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Colorectal Cancer clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT06342622 Completed - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Young-onset Colorectal Cancer Screening Based on Artificial Intelligence

Start date: December 1, 2023
Study type: Observational

In this study, we aimed to develop, internally and temporally validate the machine learning models to help screen YOCRC bansed on the retrospective extracted Electronic Medical Records (EMR) data.

NCT ID: NCT06342440 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Early Detection of Advanced Adenomas and Colorectal Cancer

Start date: March 15, 2020
Study type: Observational

This study aims to develop a highly sensitive, specific, and cost-effective blood assay for early detection of colorectal adenomas and cancer, using advanced machine learning and state-of-the-art biological analyses.

NCT ID: NCT06342401 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Detection

Start date: April 15, 2023
Study type: Observational

Colorectal cancer (CRC) once predominantly affected older individuals, but in recent years has witnessed a progressive increase in incidence among young adults. Once rare, early-onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC, that is, a CRC diagnosed before the age of 50) now constitutes 10-15% of all newly diagnosed CRC cases and it stands as the first cause of cancer-related death in young men and the second for young women. This study aims to detect EOCRC with a non-invasive test, using a blood-based molecular assay based on microRNA (ribonucleic acid)

NCT ID: NCT06341322 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Using Behavioural and Cultural Insights to Increase Colorectal Cancer Home-testing in Croatia

Start date: March 5, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of death in Croatia. An average of 3600 cases are diagnosed and an average of 2100 people die from the disease every year. Since 2007, Croatia has invited every man and woman aged 50-74 to participate in the home testing screening programme every two years. Currently only around 36% of the invited request the test-kit and 25% complete the home testing procedure, far below the target of 40-60%. The Croatian Institute of Public Health with technical support from World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe is undertaking a mixed-methods research study with the aim to increase the completion of colorectal cancer home testing and improve our knowledge of the barriers and drivers to do so. The study has a quantitative and a qualitative component: 1. Quantitative: testing the introduction of a reminder letter to encourage people to respond to the initial invite to participate in the CRC home test program and test which elements of a reminder letter improve response rates. The quantitative component consists of a four-arm reminder letter randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing no letter, standard letter, behaviorally informed letter, and behaviorally informed letter sent with a home testing kit to investigate the effectiveness of reminders in increasing uptake of home-testing for colorectal cancer. Recruitment and data collection for the reminder letter trial will be conducted utilizing the routine screening process and routinely collected screening data. 2. Qualitative: conducting in-depth interviews with people from the target population who did or did not respond to the CRC invite letter and reminder to better understand the barriers and drivers to participation. The qualitative component consists of 24 in-depth interviews (IDIs) conducted with members of the target population to identify barriers and drivers to completing colorectal cancer screening home-testing. Data collection for IDIs will be face-to-face, using discussion guides, and will be audio recorded. The audio-recordings will then be analyzed using a rapid analysis approach based on by the modified Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) framework.

NCT ID: NCT06339346 Active, not recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Analysis of Histopathological Factors Predictive of Lymph Node Involvement and Management Practices in pT1 Colorectal Cancers Treated by Primary Endoscopic Resection: a Retrospective Population-based Study (PROMOT1)

Start date: December 1, 2022
Study type: Observational

Colorectal cancers (CRC) extending beyond the muscularis mucosae and invading the submucosa without extending beyond it are classified as pT1. Among these, a number of lesions presenting pejorative criteria, notably histopathological, have a significant risk of lymph node invasion, and are therefore candidates for partial colectomy with lymph node dissection. Tumors deemed to be at low risk of lymph node involvement can be treated by endoscopy alone. It should be noted that further surgical intervention is not without comorbid consequences, and that a significant proportion of post-surgical surgical specimens are free of cancerous lesions. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze the current histopathological criteria predictive of lymph node invasion, in order to more accurately select candidates for surgical management.

NCT ID: NCT06337084 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Diagnostic Efficacy and Dosimetry of MNPR-101-DFO*-89Zr in Patients With Solid Tumors

Start date: April 10, 2024
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this study is to test a new PET imaging agent in patients with solid tumors. This tracer is made of a radioactively-labeled monoclonal antibody MNPR-101, and can show where tumors are present in the body using a PET-scan. The investigators will investigate if the new imaging agent correctly shows all tumor lesions. In the future, this method may be useful to help predict who will benefit from certain therapies. Participants will be injected with the radioactive tracer once. After injection, participants will undergo 3 PET-scans. Each PET-scan will take a maximum of 30 minutes. The PET-scans are on separate days within 10 days after injection of the tracer (e.g., 2 hours after injection plus 3-5 days and 7-10 days after injection). Furthermore, the investigators will take blood samples 6 times (5 mL each). Blood pharmacokinetics (PK) will be measured on Day 1 at 10 min, 1h, 2h, once on Days 3-5, and once on Days 7-10. The amount of radioactivity injected will range between 37-74 MBq (±10%).

NCT ID: NCT06333392 Not yet recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Total Underwater Colonoscopy (TUC) for Improved Colorectal Cancer Screening: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Start date: May 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Colorectal cancer (CRC), the third most diagnosed cancer and second most common cause of cancer death. CRCs develop from precursors like adenomas (about 70% of CRCs) or serrated lesions (SSLs) (about 25-30% of CRCs). Colonoscopy is the cornerstone in CRC screening, in screening programmes often as a work-up examination after a positive primary screening test such as faecal immunochemical test (FIT). Norway and Sweden have recently launched a nationwide faecal haemoglobin CRC screening programmes. Recently, both a Dutch and an Austrian study showed that SSL detection rate (SSLDR) is inversely correlated to CRC at follow-up. Consequently, improved SSLDR can reduce the risk of post-colonoscopy CRC. SSLs are typically located in the right colon. They are flat, with indistinctive boarders, and consequently easily missed or incompletely resected. A Norwegian study showed incomplete resection of 40% of proximal SSLs. The prevalence of SSLs is higher in women than in men, with women being on a threefold risk of developing CRC from SSLs. It seems like post-colonoscopy CRC more often is caused by SSLs than by adenomas. Total underwater colonoscopy (TUC) is a technique replacing conventional CO2 insufflation by water infusion to distend the lumen and visualise the mucosa during withdrawal of the colonoscope and simultaneously removal of water. There are several reasons to advocate TUC: 1. SSLs will be more visible as they "float" on the submucosa and contract into the lumen, while full distension by gas stretches the mucosa, making detection of flat lesions more difficult. 2. Water works like a magnifying lens, making detection and detailed characterisation of lesions easier. 3. uEMR is eased. 4. Improved bowel cleansing The goal of this clinical trial is to compare colonoscopy outcomes for standard gas (CO2) insufflation and TUC during withdrawal in patients participating in colonoscopy in the Norwegian and Swedish colorectal cancer screening programme after a positive fecal immunochemical test. The overarching research questions of the present trial is whether colonoscopy outcomes are improved when CO2 insufflation is replaced by TUC during withdrawal and whether the new technique reduces the ecological footprint of the colonoscopy examination. The project has five main hypotheses: 1. TUC is superior to the standard approach (CO2 withdrawal) regarding detection of proximal SSLs. 2. TUC increases the rate of complete resection of lesions >= 10mm. 3. TUC reduces the rate of painful colonoscopies and vasovagal reactions. 4. TUC reduces the health care costs by reduced use of single use accessories and reduced number of redundant colonoscopies to obtain polypfree colon. 5. TUC reduces the carbon footprint by reduced use of single use accessories. If TUC is superior to gas insufflation, the technique may be implemented rapidly since the technique is easy to learn. This study will increase endoscopy competence at participating centres. The centres are involved in national colonoscopy training programs, so the technique will quickly be passed on to other hospitals and screening centres. The trial can be linked to three of the Global Goals: - Good health and well-being: The increased detection and improved complete removal of sessile serrated lesions can subsequently decrease the risk of CRC and CRC mortality during follow-up. TUC will probably reduce the rate of painful procedures and vasovagal reactions and thus increase the acceptance of a screening programme. Consequently, the project can contribute significantly to improve screening effectiveness in Norway and Sweden, particularly in women (women have a higher risk for SSLs and a higher risk of colorectal cancer developing from this type of precursor). - Gender equality: Women have a similar lifetime risk for CRC as men but less benefit of screening regardless of whether they are screened by sigmoidoscopy, FIT or colonoscopy. The reason is probably missed sessile serrated lesions in the proximal colon. If TUC improves SSLDR and complete lesion resection, this may lead to an equal benefit from CRC screening for women and men. Women have also a higher risk of discomfort and pain during colonoscopy than men. It has been shown that women prefer non-invasive screening modalities, potentially to avoid pain during colonoscopy, even if colonoscopy may be the most beneficial screening method for women. If TUC reduces the rate of painful colonoscopies, it can reduce women's barriers to attend screening. - Responsible consumption and production: The TUC technique will also reduce the ecological footprint of colonoscopy activity due to reduced consumption of single use accessories and reduced number of colonoscopies to achieve polyp free colon. Furthermore, the cost for the health care system will be substantially reduced.

NCT ID: NCT06331988 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Microbiome, Immune-system and Tumor Interaction in Colorectal Cancer

Start date: July 21, 2022
Study type: Observational

Colorectal cancers represent the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States Western world. In Italy they represent the second most frequent neoplasm (49,000 cases in 2019). Despite the advancement of surgical techniques and medical therapy programs systemic, it is estimated that approximately 40-50% of colorectal cancers recur after being treated for a limited loco-regional disease. Patients who develop metastases throughout their history clinic have a 5-year overall survival of just over 10%. Adjuvant systemic chemotherapy can reduce the risk of disease recurrence in patients with colorectal adenocarcinomas, however, the standard drugs used to date for this use (fluoropyrimidines and oxaliplatin) have not undergone substantial changes in the last 20 years or so. A crucial point is the need to have more precise information regarding risk factors above all biomolecular to base therapeutic choices. It has now become urgent to overcome the T-tumor N-node M- metastasis (TNM) staging, to have more modern knowledge on the factors capable of impacting significantly on the prognosis, influence the real risk of disease recurrence, Identify new prognostic categories and subcategories, therefore being able to predict the clinical benefit of treatments that can be more targeted, personalized and effective. In this panorama it has developed in recent years an ever-growing literature also regarding the role of bacterial flora intestinal (microbiota) in patients with colorectal cancer. In particular, recent discoveries have highlighted the immunoregulatory role of the microbiota in the anti-tumor response. This study aims of evaluating how the molecular characteristics of the tumor, of the infiltrating immune system cells and of the associated intestinal microbiota correlate with the development of colorectal cancer, its progression and response to treatments.

NCT ID: NCT06331403 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Open Pilot Trial of a Mind-Body Sexual Well-Being Intervention for Female GI Cancer Survivors

Start date: June 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The primary goal of this protocol is to conduct an open pilot to collect initial quantitative and qualitative feedback on the intervention that the investigators are developing. To do so, the investigators will deliver a newly-developed intervention to up to 2 consecutive groups of female colorectal and anal cancer survivors (n = up to 10 per group, total N = up to 20). Participants will provide feedback regarding intervention acceptability, feasibility, and perceived benefit. To inform plans for ongoing program refinement, the investigators will elicit specific feedback about study assessment tools, recruitment procedures, and group factors. Given the early-stage, open pilot nature of this protocol, the investigators will not set strict criteria to establish feasibility and acceptability but will rather interpret each of these outcomes holistically. Qualitative feedback collected in post-intervention exit interviews will also support understanding of feasibility and acceptability. As a secondary aim, the investigators will explore the preliminary effects of the intervention on psychosocial measures of satisfaction with sexuality and impact of functional limitations, coping abilities, acceptance of body image changes, loneliness, and anticipated stigma. As noted above, the investigators will not set specific criteria to establish preliminary efficacy, nor will they consider statistical significance as an indicator of the study's efficacy for these outcomes. Instead, the investigators will consider pre-post intervention effect sizes to consider the need for refinement of study procedures/measurement in a future larger trial. In future, larger-scale, work, the investigators intend to conduct a larger randomized pilot trial to assess intervention acceptability, feasibility, as well as preliminary efficacy on essential outcomes related to sexual well-being.

NCT ID: NCT06328738 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

ELVN-002 With Trastuzumab +/- Chemotherapy in HER2+ Solid Tumors, Colorectal and Breast Cancer

Start date: May 30, 2024
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine the safety, tolerability, and recommended dose of ELVN-002 in combination with trastuzumab in participants with advanced-stage HER2-positive tumors and in combination with trastuzumab, and chemotherapy in participants with advanced-stage HER2-positive colorectal cancer and breast cancer.