View clinical trials related to Childhood Obesity.
Filter by:The Painted Playgrounds Aim 2 (Assessment) project will examine the effects of a stenciling intervention aimed at increasing physical activity and improving fundamental motor skill functioning of preschool aged children. 72 children from local licensed childcare centers will participate in individual assessments at baseline and follow-up 6-8 weeks later. Assessments include height/weight, surveys and wearing a physical activity monitor (accelerometer) for 7 days. A parent/legal guardian will provide consent for their child to participate and will also complete a brief survey about their child's lifestyle and habits.
The purpose of this study is to test the efficacy of Lace Up and Move (LUAM), a structured after-school exercise intervention, designed to increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and enhance sleep quality among Hispanic and African American (AA) boys and girls.
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that providers screen children aged 6 years and older for obesity and offer or refer them to a comprehensive behavioral intervention (≥26 hours over a period of up to 12 months) to promote improvement in weight status. Family-based behavioral treatment (FBT) is an effective treatment that targets both child and parents and meets the USPSTF recommendations. By contrast, the American Medical Association (AMA) recommends a staged approach to childhood obesity screening and counseling, which begins with prevention counseling by the primary care provider (PCP) and includes assessment of weight status, patient/family motivation and readiness to change, promotion of healthy eating and activity habits, and use of health behavior change strategies. Our study compares a staged approach enhanced standard of care (eSOC) vs. eSOC + FBT, to provide families and PCPs with information on the best intervention approach for the behavioral treatment of childhood obesity. Our project seeks to fill the gap in the evidence on family-based weight management in primary care settings among diverse and underserved populations with a special focus on Black children, families insured by Medicaid, and sex differences.
The Shenzhen Birth Cohort Study was set up to investigate the effect of early life environmental exposures on short- and long-term health consequences in Shenzhen, China.
The objective of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of a computerised decision-support tool, developed to assist paediatric clinicians in delivering personalised nutrition and lifestyle optimization advice to children and their families, as a means of childhood obesity management.
This proposal uses an innovative methodological framework, the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST), to design an effective and efficient responsive feeding (RF) intervention that promotes child appetite self-regulation among a high-risk sample: families with preschoolers living in rural poverty. The principles of MOST emphasize efficiency, allowing identification of the most efficacious intervention components (i.e., components that contribute to treatment effects) while minimizing participant burden and cost. ONE PATH will intervene on ~760 families across 64 classrooms serving largely low-income, rural populations. ONE PATH will capitalize on the existing infrastructure with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education to engage trusted Extension educators making this model cost-effective, and increasing the potential for wide-scale dissemination and sustainability.
The purpose of this study is to see if educational videos about how to help children develop healthy behaviors, paired with treatment in a pediatric obesity clinic, can increase caregiver confidence and improve child behaviors and weight. Caregivers of children between the ages of 4 and 11 years old who are new patients to a pediatric obesity clinic will be invited to take part in the study. All families will receive the standard treatment provided in the pediatric obesity clinic. Half of the caregivers will be assigned to also watch a few educational videos every month for 3 months in between clinic visits.
Mariposa Community Health Center, a health center in Nogales, Arizona on the US-Mexico border, will provide a program to prevent obesity in children and create a community environment that supports a healthy lifestyle. Mariposa designed and implemented the La Vida Buena ("The Good Life") program and already know that helps families eat more healthily and exercise. Mariposa Community Health Center will test this program on younger children aged 5-8 years old. Providers will refer children who are overweight or obese to the La Vida Buena Program. In order to determine if the La Vida Buena program works, Mariposa Community Health center will implement the 8-week program with 100 overweight or obese children in their Nogales clinic. They will measure their weight (BMI), exercise levels and food habits at the beginning of the program and then 3- months and 6-months after the program ends. Mariposa will compare these results to children in the nearby Rio Rico clinic who do not receive the La Vida Buena program. These 100 overweight or obese children in Rio Rico will instead receive one educational session, and the same information will be collected regarding BMI, exercise level and food habits. After the 6-month period, the children from Rio Rico will be able to receive the full La Vida Buena program.
This study assesses the associations between genetic factors, food-cue-related neural reactivity, self-regulatory capacity, eating in the absence of hunger (EAH), and adiposity gain in children.
Recruitment of obese children, classification according to sleep questionnaire and randomization in two groups to perform nutritional and sleep intervention. . One group receives dietary intervention through recommendations. A group receives dietary and sleep intervention through recommendations. An analysis of the melatonin profile and metabolic and inflammatory status is performed by biochemistry at the beginning and end of the intervention. Determine if the intervention has improved the health of obese children.