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NCT ID: NCT02090712 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Myocardial Infarction

Sao Paulo ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Registry

Start date: January 2010
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

At the periphery of the city of São Paulo, in-hospital mortality in acute myocardial infarction is estimated to range between 15% and 20% due to difficulties inherent to delayed answer at a large metropolis. As a city with more than 11 million inhabitants, the distribution of emergency services and public hospitals is also heterogeneous, with scarcity in peripheral zones. That heterogeneity of resources also involves the quality of the medical care provided. The possibility of a standard care with fast transfer after thrombolysis and a tertiary backing system for ECG interpretation, catheterization and advanced support could improve this setting. In a project initiated in 2010, the São Paulo Municipal Health Secretariat, the Federal University of Sao Paulo/Paulista School of Medicine, the Emergency Mobile Health Care Service arranged a planed system of thrombolysis at peripheral hospitals or at the ambulances with immediate transfer to a unique tertiary center for early angiography and angioplasty of the culprit artery. The protocol uses recommendations of Brazilian and international guidelines, and is the same adopted for the management of ST elevation myocardial infarction at Paulista School of Medicine regarding the indications for thrombolytic agents, primary and rescue percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), and pharmacoinvasive therapy. The hypothesis of this study is that a network to provide the best care for patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction will reduce mortality rates. The main purpose of this registry is to provide demographics, metrics and results of this experience, maintaining complete records of clinical, laboratory and coronary angiography data of all patients allowing short-term outcome analysis of various variables in a large population. Additionally, follow-up outcomes will be provide in a sub-group of patients keeping their health care at the University or able to be tracked. All clinical endpoints of main interest will be assessed as single or composite endpoints for evaluation at different time intervals.

NCT ID: NCT02040714 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Legg Calve Perthes Disease

Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study on Current Treatments of Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease

Start date: August 2012
Study type: Observational

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a childhood hip disorder which is common enough to be a significant public health problem (affects 1 in 740 boys between ages 0-14), but uncommon enough to have a sufficient number of patients from a single institution to perform a definitive prospective study comparing the results of current treatments. The present study will establish a database of prospectively identified patients with Legg-Calvé-Perthes (LCP) Disease and collect information regarding their presentation, treatment, and outcomes in the course of receiving currently available treatments. This study seeks to compare the outcomes of current treatments in the management of different age groups (ages 1-6, 6-8, 8-11, >11) of patients with Perthes disease at two- and five-year followup and at skeletal maturity. For each age group, two to three common treatment regimens currently used by practicing pediatric orthopaedic surgeons will be compared. The intervention a patient receives is determined through physician treatment expertise, and is not pre-determined by the study.

NCT ID: NCT02020928 Enrolling by invitation - Oral Mucositis Clinical Trials

Laser Therapy Prevents Mucositis Oral in Chemotherapy for Bone Marrow Transplantation?

Start date: January 2015
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Setting: Oral mucositis is a very common complication of cancer treatment, accounting, often at increased risk for infections and even the interruption of treatment, interfering with the prognosis of the disease. The low intensity laser therapy has been proposed as an alternative for the treatment and prevention of this side effect, with good results in terms of clinical and functional, speeding up the process of wound healing and reducing pain. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of using low power laser in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with hematological cancer, undergoing chemotherapy for bone marrow transplantation. Methods: There will be a Clinical Trial Randomized, double-blind study to evaluate the effectiveness of using low power laser in the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with hematological cancer, undergoing chemotherapy for bone marrow transplantation. Participate in the study, patients who are in the condition mentioned above accepting participate and have aged over 18. Will be excluded from the study patients who have autoimmune disease, which present sensitivity to laser or who have already started treatment for oral mucositis prior to this study.The study variables are:-independent variable: whether or not the red laser of low power-dependent variables: oral mucositis, degree of mucositis, chemotherapy regimen, type of blood cancer. For determining the association between the independent variable and the dependent will be used chi-square tests of association (Pearson) and Fisher's exact test, if necessary. Will calculate the risk ratio (RR) as a measure of relative risk, with the confidence interval at 95% (IC95%).Also be calculated NNT (number needed to treat to obtain benefit) and NNH (number needed to harm getting). Will be adopted a significance level of 5%. The project was approved by the Ethics and Research iMIP. All patients will be appropriately informed about the objectives of the project and will only be included if they voluntarily agree to participate by signing the consent form. Keywords: laser, prevention and control; oral mucositis, bone marrow transplant.

NCT ID: NCT01966861 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Acute Respiratory Failure

Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation Guided by Lung Ultrasound (Brazilian WEANLUS)

Start date: March 2016
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The present study aims to evaluate the impact of a weaning strategy based on identification of early signs of respiratory distress by lung ultrasound and the consequent implementation of a "clinical optimization" protocol as compared to usual care.

NCT ID: NCT01914835 Enrolling by invitation - Cocaine Dependence Clinical Trials

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation on Cocaine/Crack Dependents

Start date: April 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Cocaine/Crack Dependence has been associated with neuropsychological impairments mainly in executive functions and decision-making, which are predominantly managed by the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the brain. However, none study in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (NR) has been done in order to remediate the executive functioning in this population. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of neuropsychological intervention based on the stimulation of cognitive functions such as attention, planning, organization, logical reasoning, executive functioning, and decision making. For this research it will be proposed interventions through motivational strategies and board games, especially chess because it has been associated with PFC functioning, since it is a game which requires complex cognitive abilities, such as: inhibitory control, mental flexibility, sustained attention, future planning and decision-making. There will be two groups of patients with cocaine/crack dependence (n = 56), one with NR (group A, n = 28) and another without NR (group B, n = 28). Group B will be submitted to the placebo intervention. Both groups will be submitted to an extensive battery of neuropsychological tests and psychopathological rating scales before and after interventions. A sub-group will also be submitted to functional magnetic resonance imaging and biomarkers measures (BDNF and cortisol). The hypothesis is that group A will present a pronounced improvement not only on the neuropsychological test but also on the PFC functioning in neuropsychological functions compared to group B.

NCT ID: NCT01896882 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Hemodialysis Patients

Dietary Sodium Restriction in Hemodialysis Patients

Start date: March 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Excess dietary sodium can lead to poor outcomes, such as hypertension, edema and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. These complications are associated with end stage renal disease (ESRD) progression and mortality in renal patients. This study aims to evaluate the effects of nutritional counseling restricting dietary sodium and its relation to clinical and diet factors, nutritional knowledge and quality of life in hemodialysis patients.

NCT ID: NCT01891162 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Incontinence Urinary

Assessment of Socioeconomic Status by Brazil and Quality of Life for Urinary Incontinence in Brazilian Women

Start date: December 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Age, parity, obesity and a number of comorbidities are the major clinical and lifestyle risk factors for female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse at the population level. The socioeconomic risks for incontinence have however, conflicting evidence with assorted measures of socioeconomic status. Brazil is a country with enormous social contrasts, and deep inequality. We have a mixed origin of cultures and different economic and regional conditions. We believe that the perception and the impact that has Pelvic floor dysfunction in the quality of life of the woman must vary widely according to socioeconomic status (including household income, highest educational level, family income). There is to date no studies have correlated a criterion for classifying economic official in Brazil with the impact of quality of life (based in KHQ or PQOL) of women with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

NCT ID: NCT01872091 Enrolling by invitation - Healthy Individuals Clinical Trials

Analysis of Neuromuscular, Circulatory and Biomechanical Responses After Cryotherapy

Start date: May 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Cryotherapy is a resource applied thermal rehabilitation in order to reduce skin temperature and muscle as well as nerve conduction velocity, and promotes vasoconstriction of arteries and veins resulting in decreased blood flow.

NCT ID: NCT01804686 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

A Long-term Extension Study of PCI-32765 (Ibrutinib)

Start date: September 9, 2013
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to collect long-term safety and efficacy data for participants treated with ibrutinib and to provide ongoing access to ibrutinib for participants who are currently enrolled in ibrutinib studies that have been completed according to the parent protocol, are actively receiving treatment with ibrutinib, and who continue to benefit from ibrutinib treatment.

NCT ID: NCT01579344 Enrolling by invitation - Clinical trials for Lacrimal Apparatus Disease

Lacrimal Drainage System Obstruction Associated to Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Thyroid Carcinoma

Start date: January 2012
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The radioactive radioiodine therapy (Na131I) for the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma is a procedure used for ablation of remaining thyroid tissue after thyroidectomy and metastases. Although serious complications are uncommon after treatment, there are well-documented adverse reactions secondary to the involvement of the salivary glands, such as dry mouth, pain in the parotid glands and dysphagia, even after administration of low doses of radioiodine. However, ocular complications of such treatment are scarcely reported in literature. Among them the investigators can mention recurrent and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca and dry eye, affecting 23% of patients undergoing radioactive iodine therapy. Dysfunction of the lacrimal gland is described in recent studies, especially after high cumulative dose of the drug. Likewise, epiphora and nasolacrimal duct obstruction have been reported as complications associated with the use of radioiodine, although studies are not available to assess its true incidence through the systematic evaluation of patients. It can be seen in routine practice that these patients would normally be referred for ophthalmological examination only if a complaint, what happens in the process of OVL already installed after the use of high doses of radioiodine. With the early evaluation of these patients, the investigators focused on detecting the process of ongoing obstruction in order to study interventions that prevent its final installation.