View clinical trials related to Acute Pain.
Filter by:To date, the effects of pain on motor learning have not been thoroughly investigated, particularly in older adults. Broadly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of acute pain on locomotor learning and its retention in older adults. The investigators hypothesize that acute pain impairs retention of locomotor learning in young and older adults and that in older adults, these deficits are worsened and are related to the degree of normal age-related cognitive decline.
Neck pain-associated disorders (NAD) and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) are major health problems. NAD has a lifetime prevalence of 54%. Although the majority of patients recovers within the first three months, a minority develops persistent pain. WAD, in contrast, is reported less frequently, but patients are often suffering more badly. Patients with chronic symptoms represent a considerable burden in terms of pain, suffering, health care needs, and social costs. Findings on the natural course of NAD and WAD reflect the necessity to identify factors besides pain related to the persistence of symptoms. First, alterations of input and processing of multiple sensory modalities causing movement control impairment can result in persistent symptoms and affect the quality of life. Besides, findings of psychosocial factors predictive of pain outcomes support the growing body of research proposing a bidirectional relationship between somatic and psychosocial variables. In particular, there is a pressing need to investigate pain-related activity patterns, besides fear-avoidance behavior in NAD and WAD. Maladaptive activity pattern have an impact on on pain and disability in the long-term prognosis. Mt important, given the high prevalence of NAD and WAD, the cortical representation of the cervical spine has not yet been investigated and, reports on neuroplasticity remain scarce. These shortcomings should be addressed to provide evidence for the temporal aspect of neuroplasticity and its involvement in pain persistence. Hypotheses: We hypothesize I. that impaired sensorimotor abilities, mental health at baseline increase pain intensity and disability during measurement. II. that maladaptive pain-related activity patterns avoidance and overactivity at baseline are prognostic factors for pain persistence and disability. III. that the WAD cohort shows more depression, anxiety and stress compared to the NAD cohort.
Purpose. It has been demonstrated clearly that sucrose solutions given before a minor painful procedure can reduce pain among newborns. But, there are no entirely accepted conclusions about the time scheduling of sucrose administration prior to heel lance. In a few studies, various time intervals between sucrose intake and heel lance procedure have been proposed. The aim of this study was to obtain a deeper knowledge of the underlying mechanism by investigating whether a different initiation of heel lance in terms of timing would reduce the effect of orally administered sucrose at heel lance among preterm newborns. Methods. A randomized, double-blind trial with a validated, neonatal, pain-scoring scale in Gulhane Medical School Hospital in Ankara, Turkey between March 2019 and January 2021. The trial included 69 preterm newborns undergoing heel lance, who were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 groups, ie, group I, with the 2-minute-time interval of per oral 24% sucrose given prior to heel lance or group II, without a time interval of per oral sucrose given prior to heel lance. Pain-related behavior during blood sampling was measured with the Premature Infants Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R). Crying incidence, duration, and heart rate were also recorded. The aim of this study was to help to clarify the mechanism underlying the pain-reducing effect of orally administered sucrose by attempting to determine whether elimination of the time interval prior to heel lance would reduce the effect of oral sucrose among preterm newborns. Investigators hypothesized that there would be a significant difference in pain intensity without a waiting period after sucrose ingestion, measured at 30 and 60 s following heel lance using PIPP-R, and adverse events would be higher.
Pain after acute burn injury is complex with much still not understood. The primary mechanism is believed to be nociceptive, but is interwoven with aspects of somatogenic, neuropathic, and psychogenic pathways. As such, opioid receptor agonists are an essential component for pain management after burn injury. The majority of wound care and dressing changes are completed in non-intubated patients and rates of respiratory depression concerning. Oliceridine is a biased, selective MOR agonist approved for treatment of acute pain. To date there is no literature of use in patients with burn injuries. While it should be effective, efficacy and the potential for reduced adverse events need to be quantified. Current practice and guidelines, plead for better analgesia for patients with burn injuries.
This project will be a randomized controlled trial (RCT) measuring pain perception with two different tenaculum placement techniques on the uterine cervix. A tenaculum is an instrument used to hold the cervix (the opening to the uterus or womb) in place. The trial will measure pain perception with a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) from 0 to 100 mm for two different tenaculum placement techniques, fast and slow closure on the uterine cervix. The main objective of this study is to determine if there is a difference in pain perception with fast compared to slow tenaculum placement techniques on the uterine cervix. We hypothesize that the slow technique will be perceived as less painful for subjects as measured on a 0 mm to 100 mm Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Subsidiary objectives include describing overall pain levels during the procedure.
Various non-pharmacological approaches are used in the relief of pain caused by intramuscular injection. Shotblocher and acupressure, which are among these methods, are easy to apply.More evidence-based studies are needed to fully understand the effectiveness of acupressure an d shotblocher in reducing pain associated with intramuscular injection.This study will be conducted to compare the effectiveness of shotblocker and acupressure in reducing pain associated with intramuscular injection in the emergency department.
This study will be conducted at post anaesthesia care unit of Department of Anesthesiology, Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi. The aim of this study is to compare the post operative analgesia between two groups of post operative paediatric patients, Conventional group, receiving conventional analgesia and the group of patients in which distraction technique will be used. Conventional group will only receive conventional analgesia while the distraction group will receive conventional analgesia as well as distraction technique. Distraction technique that will be used is a non-pharmacological method of pain relief for post-operative paediatric patients in post anesthesia care unit. (games on tablets, listening poems, watching cartoons). Conventional analgesia is the standardise rescue analgesia of intravenous administration of analgesics in post anaesthesia care unit prescribed. The analgesia will include I/V Tramadol 0.5 to 1mg/kg and Paracetamol 10mg/kg). Our primary outcome will be pain scores using Wong-Baker FACES® pain rating scale and parent's satisfaction as secondary outcome.
The Erector Spinal Block (ESP) is based on the deposition of the local anesthetic in the inter-fascial space between the dorsal extensor muscle and the intercostal muscles at the height of the transverse processes. The scope of the blockade covers the dorsal and ventral branches of the thoracic spinal nerves, but also in most cases the investigetors are able to obtain a wide distribution of the drug into the paravertebral space by "permeating" the local anesthetic through the fascial compartments. The clinical effect of the blockade is due to blocking the nerve structures of the paravertebral space (spinal nerve branches and the sympathetic trunk). The scope of the blockade, after its execution at the level of Th5, most often includes the segments from Th1 to L1. Currently, the Quadratus Lumborum block (QL block) is performed as one of the perioperative pain management procedures for all generations (pediatrics, pregnant, and adult) undergoing abdominal surgery. The local anesthetic injected via the approach of the posterior QL block ( QL 2 block ) can more easily extend beyond the TAP to the thoracic paravertebral space or the thoracolumbar plane, the posterior QL block entails a broader sensory-level analgesic and may generate analgesia from T7 to L1. Use of posterior QL block in laparoscopic prostatectomy has not been investigated before and it is the variant that will be discussed in our study.
This study is a comparison between the current standard practice of performing a transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR) with paracervical block (PCB) and a relatively recently developed technology of virtual reality that is added to the above mentioned standard practice of TVOR + PCB. The aim of the study is to find out whether this newer technology has an advantage for the patient, in terms of anxiety and pain reduction or satisfaction.
Children experience numerous painful experiences from nursing procedures: peripheral venous access placement is the main cause of procedural pain. As much as pharmacological and nonpharmacological tools are known, their application during venipuncture is not systematic by children's hospitals. Among pharmacological tools, the Equimolar Mixture of Nitrogen Protoxide and Oxygen (EMONO) provides adequate protection from procedural pain through inhalation of the gas mixture at least 3 minutes before the procedure. Literature reports that the combination of nonpharmacological distractive tools and pharmacological interventions increases their analgesic effect. The aim of the study is to measure children's cooperation during procedure (primary outcome), pain perception and side effects when EMONO is combined with audiovisuals compared with EMONO alone in peripheral venous access placement.