View clinical trials related to Arthritis.
Filter by:Long-term extension of a multi-site, first-in-human study to assess safety and efficacy of an active implantable Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) device in adult patients with active moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis who have had an incomplete response or intolerability to at least two biologic and/or targeted synthetic DMARDs having at least two different mechanisms of action
Psoriatic Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that typically affects joints and soft tissues such as tendons. Poorly controlled or untreated psoriatic arthritis can lead to joint damage, disability and poor physical and mental wellbeing. Evidence suggests that early diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis can minimise adverse health outcomes. Musculoskeletal ultrasound has become an extremely useful tool in aiding rheumatologists to diagnose inflammatory joint conditions particularly at an early stage in the course of a disease. Psoriatic arthritis is known to affect up to 30% of patients with skin psoriasis. Therefore, national dermatology guidelines advise that patients with skin psoriasis should be asked about any joint symptoms at least every year. This study investigates whether skin psoriasis patients who are not on biologic treatment are indeed being asked about any joint symptoms and we subsequently invite patients for a musculoskeletal ultrasound scan to see if they have features of early psoriatic arthritis on ultrasound. Those who do are then invited for a thorough rheumatology clinical assessment.
This randomized controlled study aimed to determine the effect of education on disease management on the quality of life, and anxiety and depression levels of women with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The hypotheses of the current study are as below: H0: Education on disease management in women with Rheumatoid Arthritis does not affect the quality of life and anxiety and depression levels. H1: Education on disease management in women with Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the quality of life and anxiety and depression levels. Patients and Methods: The study was conducted with 66 women with Rheumatoid Arthritis (32 intervention, 34 control groups) at the rheumatology clinic and polyclinic of a university hospital between February and October 2019, in the city of Edirne, Turkey. Data were collected with "Patient Information Form", "Rheumatoid Arthritis Quality of Life Scale", "Health Assessment Questionnaire" and "Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale".
Inflamed joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are characterized by low oxygen levels and inflammation. We propose to investigate whether tiny bubbles (nanobubbles) when given in a drink can alter oxygen level in joints. These nanobubbles are so small that they can enter the bloodstream when given as a drink. This information will give new information on the role of oxygen in joint inflammation and could possibly lead to new treatment approaches in the future.
With this study the investigators aim to assess if drug metabolism changes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis when an interleukin (IL)-6 inhibitor is initiated. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased level of inflammation in the body which can lead to decreased expression and activity of drug metabolizing enzymes in the liver. This will lead to a decreased metabolism and excretion of drugs. The inflammation is driven by a number of proinflammatory cytokines e.g., IL-6. The investigators hypothesize that patients with rheumatoid arthritis initiating treatment with an IL-6-receptor inhibitor (anti-IL-6R) will obtain a normalization of the activated IL-6-pathway resulting in increased expression and activity of drug metabolizing enzymes and hence increased metabolism. Ultimately, this normalization of drug metabolism could lead to insufficient efficacy of a wide variety of drugs. The investigators will perform a clinical pharmacokinetic trial. The study will include patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and a need to initiate treatment with an IL-6 receptor antibody. Patients will ingest a 6-drug cocktail consisting of probes for specific CYP enzymes. Plasma and urine will be drawn over 6 hours to determine concentrations of the drugs and their metabolites. Patients will then initiate IL-6 receptor antibody treatment and to assess both short- and long-term impact of altered inflammation, the same 6-drug cocktail will be ingested, and concentrations measured, after three weeks and three months. To help understand the mechanism and the putative involvement of inflammation, markers of inflammation such as cytokines, transcription factors, etc. will also be assesses.
The research is being done to study the immune responses to COVID-19 vaccination in patients with rheumatic diseases.
Investigators have aimed to estimate prevalence of neuropathic hand pain in RA patients and it's relation with sleep quality and sensory thresholds. For this purpose a case-control study design was planned. Age- and sex-matched control subjects will be chosen among individuals submitted to out-patient clinic with the complaint of nociceptive/mechanical pain other than in hand, lasting more than three months
The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential therapeutic effects of the cardiac glycoside digoxin and the secondary bile acid ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) on synovial inflammation and disease activity when administered as add-on treatments to the current DMARDs treatments for rheumatoid arthritis patients with variant disease activity.
Quadriceps femoris (QF) atrophy is seen in rheumatoid arthritis and knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients. Exercise therapy is mile stone in knee OA patients also it can help thicken QF muscle of RA patients. We primarily aimed to demonstrate the influence of 4 weeks of knee isometric home-based training on QF muscle parts thickness and pennation angle measurements of RA patients with ultrasonography (USG). This study included 12 patients with RA, 12 patients with knee OA as positive control group and 13 volunteers as healthy control group. All participants were given 4 weeks of quadriceps-hamstring isometric home-based training. At baseline and at the end of the program, WOMAC and Lequesne algofunctional index scores of knee OA patients and DAS28-CRP scores of RA patients were recorded. Dominant knee thickness and pennation angle measurements of QF muscle parts were evaluated by ultrasonography.
Hallux rigidus is a degenerative disease of the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint which affect 2.5% of people over the age of 50. As the arthritis progresses, patients pain levels increase and range of motion decreases. Non-operative management includes the use of NSAIDS, intra-articular injections, shoe modification, activity modifications, and physical therapy. Oral NSAID have been used extensively to reduce swelling and pain but have been found unsatisfactory in providing pain relief. Injections have been shown relieve pain in patients with grade 1 MTP arthritis. Shoe modifications and orthotics can modify the biomechanics of the MTP joint and thereby alleviate pain. Based on expert opinions, it seems the Morton extensions may alleviate pain but are also poorly tolerated by patients due to it's uncomfortable shape, coincidently leading to a low patient compliance rate. VKTRY insoles were initially designed to increase ground force leading to a harder push off for faster running or higher jumping. To enable energy return the insole needed to be extremely rigid and therefore consists out of a full-length Carbon-Fiber base. Unexpectedly the Carbon fiber base makes this a highly rigid construct which will likely benefit those patients with MTP arthritis as it will take away much movement of the MTP joint, without having an uncomfortable shape, i.e. patients can use this insole in their own shoes, possibly leading to a higher patient compliance and, simultaneously, to better outcome. Even though this insole is being widely used by athletes, no one has explored its role for treating patients with MTP joint arthritis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the VKTRY insole to the current Morton extension insoles in a blinded randomized controlled trial