View clinical trials related to Behavior, Addictive.
Filter by:The purpose of this research study is to examine how to improve sleep in college students in recovery from substance use disorder(s). This study is a pilot test of an experimental program called Recovery Sleepers (RS) to explore its feasibility and how well it works to improve sleep, wellbeing, and cravings.
In France, over the last years the use weak opioid analgesics decreased́, whereas that of strong opioid analgesics (OFMA). Hospitalizations for opioid overdose increased́ by 128% from 2000 to 2015, and deaths related to prescribed opioid overdose increased significantly, by 161%, from 2000 to 2014.In addition, recent studies suggest a link between opioid system dysfunction and suicidal behavior. In parallel, studies are emerging showing the potential interest of using Tramadol as an antidepressant. Indeed, this opiate analgesic also acts on the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems, and would have an antidepressant effect.Thus, the investigators can legitimately wonder whether the use of Tramadol as an antidepressant might not pose a problem in patients at risk of suicide. This study aims to describe a clinical case of a patient hospitalized in the Department of Psychiatric Emergency and Post-Emergency (Montpellier University Hospital) who developed a severe addiction to Tramadol (consumption up to 5 times the maximum recommended dose per day) and evaluate whether this may have increased her suicidal risk, in order to warn prescribers about the suicidal risk of Tramadol.
The internet, which has become a part of our daily life; serves many purposes such as quick access to information, e-mail, and chat, banking and shopping, having a good time, using social networking sites. Internet addiction, which was first defined by Ivan Goldberg in 1996, is defined as the inability to control internet use, which causes pressure, feelings of anxiety, and dysfunctional behaviors in daily life activities. Social media, digital games and smartphone addiction are among the addiction types whose active ingredient is the internet, and internet addiction is expressed as a whole, regardless of the type of addictive application or activity. Considering that internet use is common among young people, one of the risk groups in terms of internet addiction is university students. As a matter of fact, Günay et al. stated that approximately 8% of university students are at risk of internet addiction. In the literature, musculoskeletal problems and pain in the thumb and related joints, reduction in pinch strength, and hand function have been reported with smartphone use. In addition, a significant relationship was found between the time spent surfing the Internet and pain at the base of the thumb. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been found that examines the effect of internet addiction level on thumb pain threshold, hand strength and manual dexterity in university students. The aim of our research is to determine the level of internet addiction in university students and to examine the effect of internet addiction level on thumb pressure pain threshold, hand strength and manual dexterity.
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of online group motivational interviewing (MI) on eating behavior, healthy lifestyle behaviors and quality of life in nursing participants with food addiction at three state universities in Ankara. The population of the research will be those who meet the diagnostic criteria for food addiction according to the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The research sample size was calculated with the G* Power package program. As a result of the power analysis, a total of 52 participants, 26 for the intervention group and 26 for the control group, were found sufficient for the sample with 90% power, 5% margin of error and 0.2065 effect size. Considering that the number of participants would decrease during the research process, the number of samples was increased by 10% to a total of 58 university participants, 29 of which were interventions and 29 were controls. Among the participants who meet the food addiction criteria, the participants who meet the inclusion criteria and agree to participate in the research will be randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups (n1=29; n2=29). After these participants are stratified according to the change (pre-contemplation and contemplation stage) phase, a simple random assignment process within the strata will be done by an independent researcher to avoid selection bias. Random assignment will be done through a simple random numbers table. The independent researcher who does not know which group is the intervention group and which group is the control group will collect the data. Data collection tools will be applied to the participants in the intervention and control groups in the pre-MI session, the post-MI session, and 2 months later in the follow-up session. It was planned to apply 5 sessions of MI to the intervention group, and to follow-up 2 months after the interviews were completed. No application will be made to the participants in the control group, and at the end of the study, a seminar on food addiction and quality of life will be given to the participants.
The study aims to test whether transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) improves the craving, depression, anxiety and cognitive function during the abstinent period of methamphetamine users.
In the last decade, research on social media and mental health has produced mixed results. Overall, the current findings suggest that the negative effects on mental health are exacerbated by longer and more frequent social media usage, whereas the positive effects are bolstered when social media is used to connect with other people. With the largest number of global users, Facebook is the most frequently studied social media network. Over the past few years, the increasing concerns about the risks associated with Facebook have even translated to wider pop culture conversations, as exemplified by the 2020 documentary The Social Dilemma. In response, Facebook has rolled out a series of features supposed to mitigate these risks and encourage responsible social media usage. These features include activity trackers and reminders, unfollow and snooze buttons, and data sharing regulators. Currently, there is no research done to address whether (1) these features are used at all, and (2) whether they are successful in moderating the negative mental health consequences of Facebook usage. This study seeks to address the gap in literature through a survey done on the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk).
The goal of the proposed study is to examine the abuse liability and substitutability of plausible menthol cigarette alternatives currently on the market, including menthol filtered little cigars (mFLC), menthol roll-your-own (mRYO) pipe tobacco and cigarette tubes, and non-menthol cigarettes (nmC). In addition, the study will elucidate real-time mechanisms including product characteristics and perceived effects associated with greater substitution.
In this pretest-posttest, randomized controlled study, the effect of the empowerment program developed based on Roy Adaptation on the healthy lifestyle behaviors, self-esteem and social media addiction of nursing students will be examined. The hypothesis of this study is that the empowerment program based on Roy Adaptation Model reduces Social Media Addiction, increases Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Self-Esteem.
The increasing use of technological devices such as mobile phones and computers has become indispensable elements of daily life. Especially students are one of the groups that use communication tools most with the developing technology. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of technology addiction on academic achievement, musculoskeletal system and quality of life in young people.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the group psycho-education program which is prepared as "cognitive behavioural-based", on college students' smartphone dependency levels. The research will be carried out on students studying at a private foundation University in 2019-2020 academic year. In this study, pre-test-final Test control group and follow-up measured experimental pattern will be used to determine the effect of Psycho-education program on smartphone dependency levels of college students. A Personal Information Form and Smartphone Dependency scale will be applied to students who agree to participate in the study. By analysing the data results obtained from the data collection tools and passing the determined limit value, 94 people will be randomly selected, including 47 experiments and 47 control groups, from those who scored high on the smartphone dependency scale through the SPSS program using the power analysis method. Students will be informed about cognitive behavioural based psychoeducation and will be asked if they wish to participate in the training. Psychoeducation Practice 1 day per week, 60-90 min. sessions will take 8 weeks. At the end of the training, the final test will be applied to the experimental and control group. 3rd and 6th month follow-up measurements are planned to be carried out intermittently at the end of the month. In the literature, it is observed that the number of intervention studies is very small, and no clear conclusions have been reached. In addition, the treatment of smartphone addiction in Turkey with cognitive-behavioural approach-based group psychoeducation program has not been studied before. In our country, where smartphone addiction is increasing every day, the importance of intervention efforts in this area is clear. It is anticipated that the intervention study on addiction reduction will be supportive for researchers and will be beneficial for people who need support for smartphone addiction. In this respect, it is thought that it will be a guiding work for future clinical and academic studies.