View clinical trials related to Trauma.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to evaluate Brain MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), and Brain CT (Computed Tomography) Angiogram data in subjects who participate in the "Hyperbaric Oxygen for Chronic Stable Brain Injury" (HYBOBI) study. Including information from MRI and CT studies provide information about whether hyperbaric oxygen improves brain function in subjects who have had a brain injury. Subjects will complete MR and CT scans twice during the study. The first MR and CT will be performed prior to the first hyperbaric session of the HYBOBI study, and the second will be performed within two weeks following the last hyperbaric session.
Each year, 110,000 English/Welsh patients are admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU). Many face prolonged disability as a result. Over two thirds have moderate-extreme limitation in their usual activity a year later, and one-third are severely affected, being unable to continue "most activities," or to live independently. Quite why known- but severe muscle wasting isn't may play an important role. We hope to find out, measuring the degree of wasting in patients, and seeking potential causes. We shall also address the mechanism of wasting, which may reflect an altered balance of activity in muscle growth pathways and those that break muscle down. We'll do this by collecting data, taking regular blood tests, scanning the leg muscles with an ultrasound machine, and analysing small muscle samples. In addition, we'll accurately and objectively measure how impaired these patients become, using specialist questionnaires, special monitoring equipment, simple walking tests and occasional special ('Cardio-Pulmonary') exercise tests. We'll try to see how badly activity is limited, and tease out whether muscle weakness plays a significant role in this. Finally, keeping muscles working (hard to do when unconscious/drowsy/bed-bound) may maintain muscle mass, so we'll see whether maintaining muscle activity using painless electrical stimulation will help.
Descriptive, prospective, multicenter evaluation of spleen injury treatment in the Languedoc Roussilon region according to trauma severity, morbi-mortality and length of hospitalization.
Traumatic brained injured (TBI) patients frequently suffered from glucocorticoid insufficiency that is associated with a raise in the rate of pneumonia. In a placebo-controlled, multi-center, double-blinded trial, treatment of glucocorticoid insufficiency (hydrocortisone associated with fludrocortisone) will be assessed for prevention of post trauma pneumonia in a population of severe TBI patients.
The intent of this study is to describe the proportion of trauma patients requiring oxygen before hospital arrival, the amount of oxygen they require, and whether or not the oxygen is beneficial to outcomes.
The purpose of this study is to look at red blood cell (RBC) transfusions in trauma patients and evaluate for any differences between the age of the RBCs and how they were stored. The investigators will specifically look for the following differences between study groups: 1. the transfused red blood cells' ability to delivery oxygen to the tissues 2. differences in biochemical markers in subjects and units transfused, and 3. how the subject's internal organs are working and if they develop any infections
This is a chart review of all trauma patients during the specified time period. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of resuscitation with hextend after trauma, in the adult population. The authors hypothesize that when compared to patients resuscitated with standard of care, resuscitation with Hextend will result in a mortality difference.
The purpose of this study is to improve performance, Stavanger University Hospital (SUH) reorganized key system structures and introduced in 2009 mandatory documentation of field Revised Trauma Score on trauma patients, tiered trauma team activation and new guidelines for field triage. Through a before and after study, the investigators aim to measure how the quality improvement initiative will influence structure, process and outcomes variables.
This study is an observational prospective pilot trial that utilizes finger cuff non invasive hemodynamic monitoring (NexfinHD Monitor) to assess 4 different groups (CHF/COPD, Trauma, Sepsis, Stroke) of patients on arrival to the Emergency Department and to document the changes seen in these hemodynamics with acute therapies.
In this retrospective study, the investigators evaluated the clinical and functional results of infected nonunion of the long bone with soft-tissue defects treated simultaneously with Ilizarov technique combining open dressing change in 22 patients. The investigators wanted to find out whether that the internal bone transport with external fixator combining open dressing change is a valuable method to treatment for those patients with infected bone nonunion and poor condition of the soft tissue such as sinus, skin defect.