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NCT ID: NCT06144138 Not yet recruiting - Quality of Life Clinical Trials

Impact of Breathing Exercises and Meditation on Reducing Stress and Improving Quality of Life of Glaucoma Patients: An Electronic Pilot Feasibility Study

Start date: May 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this electronic feasibility clinical trial study is to evaluate the effects of breathing and meditation techniques on stress levels in patients with glaucoma. The main questions it aims to answer are: - Does breathing and meditation decrease the level of stress in glaucoma patients? - Does breathing and meditation improve disease specific quality of life in glaucoma patients - Does breathing and meditation affect the importance that in glaucoma patients place on future consequences? Participants will participate in online session where they will be taught proper breathing and meditation technique to practice. They will also be completing online questionnaires following independent practice sessions over time. Researchers will compare the breathing and meditation group to the usual care group to see if the outcomes are different.

NCT ID: NCT06143891 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease

A Study to Test an Oral Medicine, Belumosudil, in Combination With Corticosteroids in Participants at Least 12 Years of Age With Newly Diagnosed Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease.

Start date: January 23, 2024
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

This is a parallel, Phase 3, two-arm study for the treatment of newly diagnosed moderate or severe chronic GVHD. The study duration for a participant includes up to 4 weeks for screening; a treatment period until clinically meaningful cGVHD progression (defined as progression requiring addition of new systemic treatment for cGVHD), relapse/recurrence of the underlying disease, participant starts new systemic treatment for cGVHD or experiences an unacceptable toxicity, at the request of the participants or the investigators, or until the end of study is reached, whichever comes first; at least 30 days follow-up of adverse events (AEs) after the last dose until resolution or stabilization, if applicable; and long-term follow-up until death or study close-out, whichever comes first.

NCT ID: NCT06143878 Recruiting - Plaque Psoriasis Clinical Trials

A Study of JNJ-77242113 for the Treatment of Participants With Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis

Start date: January 17, 2024
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to see how effective JNJ-77242113 is in participants with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis compared to placebo and deucravacitinib.

NCT ID: NCT06143046 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Respiratory Syncytial Virus

A Study of mRNA-1345 Vaccine Targeting Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Pregnant Women and in Infants Born to Vaccinated Mothers

Start date: November 15, 2023
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the reactogenicity, safety, and immunogenicity of an investigational respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, mRNA-1345, in pregnant women, and safety and immunogenicity in infants born to vaccinated mothers.

NCT ID: NCT06142942 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Effect of Sprint Interval Training Frequency on Improvements in Fitness

Start date: November 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this study is to learn how the number of weekly exercise sessions affects improvements in fitness in healthy university aged students. The main question it aims to answer is how training frequency affects improvements in fitness. Participants will complete a pre-testing sessions to assess fitness level and sprint performance. Following this participants are assigned to one of four groups. A group that exercises 2 days a week, a group that trains 3 days a week, a group that trains 4 days a week, or a no-exercise control group. Participants in this group will not complete any training and allow the researchers to compare the exercise groups to a group that didn't train. Each participant will train for 4 weeks. During each training session participants will complete 4-6 30 second all-out sprints with 4 minutes of rest between each. Participants will complete the same tests they did during the pre-testing session following the 4 weeks of training to see how frequency affects improvements.

NCT ID: NCT06142890 Recruiting - Aging Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Ceiling Fans for Mitigating Thermal Strain During Bed Rest in Older Adults During Heat Waves

Start date: December 5, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

With the increasing regularity and intensity of hot weather and heat waves, there is an urgent need to develop heat-alleviation strategies able to provide targeted protection for heat-vulnerable older adults. While air-conditioning provides the most effective protection from extreme heat, it is inaccessible for many individuals. Air-conditioning is also energy intensive, which can strain the electrical grid and, depending on the source of electricity generation, contribute to green house gas emissions. For these reasons, recent guidance has recommended the use of electric fans as a sustainable cooling alternative. While fans may increase sweat evaporation and heat loss in healthy, young adults, evidence supporting their use in older adults is scarce. Further, studies show that when environmental temperature exceeds skin temperature, fans are not effective and can even exacerbate hyperthermia in older adults. While older adults only account for ~13% of the population, they account for ~40% off all hospitalizations. In the context of sustainable cooling interventions, this is of particular importance given that many hospitals and long-term care homes do not have air-conditioning and rely on ceiling fans to enhance sweat evaporation while participants are bed-resting. While recent biophysical modelling has suggested that pedestal fans likely provide a clinically meaningful cooling effect (proposed to be ≥0.3°C) in temperatures below ~34°C in older adults, the efficacy of ceiling fans in mitigating heat strain in these conditions is currently unknown. To address these knowledge gaps, this randomized crossover trial will evaluate body core temperature, cardiovascular strain, orthostatic intolerance, dehydration, and thermal comfort in adults aged 65-85 years exposed for 8-hours to conditions experienced during indoor overheating occurring during a heat wave in a temperate continental climate (31°C, 45% relative humidity). Each participant will complete two randomized exposures that will differ only in the airflow generated by a ceiling fan: no airflow (control) or standard airflow. Participants will remain in a supine position for the duration of the 8-hour exposure period, except for during hour 7 when they will complete a series of cardiovascular autonomic response tests.

NCT ID: NCT06142773 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Ventilation Therapy; Complications

Study to Investigate an Association Between Brain Activity and Tidal Volume in Humans (BATMAN)

Start date: November 30, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The communication between the lungs and the brain has drawn a lot of attention recently. Animal studies have shown that the breathing cycle is coupled with brain activity, showing that the greater the volume of air delivered to the lungs via a breathing machine greater the brain activity and also the greater the injury to the brain cells. There is no study in humans that investigates the physiological communication between the volume of air delivered to the lungs and brain activity. This is important because really sick patients receive breathing assistance using breathing machines to keep their oxygen levels within a normal range. Although these machines are life-saving tools, they might result in brain cell injury, leading to cognitive impairment. So, establishing the existence of a physiological communication between the volume of air delivered using these breathing machines and brain activity is the first step to investigating therapies to prevent brain cell injury due to the use of breathing machines to assist breathing.

NCT ID: NCT06141733 Recruiting - Death Clinical Trials

2 Year Follow up of COSGOD III

Start date: January 1, 2024
Study type: Observational

The COSGOD III trial performed follow up until term age or discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit, whatever came first. The first neonate was randomised in September 2017 and the last in October 2021. A prospective follow up of the included neonates until an age of two years was not feasible in the COSGOD III trial since funding for long-term follow-up was not available. However, data on long-term outcome of the included neonates into COSGOD III trial are of high interest. In many centres, who participated in the COSGOD III trial neonates are assessed routinely for long term outcome in outpatient clinics with Bayleys III/IV test or PARCA-R (Parent Report of Children's Abilities) questionnaire. Aim of the present study is therefore to analyse in neonates, who were included into the COSGOD III trial, in a retrospective observational study routinely performed long-term survival and neurodevelopmental outcome assessment at a corrected age of 2 years (18-30 months).

NCT ID: NCT06141642 Recruiting - Aging Clinical Trials

Self-Adaptive Immersive Virtual Reality Serious Game to Enhance Motor Skill Learning and Attention in Older Adults

Start date: January 9, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

While scientific evidence emphasizes the detrimental effect of sedentary behavior on health, the literature suggests that, on average, older adults spend 75% of their days in a sedentary manner, and often isolated (Petrusevski 2020). This lack of physical activity and social interaction not only leads to an increase in functional limitations and the risk of worsening an existing chronic disease but also elevates the risk of mortality. Furthermore, older adults face progressive functional decline, both in motor and cognitive aspects, as a result of aging, contributing to inactivity and sedentary behavior (Botö 2021). The literature suggests that new technologies such as immersive virtual reality (iVR) and serious games serve as effective means to promote active leisure, thereby breaking isolation and reducing sedentary behavior. The development of these new technologies is also promising for objectively and quantitatively measuring motor and cognitive activity (e.g., kinematics, reaction time). Serious games are defined as games whose primary objective is more focused on learning than entertainment. For instance, they allow the integration of physical and cognitive activity programs into a playful activity, conducive to long-term adherence. Their effectiveness is starting to be studied in hospitalized older adults (Cuevas-Lara 2021), especially as they also help combat age-related functional decline. Indeed, they provide the opportunity to promote and measure activity through enjoyable and self-administered exercises. However, despite the growing interest in serious games, the impact of self-adaptive serious games, compared to traditional (non-adaptive) serious games, on motor skill learning and attention function in older adults remains unclear. This gap in knowledge necessitates a rigorous investigation. Therefore, this randomized controlled trial seeks to address this gap and achieve the following objectives: 1. Compare the effect of a self-adaptive serious game to a non-adaptive serious game on motor skill learning and attention in older adults. 2. Enhance the understanding of how motor skill learning in immersive virtual reality translates to older adults' activities of daily living.

NCT ID: NCT06141486 Recruiting - Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Trials

Efficacy and Safety Study of Frexalimab (SAR441344) in Adults With Nonrelapsing Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Start date: December 27, 2023
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study is to determine the efficacy of frexalimab in delaying the disability progression and the safety up to approximately 51 months administration of study intervention compared to placebo in male and female participants with nrSPMS (aged 18 to 60 years at the time of enrollment). People diagnosed with nrSPMS are eligible for enrollment as long as they meet all the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria. Study details include: - This event-driven study will have variable duration ranging from approximately 27 to 51 months. - The study intervention duration will vary ranging from approximately 27 to 51 months. - The number of scheduled visits will be up to 27 (including 3 follow-up visits) with a visit frequency of every month for the first 6 months and then every 3 months.