View clinical trials related to Childhood Obesity.
Filter by:Obesity prevention programs in schools are essential to promoting healthy lifestyles. There are programs with positive effects on obesity parameters, but only a few of them have didactic material for its dissemination. In United States they have effective programs (with materials for their implementation) and some are already being implemented in different schools. In Mexico our study group has developed a program called "Planet Nutrition" that includes a manual.The main aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the program "Planet Nutrition"—a nutrition education and behaviour change program— on BMI Z score in school children compared to a control group at 9 weeks. This pilot stud is a randomized controlled trial. The study will be conducted with 41 participants. The primary outcome was the change in the BMI Z score from baseline to 9 weeks. Secondary outcomes were the changes from baseline to 9 weeks in body fat percentage, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, consumption of healthy and unhealthy food, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, cardiorespiratory capacity and nutrition knowledge. Additionally BMI Z score will be measured at 23 weeks, after the summer vacations. Considering evidence that this period could have a negative impact on children´s weight.
The ExAMIN Youth SA study aims to generate new knowledge on the pathophysiology involved in early vascular aging among South African children and to identify early novel biological markers for predicting the subclinical development of hypertension and target organ damage related to cardiovascular disease. This study further implements state-of-the-art biochemical technology to measure a variety of biological markers including multiplex analyses and metabolomics. With the increasing prevalence of childhood hypertension and obesity, this study will be able to address especially behavioural contributors to hypertension development and to subsequently provide a backdrop for school-based primary prevention interventions.
The period from conception to 2 years of age ('first 1000 days') has been recognized as a critical period for long-lasting programming effects on later obesity and associated NCD and a window of opportunity to implement intervention for reducing and treating childhood obesity. However, there is a dearth of prospective intervention studies that address this nutritional problem in Jamaica and there are no reports of sustainable intervention. Jamaica is a middle income country in which overweight and obesity in children are also increasing at an alarming rate. The investigators in Jamaica are seeking to provide a more comprehensive knowledge on the link between early life nutrition and later childhood health and to assess the impact of an intervention of infant feeding counselling/education in mothers on growth and body composition in their offspring.
The investigators plan to implement a novel limited RED (high-energy-dense) food variety prescription within a 18-month FBT to examine its effect on 18-month body mass index (BMI). This will be the first randomized control trial to examine how habituation rate, assessed via salivary habituation, mediates reduction in RED food intake, overall energy intake, and reductions in BMI over time, as well as if baseline habituation rate is a behavioral phenotype that moderates BMI outcomes. One hundred fifty-six children aged 8 to 12 years at > 85th percentile BMI will be randomized to one of two, 18-month interventions compared in our 6-month pilot study: FBT (family-based behavioral obesity treatment) or FBT+Variety. Child and adult caregiver assessments will occur at 0, 6, 12, and 18 months on anthropometrics, dietary intake (RED food variety, energy, and diet quality), habituation, and physical activity.
The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of group sessions and a web-based program for children with obesity age 5-12 years and their parents. The intervention consist of a doctor's appointment, four group-based education sessions over four weeks, psychical activity on prescription and a 12-week web-based treatment program and will be offered to children aged 5-12 years with obesity (International Obesity Task Force-BMI >30), and their parents.
The long-term goal of this community based participatory research project is to prevent obesity in 3-5 year old Alaska Native children in remote communities. Investigators will design and evaluate a culturally responsive, home-focused intervention, Tundra Gifts, that links early childhood education programming (i.e. Head Start) and federal food assistance programs (i.e. WIC and SNAP) with primary caregivers to support healthy eating and an active lifestyle using a cluster-randomized design. The intervention integrates behavior change theory with Indigenous traditional knowledge. Primary caregivers will attend monthly interactive education session, receive a monthly gift basket that includes resources and supplies to support behavior change at home and receive ongoing social support through a Facebook site. Investigators will also evaluate key process indicators of Tundra Gifts to understand the impact on outcomes of variations in persons and settings and to enhance the generalizability of findings.
Sugar-sweetened beverages and over consumption of 100% fruit juice add unneeded calories to the diets of children, potentially leading to overweight. As children's diets are extensions of their parent's behaviors, the investigators propose to implement a nutrition education intervention based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) behavior change model using parents as the primary agent of change. This project will evaluate an intervention to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages in preschool children from low-resource families. The proposed research uses a randomized control group design involving 20 parents of 3-5-year-old children at 20 sites (n=400) over 3 years. The investigators will randomly assign sites to two experimental conditions: 1) 10-week sugar-sweetened beverage intervention and 2) 10-week sham education control. Data collection for the two groups will be conducted at baseline and 1 weeks and 6 months post intervention. Measures to be collected include and IMB survey, home beverage inventory (HBI), weekend food recall, and anthropometrics. Education programs will be available to all parents at sites through interactive display boards with 5-10-minute lessons. Each semester 8 students (n=32) will enroll in an experiential course aimed at increasing students' cultural competency. For 10 weeks, students will attend classroom training and spend 2 hours twice a week at sites implementing the nutrition education program.
One of the difficulties with diabetes care is the problem of predicting progression to more severe stages using current measures (for example blood glucose, HbA1c). This feasibility study aims to use Criticality Analysis (CA) of gait to monitor the progression of the condition as well as identifying individuals at risk of developing diabetes among children in Mexico.The study will investigate whether gait analysis can be used as a fast, reliable and cost effective way to detect individuals at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) as early treatment could reduce the number of cases that develop into full T2DM.
The primary purpose of the BOUNCE study is to assess the effectiveness of a four-week family-based healthy lifestyle summer program in reducing adiposity indicators in Hispanic and African American girls and boys (ages 9-14 years old).
Painted Playgrounds Aim 1: Observation will examine the physical environment of licensed childcare centers before and after painting stencil activities (hopscotch, foursquare, fun trails, etc.) on playgrounds. The stencils are a promising intervention to help decrease obesity and sedentary behaviors in preschool aged children because they are cost-effective and easily scalable. Observations will be held at follow-ups by video recording during recess and using a modified behavioral observation method, called SOPLAY. Surveys will be administered to childcare center directors to report further on their physical activity environment and how much they are interacting with the stencils.