests, or activities (DSM-IV). In addition to these core deficits, ASD is associated with a high prevalence of fine motor difficulties and executive function impairments that contribute to acquisition and performance of skilled motor tasks. It is therefore not surprising that handwriting difficulties are frequently reported in children with ASD.
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the primary cause of nearly one quarter of all maternal deaths globally. Management of uterine tone after delivery involves giving a prophylactic uterotonic and the use of controlled cord traction to facilitate delivery of the placenta and minimize blood loss. Syntocinon and carbetocin are the most commonly used drugs ,During caesarean delivery of stenotic valvular disease patient, the anesthesiologist have an important question: what is the best drug used for prevention of PPH with minimal hemodynamic effect regarding Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), Cardiac out put (COP),Heart rate ( HR), blood pressure? As uterotonic drugs may cause severe hypotension, decrease in SVR and COP that may not be tolerated by these patients .this thesis aims to compare between syntocinon and carbetocin regarding their effect on cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance using cardiometry in cardiac patients with stenotic lesions during caesarean delivery.