View clinical trials related to Anxiety Disorders.
Filter by:This study seeks to understand if the medication pramipexole improves social connectedness and functioning in adults (ages 18-50) who experience anxiety or depression. The study plans to enroll 108 participants total across two sites (University of California San Diego and New York State Psychiatric Institute). Pramipexole will be given in a 6-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Social reward processing will be assessed using measures of brain function (fMRI), behavior, and self-report at baseline and week 6. Knowledge gained from this study will help determine the therapeutic potential of targeting the dopamine system to remediate social disconnection as an anxiety and depression intervention.
The aim is to determine the impact of the stress ball used during spinal anesthesia on pain and anxiety levels
This study will examine the effect of the Alexander Technique on labor pain and anxiety during labor. This study is designed as a randomized controlled experimental study. The population of the study consists of primiparous pregnant women who applied to Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital, D-Block Maternity Hospital between November 2023 and May 2024. In calculating the sample size, G*Power ( program was used to calculate the sample size with an error of 0.05, effect level of 0.5, power of 95%, and the required sample size for 2 groups was calculated as 34 people for each group with a total of 68 people.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of mandala art therapy on the anxiety and comfort levels of living kidney transplant recipients. While kidney transplantation improves the recipients' quality of life, it may also expose them to psychological, physical, and social challenges post-transplant. This situation can increase recipients' levels of anxiety, making them cope with psychiatric issues and affecting their comfort levels. Feeling psychologically and physiologically comfortable is a crucial component of a successful recovery process for recipients. Mandala art therapy is known as an effective method that supports the mental health, physical functioning, and social and emotional well-being of individuals with health issues. Mandalas can contribute to comfort by promoting inner peace, focusing attention, and encouraging creative expression. This study aims to investigate the impact of mandala art therapy on anxiety and comfort levels in kidney transplant recipients. To achieve this goal, a mixed-methods study using a randomized controlled and nested experimental design is planned. The results of this study will provide valuable insights to healthcare providers by elucidating the impact of mandala art therapy on comfort and anxiety levels in living kidney transplant recipients. This information may guide healthcare professionals in enhancing kidney transplant recipients' psychological and emotional well-being, reducing stress, and promoting higher levels of comfort through mandala art therapy. H0a: There is no effect of Mandala Art Therapy on the perceived anxiety level in living kidney transplant recipients. H0b: There is no effect of Mandala Art Therapy on the comfort level of living kidney transplant recipients.
Investigators will recruit up to 10 patients with Anxiety comorbid with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from the outpatient clinics at MUSC. This pilot trial will be an open-label investigation of the safety and feasibility of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) as a nonpharmacological wearable intervention used to manage anxiety and other neuropsychiatric symptoms at home, with patients/caretakers self-administering treatments. Each subject will undergo an initial in-person screening and be consented prior to participating in the study. This will be followed by an in-person training session with the subject (and caretaker if applicable), where they will learn how to self-administer taVNS and ask any pertinent questions. Participants will self-administer taVNS at home twice daily for 4 weeks. These treatments will not interfere with other aspects of their mental health care. Our investigators, over the prior 8 years, have demonstrated that taVNS is safe and feasible in the outpatient setting. Furthermore, investigators have recently demonstrated that taVNS is well tolerated and safely self-administered at home with remote monitoring. The investigators hypothesize that taVNS will be safe and feasible to administer at home in this new population. Results from this study may lead to further exploration of taVNS in this unique population.
Childbirth is a multifaceted experience and could involve both positive and negative feelings. Feelings of limited capability in the face of childbirth may result in a condition termed as Fear of Childbirth (FOC), which contributes to significantly higher risks of birth complications resulting in psychological trauma. This study aims to examine the effects of Art Therapy (AT) on FOC, perceived maternal parental self-efficacy, postpartum maternal infant bonding and postpartum depression. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design will be used. Phase one will adopt a quasi-experimental study design. Women who are aged 21 and above, English literate and having a singleton pregnancy will be approached to fill in the Fear of Birth Scale (FOBS). Participants with FOBS score of 60 and above will be considered as having FOC and will be invited to participate in the AT intervention. Participants who are agreeable to receive AT will be recruited in the experimental group. Participants who declined to participate in AT will receive routine antenatal care (control group). Outcomes that will be measured in both groups include perceived maternal self-efficacy, maternal infant bonding, and maternal depression after childbirth. A qualitative descriptive design will be used in phase two. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with the participants to explore their experiences of the AT. Descriptive analysis, independent sample t-test, paired sample t-test, and regression analysis will be used for analysis of the quantitative data in phase one. Qualitative data from phase two will be analysed using thematic analysis. Findings of this study may provide evidence on the use of AT to cope with FOC during pregnancy. If proven to be beneficial, AT may potentially be introduced and advocated as an intervention for women with FOC.
The objective of this clinical trial is to explore the potential impact of dietary polystyrene microplastics on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in resident physicians. Specifically, the study aims to address two key questions: 1. Can dietary polystyrene microplastics induce alterations in the human gut microbiome? 2. Can dietary polystyrene microplastics exacerbate anxiety- and depression-like behaviors? Participants will be divided into two groups based on their habitual eating practices: The control group, consisting of resident physicians, will use non-disposable plastic tableware (NDPT) provided by hospital canteens for two months. In contrast, the exposure group, also comprising resident physicians, will use disposable plastic tableware (DPT) made of polystyrene, provided by the same hospital canteens, over the same period.
Dental anxiety is a psychological condition marked by fear and worry about potential negative experiences during dental treatment, often accompanied by a feeling of loss of control. Dental anxiety is common in children and adolescents and is associated with a lower quality of life related to oral health. Furthermore, it correlates with an increased incidence of untreated caries. Using behavioral management techniques can help children cope with dental anxiety, making it easier for them to undergo treatment in a positive and healthy way. Primarily aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using a robot-pet to reduce dental anxiety in children. Additionally, the research aims to compare the efficacy of this technique with the audiovisual distraction technique and to evaluate children's perceptions regarding the use of a robot-pet.
A placebo-controlled superiority design was used to evaluate the efficacy of 60 mg/ day or 120 mg/ day of Buagafuran capsules in the treatment of GAD
A placebo-controlled superiority design was used to evaluate the efficacy of 60-120 mg/ day of Buagafuran capsules in the treatment of GAD.